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96. Al-Alaq – Meccan-1 Possibly first book of the Al Quran

The book of Clot Mass

In the name of GodGod People in most cultures believe in the existence of supernatural beings and other supernatural concepts. God is attributed to both anthropomorphic properties (“listens to prayers”) and non-anthropomorphic properties (“knows everything”). Conceptualizing God is associated with willingness to get the COVID-19 vaccine or Vaccine hesitancy. Pope requested people not to practice “Jesus is my vaccine”. For the Jewish, family (Avestan universal) god became national God:  I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob,”(ex 3:15).  See Ishwar. , the Gracious, the Merciful.

1. Read: In the Name of your Lord who created-[qraʾ bi-smi rabbika lladhī khalaq]

2. Created man from a clot. [khalaqa l-ʾinsāna min ʿalaqi]

3. Read: And your Lord is the Most Generous.[qraʾ wa-rabbuka l-ʾakram]

4. He who taught by the pen.

5. Taught man what he never knew.

6. In fact, man oversteps all bounds.

7. When he considers himself exempt.

8. But to your Lord is the return.

9. Have you seen him who prevents?

10. A servant when he prays?

11. Do you think he is upon guidance?

12. Or advocates righteousness?

13. Do you see how he disbelieved and turned away?

14. Does he not know that God sees?

15. No. If he does not desist, We will drag him by the forelock.

16. A deceitful, sinful forelock.

17. Let him call on his gang.

18. We will call the Guards.

19. No, do not obey him; but kneel down, and come near.