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Holdings of Courts, Vacations, Holidays of Calcutta High Court[ Ch-3][CHOSR]


  1. Holdings of Courts on Original Side.– A Court for the exercise of the Original JurisdictionJurisdiction Authority by which courts receive and decide cases. Limited Jurisdiction: the authority over only particular types of cases, or cases under a prescribed amount in controversy, or seeking only certain types of relief, the District Court is a court of limited jurisdiction. Original Jurisdiction: Jurisdiction of the first court to hear a case. of the High Court on its several sides may be held before one or more Judges of the High Court.2. Vacations.– The vacations to be observed in the several Courts and offices of the High Court on its Original Side shall be three in every year, viz., the Easter, the Long and the Christmas vacations, and shall begin and end on such days as the Chief Justice may direct.Easter. – The Easter Vacation shall ordinarily commence on Good Friday and end on the following Friday, both days inclusive.Long. – The Long Vacation shall ordinarily commence on the last Friday in August, and end about seventy-two days thereafter, but whenever possible, without unduly prolonging the hot weather period between the Easter and the Long Vacation and without unduly shortening the period between the Long Vacation and Christmas, shall include Mohalaya, Durga, Lakshmi, and Kali Pujas, Bhratridwitya and Jagaddhatri Pujas and any Mahomedan holidays generally falling within the period of the Long Vacation.Christmas. – The Christmas Vacation shall ordinarily commence on the 23rd December and end on the 1st January.3. Close holidays. – Unless otherwise specially ordered by the Chief Justice, the Courts and Offices shall be open on everyday of the year except on Sundays and the following holidays and vacations:


Sri Panchami.

Fateha Doaz Daham.

Dol Jatra.

Chait Mahabishuba Sankranti.

Birthday of Mahatma Gandhi.

Independence Day.

RepublicRepublic Res publica. Having a head of the state. Pope is the head of the Vatican City state. The people execute their power through an Elected (direct/indirect) President. Political parties sponsored their presidential candidates. Indian president is a constitutional puppet under the ruling Cabinet. In the case of the appointment of  Indian judges, presidential power is a vanishing point. Day.




And during the Easter, Long and Christmas vacations (provision being made for urgent business).