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Sanskrit Dictionary of Bhagavadgita[Gita]

Sanskrit Dictionary of Bhagavad Gita

॥ भगवद्गीता शब्दार्थसूची ॥

ॐ कार ( OMkAra) = the syllable om/ indication of the Supreme
अंश (ansha) = a part
अंशः (a.nshaH) = fragmental particle
अंशुमान् (a.nshumAn) = radiant sun
अंशेन (a.nshena) = part
अकर्तारं (akartAraM) = as the nondoer
अकर्तारं (akartAraM) = the nondoer
अकर्म (akarma) = inaction
अकर्मकृत् (akarmakR^it) = without doing something
अकर्मणः (akarmaNaH) = without work.
अकर्मणि (akarmaNi) = in inaction
अकर्मणि (akarmaNi) = in not doing prescribed duties.
अकल्मषं (akalmaShaM) = freed from all past sinful reactions.
अकारः (akAraH) = the first letter
अकार्य (akArya) = and forbidden activities
अकार्यं (akAryaM) = what ought not to be done
अकार्ये (akArye) = and what ought not to be done
अकीर्ति (akIrti) = infamy
अकीर्तिं (akIrtiM) = infamy
अकीर्तिः (akIrtiH) = ill fame
अकुर्वत (akurvata) = did they do
अकुशलं (akushalaM) = inauspicious
अकृतबुद्धित्वात् (akR^itabuddhitvAt) = due to unintelligence
अकृतात्मानः (akR^itAtmAnaH) = those without self-realization
अकृतेन (akR^itena) = without discharge of duty
अकृत्स्नविदाः (akR^itsnavidAH) = persons with a poor
fund of knowledge
अक्रियाः (akriyAH) = without duty.
अक्रोधः (akrodhaH) = freedom from anger
अक्लेद्यः (akledyaH) = insoluble
अखिलं (akhilaM) = in totality
अखिलं (akhilaM) = entirely.
अखिलं (akhilaM) = entirely
अगत (agata) = not past
अग्नि (agni) = by the fire
अग्निः (agniH) = fire
अग्निषु (agniShu) = in the fires
अग्नौ (agnau) = in the fire of consummation
अग्नौ (agnau) = in the fire of
अग्नौ (agnau) = in the fire
अग्नौ (agnau) = in fire
अग्रं (agraM) = at the tip
अग्रे (agre) = in the beginning
अघं (aghaM) = grievous sins
अघायुः (aghAyuH) = whose life is full of sins
अङ्गानि (aN^gAni) = limbs
अचरं (acharaM) = and not moving
अचरं (acharaM) = not moving
अचरस्य (acharasya) = and nonmoving
अचलं (achalaM) = immovable
अचलं (achalaM) = unmoving
अचलं (achalaM) = steady
अचलः (achalaH) = immovable
अचलप्रतिष्ठं (achalapratiShThaM) = steadily situated
अचला (achalA) = unflinching
अचलेन (achalena) = without its being deviated
अचापलं (achApalaM) = determination
अचिन्त्य (achintya) = inconceivable
अचिन्त्यं (achintyaM) = inconceivable
अचिन्त्यः (achintyaH) = inconceivable
अचिरेण (achireNa) = very soon
अचेतसः (achetasaH) = without KRiShNa consciousness.
अचेतसः (achetasaH) = having a misled mentality
अचेतसः (achetasaH) = having undeveloped minds.
अच्छेद्यः (achChedyaH) = unbreakable
अच्युत (achyuta) = O infallible one
अच्युत (achyuta) = O infallible KRiShNa
अजं (ajaM) = unborn
अजः (ajaH) = unborn
अजस्रं (ajasraM) = forever
अजानता (ajAnatA) = without knowing
अजानन्तः (ajAnantaH) = without knowing
अजानन्तः (ajAnantaH) = without spiritual knowledge
अजानन्तः (ajAnantaH) = not knowing
अणीयांसं (aNIyA.nsaM) = smaller
अणोः (aNoH) = than the atom
अत ऊर्ध्वं (ata UrdhvaM) = thereafter
अतः परं (ataH paraM) = hereafter.
अतः (ataH) = therefore
अतः (ataH) = from this
अतत्त्वार्थवत् (atattvArthavat) = without knowledge of reality
अतन्द्रितः (atandritaH) = with great care
अतपस्काय (atapaskAya) = to one who is not austere
अति मानिता (ati mAnitA) = expectation of honor
अति (ati) = greatly
अति (ati) = too much
अति (ati) = too
अतितरन्ति (atitaranti) = transcend
अतिरिच्यते (atirichyate) = becomes more.
अतिवर्तते (ativartate) = transcends.
अतीतः (atItaH) = transcendental
अतीतः (atItaH) = surpassed
अतीतः (atItaH) = having transcended
अतीत्य (atItya) = transcending
अतीन्द्रियं (atIndriyaM) = transcendental
अतीव (atIva) = very, very
अत्यन्तं (atyantaM) = the highest
अत्यर्थं (atyarthaM) = highly
अत्यागिनां (atyAginAM) = for those who are not renounced
अत्युष्ण (atyuShNa) = very hot
अत्येति (atyeti) = surpasses
अत्र (atra) = in this matter
अत्र (atra) = in this
अत्र (atra) = here
अथ (atha) = also
अथ (atha) = if, therefore
अथ (atha) = if, however
अथ (atha) = even though
अथ (atha) = then
अथ (atha) = thereupon
अथ (atha) = therefore
अथ (atha) = but
अथवा (athavA) = or
अथौ (athau) = or in other words
अदम्भित्वं (adambhitvaM) = pridelessness
अदर्शः (adarshaH) = mirror
अदक्षिणं (adakShiNaM) = with no remunerations to the priests
अदाह्यः (adAhyaH) = unable to be burned
अदृष्ट (adR^iShTa) = that you have not seen
अदृष्टपूर्वं (adR^iShTapUrvaM) = never seen before
अदेश (adesha) = at an unpurified place
अद्भुत (adbhuta) = wonderful
अद्भुतं (adbhutaM) = wonderful
अद्य (adya) = today
अद्रोहः (adrohaH) = freedom from envy
अद्वेष्टा (adveShTA) = nonenvious
अधः (adhaH) = downward
अधः (adhaH) = downwards
अधः (adhaH) = down
अधमां (adhamAM) = condemned
अधर्म (adharma) = irreligion
अधर्मं (adharmaM) = irreligion
अधर्मः (adharmaH) = irreligion
अधर्मस्य (adharmasya) = of irreligion
अधिकं (adhikaM) = more
अधिकः (adhikaH) = greater
अधिकतरः (adhikataraH) = very much
अधिकारः (adhikAraH) = right
अधिगच्छति (adhigachChati) = attains.
अधिगच्छति (adhigachChati) = is promoted.
अधिगच्छति (adhigachChati) = one attains.
अधिगच्छति (adhigachChati) = does attain.
अधिदैवं (adhidaivaM) = governing all the demigods
अधिदैवं (adhidaivaM) = the demigods
अधिदैवतं (adhidaivataM) = called adhidaiva
अधिभूतं (adhibhUtaM) = the physical manifestation
अधिभूतं (adhibhUtaM) = the material manifestation
अधियज्ञः (adhiyaj~naH) = the Supersoul
अधियज्ञः (adhiyaj~naH) = the Lord of sacrifice
अधिष्ठानं (adhiShThAnaM) = the place
अधिष्ठानं (adhiShThAnaM) = sitting place
अधिष्ठाय (adhiShThAya) = being situated in
अधिष्ठाय (adhiShThAya) = being so situated
अध्ययनैः (adhyayanaiH) = or Vedic study
अध्यक्षेण (adhyakSheNa) = by superintendence
अध्यात्म (adhyAtma) = in spiritual knowledge
अध्यात्म (adhyAtma) = with full knowledge of the self
अध्यात्म (adhyAtma) = pertaining to the self
अध्यात्म (adhyAtma) = spiritual
अध्यात्मं (adhyAtmaM) = transcendental
अध्यात्मं (adhyAtmaM) = the self
अध्यात्मविद्या (adhyAtmavidyA) = spiritual knowledge
अध्येष्यते (adhyeShyate) = will study
अध्रुवं (adhruvaM) = temporary.
अनघ (anagha) = O sinless one.
अनघ (anagha) = O sinless one
अनन्त (ananta) = unlimited
अनन्त (ananta) = O unlimited
अनन्तं (anantaM) = unlimited
अनन्तः (anantaH) = Ananta
अनन्तरं (anantaraM) = thereafter.
अनन्तरूप (anantarUpa) = O unlimited form.
अनन्तरूपं (anantarUpaM) = unlimited form
अनन्तविजयं (anantavijayaM) = the conch named Ananta-vijaya
अनन्तवीर्या (anantavIryA) = unlimited potency
अनन्ताः (anantAH) = unlimited
अनन्यचेताः (ananyachetAH) = without deviation of the mind
अनन्यभाक् (ananyabhAk) = without deviation
अनन्यमनसः (ananyamanasaH) = without deviation of the mind
अनन्यया (ananyayA) = unalloyed, undeviating
अनन्यया (ananyayA) = without being mixed with fruitive
activities or speculative knowledge
अनन्ययोगेन (ananyayogena) = by unalloyed devotional service
अनन्याः (ananyAH) = having no other object
अनन्येन (ananyena) = without division
अनपेक्षः (anapekShaH) = neutral
अनपेक्ष्य (anapekShya) = without considering the consequences
अनभिश्वङ्गः (anabhishvaN^gaH) = being without association
अनभिसन्धाय (anabhisandhAya) = without desiring
अनभिस्नेहः (anabhisnehaH) = without affection
अनयोः (anayoH) = of them
अनलः (analaH) = fire
अनलेन (analena) = by the fire
अनवलोकयान् (anavalokayAn) = not looking
अनवाप्तं (anavAptaM) = wanted
अनश्नतः (anashnataH) = abstaining from eating
अनसुयवे (anasuyave) = to the nonenvious
अनसूयः (anasUyaH) = not envious
अनसूयन्तः (anasUyantaH) = without envy
अनहंवादि (anaha.nvAdi) = without false ego
अनहङ्कारः (anahaN^kAraH) = being without false egoism
अनात्मनः (anAtmanaH) = of one who has failed to control the mind
अनादि (anAdi) = without beginning
अनादि (anAdi) = beginningless
अनादिं (anAdiM) = without beginning
अनादित्वात् (anAditvAt) = due to eternity
अनामयं (anAmayaM) = without any sinful reaction
अनामयं (anAmayaM) = without miseries.
अनारम्भात् (anArambhAt) = by nonperformance
अनार्य (anArya) = persons who do not know the value of life
अनावृत्तिं (anAvR^ittiM) = to no return
अनावृत्तिं (anAvR^ittiM) = no return
अनाशिनः (anAshinaH) = never to be destroyed
अनाश्रितः (anAshritaH) = without taking shelter
अनिकेतः (aniketaH) = having no residence
अनिच्छन् (anichChan) = without desiring
अनित्यं (anityaM) = temporary
अनित्यः (anityaH) = nonpermanent
अनिर्देश्यं (anirdeshyaM) = indefinite
अनिर्विण्णचेतस (anirviNNachetasa) = without deviation
अनिष्ट (aniShTa) = and undesirable
अनिष्टं (aniShTaM) = leading to hell
अनीश्वरं (anIshvaraM) = with no controller
अनुकम्पार्थं (anukampArthaM) = to show special mercy
अनुचिन्तयन् (anuchintayan) = constantly thinking of.
अनुतिष्ठन्ति (anutiShThanti) = execute regularly
अनुतिष्ठन्ति (anutiShThanti) = regularly perform
अनुत्तमं (anuttamaM) = the finest.
अनुत्तमां (anuttamAM) = the highest
अनुदर्शनं (anudarshanaM) = observing
अनुद्विग्नमनाः (anudvignamanAH) = without being agitated in mind
अनुद्वेगकरं (anudvegakaraM) = not agitating
अनुपकारिणे (anupakAriNe) = irrespective of return
अनुपश्यति (anupashyati) = one tries to see through authority
अनुपश्यति (anupashyati) = sees properly
अनुपश्यन्ति (anupashyanti) = can see
अनुपश्यामि (anupashyAmi) = do I foresee
अनुप्रपन्नाः (anuprapannAH) = following
अनुबन्धं (anubandhaM) = of future bondage
अनुबन्धीनि (anubandhIni) = bound
अनुबन्धे (anubandhe) = at the end
अनुमन्ता (anumantA) = permitter
अनुरज्यते (anurajyate) = is becoming attached
अनुलेपनं (anulepanaM) = smeared with
अनुवर्तते (anuvartate) = follows in the footsteps.
अनुवर्तन्ते (anuvartante) = would follow
अनुवर्तन्ते (anuvartante) = follow
अनुवर्तयति (anuvartayati) = adopt
अनुविधीयते (anuvidhIyate) = becomes constantly engaged
अनुशासितारं (anushAsitAraM) = the controller
अनुशुश्रुम (anushushruma) = I have heard by disciplic succession.
अनुशोचन्ति (anushochanti) = lament
अनुशोचितुं (anushochituM) = to lament
अनुषज्जते (anuShajjate) = one necessarily engages
अनुषज्जते (anuShajjate) = becomes attached
अनुसन्ततानि (anusantatAni) = extended
अनुस्मर (anusmara) = go on remembering
अनुस्मरन् (anusmaran) = remembering
अनुस्मरेत् (anusmaret) = always thinks of
अनेक (aneka) = after many, many
अनेक (aneka) = numerous
अनेक (aneka) = many
अनेक (aneka) = various
अनेकधा (anekadhA) = into many
अनेन (anena) = with these
अनेन (anena) = this
अनेन (anena) = by this sacrifice
अनेन (anena) = by this
अन्त (anta) = end
अन्तं (antaM) = or end
अन्तं (antaM) = the end
अन्तः (antaH) = a limit
अन्तः (antaH) = inside
अन्तः (antaH) = within
अन्तः (antaH) = end
अन्तः (antaH) = conclusion
अन्तः (antaH) = limit
अन्तःस्थानि (antaHsthAni) = within
अन्तकाले (antakAle) = at the end of life
अन्तगतं (antagataM) = completely eradicated
अन्तरं (antaraM) = the difference
अन्तरं (antaraM) = between
अन्तरात्मना (antarAtmanA) = within himself
अन्तरारामः (antarArAmaH) = actively enjoying within
अन्तरे (antare) = between
अन्तर्ज्योतिः (antarjyotiH) = aiming within
अन्तर्सुखः (antarsukhaH) = happy from within
अन्तवत् (antavat) = perishable
अन्तवन्तः (antavantaH) = perishable
अन्तिके (antike) = near
अन्ते (ante) = at the end
अन्ते (ante) = after
अन्न (anna) = of food grains
अन्नं (annaM) = foodstuff
अन्नात् (annAt) = from grains
अन्य (anya) = of other
अन्य (anya) = to other
अन्यं (anyaM) = other
अन्यः (anyaH) = another
अन्यः (anyaH) = other
अन्यः (anyaH) = the other
अन्यत् किञ्चित् (anyat ki~nchit) = anything else
अन्यत् (anyat) = any other
अन्यत् (anyat) = anything else
अन्यत् (anyat) = anything more
अन्यत् (anyat) = other
अन्यत् (anyat) = there is no other cause
अन्यत्र (anyatra) = otherwise
अन्यथा (anyathA) = other.
अन्यया (anyayA) = by the other
अन्यां (anyAM) = another
अन्यान् (anyAn) = others
अन्यानि (anyAni) = different
अन्यायेन (anyAyena) = illegally
अन्ये (anye) = others
अन्येन (anyena) = by another
अन्येभ्यः (anyebhyaH) = from others
अन्वशोचः (anvashochaH) = you are lamenting
अन्विच्छ (anvichCha) = try for
अन्विताः (anvitAH) = absorbed
अन्विताः (anvitAH) = impelled
अन्विताः (anvitAH) = possessed of
अपनुद्यात् (apanudyAt) = can drive away
अपमानयोः (apamAnayoH) = and dishonor.
अपमानयोः (apamAnayoH) = and dishonor
अपरं (aparaM) = any other
अपरं (aparaM) = junior
अपरस्पर (aparaspara) = without cause
अपरा (aparA) = inferior
अपराजितः (aparAjitaH) = who had never been vanquished
अपराणि (aparANi) = others
अपरान् (aparAn) = others
अपरिग्रहः (aparigrahaH) = free from the feeling of possessiveness.
अपरिमेयं (aparimeyaM) = immeasurable
अपरिहार्ये (aparihArye) = of that which is unavoidable
अपरे (apare) = others.
अपरे (apare) = others
अपरे (apare) = some others
अपर्याप्तं (aparyAptaM) = immeasurable
अपलायनं (apalAyanaM) = not fleeing
अपश्यत् (apashyat) = could see
अपश्यत् (apashyat) = he could see
अपहृत (apahR^ita) = stolen
अपहृतचेतसां (apahR^itachetasAM) = bewildered in mind
अपात्रेभ्यः (apAtrebhyaH) = to unworthy persons
अपान (apAna) = and the air going downward
अपान (apAna) = the down-going air
अपानं (apAnaM) = the air going downward
अपाने (apAne) = in the air which acts downward
अपायिनः (apAyinaH) = disappearing
अपावृतं (apAvR^itaM) = wide open
अपि (api) = again
अपि (api) = although apparently different
अपि (api) = although there is
अपि (api) = although
अपि (api) = also.
अपि (api) = as well as
अपि (api) = in spite of
अपि (api) = including.
अपि (api) = indeed
अपि (api) = even if
अपि (api) = even
अपि (api) = over and above
अपि (api) = certainly
अपि (api) = though
अपि (api) = but
अपि (api) = may be
अपि (api) = verily
अपुनरावृत्तिं (apunaravRittiM) = to liberation
अपृथिव्योः (apR^ithivyoH) = to the earth
अपैशुनं (apaishunaM) = aversion to fault-finding
अपोहनं (apohanaM) = forgetfulness
अप्ययौ (apyayau) = disappearance
अप्रकाशः (aprakAshaH) = darkness
अप्रतिमप्रभाव (apratimaprabhAva) = O immeasurable power.
अप्रतिष्ठं (apratiShThaM) = without foundation
अप्रतिष्ठः (apratiShThaH) = without any position
अप्रतीकारं (apratIkAraM) = without being resistant
अप्रदाय (apradAya) = without offering
अप्रमेयं (aprameyaM) = immeasurable.
अप्रमेयस्य (aprameyasya) = immeasurable
अप्रवृत्तिः (apravR^ittiH) = inactivity
अप्राप्य (aprApya) = without achieving
अप्राप्य (aprApya) = without obtaining
अप्राप्य (aprApya) = failing to attain
अप्रियं (apriyaM) = the unpleasant
अप्रियः (apriyaH) = and the undesirable
अप्सु (apsu) = in water
अफलप्रेप्सुना (aphalaprepsunA) = by one without desire for fruitive result
अफलाकाङ्क्षिभिः (aphalAkAN^kShibhiH) = who are without desires for fruits
अफलाकाङ्क्षिभिः (aphalAkAN^kShibhiH) = by those devoid of desire for result
अबुद्धयः (abuddhayaH) = less intelligent persons
अब्रवीत् (abravIt) = said.
अब्रवीत् (abravIt) = spoke.
अभक्ताय (abhaktAya) = to one who is not a devotee
अभयं (abhayaM) = fearlessness
अभये (abhaye) = and fearlessness
अभवत् (abhavat) = became.
अभावः (abhAvaH) = changing quality
अभावः (abhAvaH) = death
अभावयतः (abhAvayataH) = of one who is not fixed
अभाषत (abhAShata) = began to speak.
अभिक्रम (abhikrama) = in endeavoring
अभिजनवान् (abhijanavAn) = surrounded by aristocratic relatives
अभिजातः (abhijAtaH) = born of
अभिजातस्य (abhijAtasya) = of one who is born of
अभिजानन्ति (abhijAnanti) = they know
अभिजानाति (abhijAnAti) = one can know
अभिजानाति (abhijAnAti) = can understand
अभिजानाति (abhijAnAti) = does know
अभिजायते (abhijAyate) = takes his birth.
अभिजायते (abhijAyate) = becomes manifest.
अभितः (abhitaH) = assured in the near future
अभिधास्यति (abhidhAsyati) = explains
अभिधीयते (abhidhIyate) = is indicated.
अभिधीयते (abhidhIyate) = is called
अभिधीयते (abhidhIyate) = is said.
अभिनन्दती (abhinandatI) = praises
अभिप्रवृत्तः (abhipravR^ittaH) = being fully engaged
अभिभवति (abhibhavati) = transforms
अभिभवात् (abhibhavAt) = having become predominant
अभिभूय (abhibhUya) = surpassing
अभिमनः (abhimanaH) = conceit
अभिमुखाः (abhimukhAH) = towards
अभियुक्तानां (abhiyuktAnAM) = fixed in devotion
अभिरतः (abhirataH) = following
अभिरक्षन्तु (abhirakShantu) = should give support
अभिरक्षितं (abhirakShitaM) = carefully protected.
अभिरक्षितं (abhirakShitaM) = perfectly protected
अभिविज्वलन्ति (abhivijvalanti) = and are blazing.
अभिसन्धाय (abhisandhAya) = desiring
अभिहिता (abhihitA) = described
अभ्यधिकः (abhyadhikaH) = greater
अभ्यनुनादयन् (abhyanunAdayan) = resounding.
अभ्यर्च्य (abhyarchya) = by worshiping
अभ्यसनं (abhyasanaM) = practice
अभ्यसूयकाः (abhyasUyakAH) = envious.
अभ्यसूयति (abhyasUyati) = is envious.
अभ्यसूयन्तः (abhyasUyantaH) = out of envy
अभ्यहन्यन्त (abhyahanyanta) = were simultaneously sounded
अभ्यासयोग (abhyAsayoga) = by practice
अभ्यासयोगेन (abhyAsayogena) = by the practice of devotional service
अभ्यासात् (abhyAsAt) = than practice
अभ्यासात् (abhyAsAt) = by practice
अभ्यासे (abhyAse) = in practice
अभ्यासेन (abhyAsena) = by practice
अभ्युत्थानं (abhyutthAnaM) = predominance
अभ्रं (abhraM) = cloud
अमर्ष (amarSha) = distress
अमलान् (amalAn) = pure
अमानित्वं (amAnitvaM) = humility
अमितविक्रमः (amitavikramaH) = and unlimited force
अमी (amI) = all these
अमी (amI) = all those
अमी (amI) = these
अमुत्र (amutra) = in the next life
अमूढाः (amUDhAH) = unbewildered
अमृत (amR^ita) = nectar
अमृतं (amR^itaM) = immortality
अमृतं (amR^itaM) = nectar.
अमृतं (amR^itaM) = nectar
अमृतत्त्वाय (amR^itattvAya) = for liberation
अमृतभुजः (amR^itabhujaH) = those who have tasted such nectar
अमृतस्य (amR^itasya) = of the immortal
अमृतोद्भवं (amR^itodbhavaM) = produced from the churning of the ocean
अमृतोपमं (amR^itopamaM) = just like nectar
अमेध्यं (amedhyaM) = untouchable
अम्बर (ambara) = dresses
अम्बुवेगाः (ambuvegAH) = waves of the waters
अम्भसा (ambhasA) = by the water.
अम्भसि (ambhasi) = on the water.
अयं (ayaM) = in this
अयं (ayaM) = one
अयं (ayaM) = this soulSoul Abraham, having wept a short time over his wife’s body, soon rose up from the corpse; thinking, as it should seem, that to mourn any longer would be inconsistent with that wisdom by which he had been taught that he was not to look upon death as the extinction of the soul, but rather as a separation and disjunction of it from the body, returning back to the region from whence it came; and it came, from God. (Philo) न जायते म्रियते वा कदाचिन्-नायं भूत्वा भविता वा न भूयः-अजो नित्यः शाश्वतोयं पुराणो-न हन्यते हन्यमाने शरीरे (Gita 2.20 )
अयं (ayaM) = this
अयं (ayaM) = these
अयं (ayaM) = he
अयतिः (ayatiH) = the unsuccessful transcendentalist
अयथावत् (ayathAvat) = imperfectly
अयनेषु (ayaneShu) = in the strategic points
अयशः (ayashaH) = infamy
अयज्ञस्य (ayaj~nasya) = for one who performs no sacrifice
अयुक्तः (ayuktaH) = one who is not in KRiShNa consciousness
अयुक्तः (ayuktaH) = not referring to the scriptural injunctions
अयुक्तस्य (ayuktasya) = of one who is not connected (with KRiShNa consciousness)
अयुक्तस्य (ayuktasya) = of one devoid of KRiShNa consciousness
अयोगतः (ayogataH) = without devotional service
अरतिः (aratiH) = being without attachment
अरागद्वेषतः (arAgadveShataH) = without love or hatred
अरि (ari) = and enemies
अरि (ari) = enemies
अरिसूदन (arisUdana) = O killer of the enemies.
अर्क (arka) = of the sun
अर्चितुं (archituM) = to worship
अर्जुन उवाच (arjuna uvAcha) = Arjuna said
अर्जुन (arjuna) = O Arjuna.
अर्जुन (arjuna) = O Arjuna
अर्जुनं (arjunaM) = unto Arjuna
अर्जुनः (arjunaH) = Arjuna
अर्जुनयोः (arjunayoH) = and Arjuna
अर्थ (artha) = of wealth
अर्थ (artha) = gain
अर्थ (artha) = purpose
अर्थ (artha) = for the object
अर्थं (arthaM) = for the purpose of
अर्थं (arthaM) = for the sake of
अर्थं (arthaM) = for the sake
अर्थः (arthaH) = is meant
अर्थः (arthaH) = purpose
अर्थन् (arthan) = and economic development
अर्थार्थी (arthArthI) = one who desires material gain
अर्थियं (arthiyaM) = meant
अर्थे (arthe) = in the matter
अर्थे (arthe) = for the sake
अर्पणं (arpaNaM) = as an offering.
अर्पणं (arpaNaM) = contribution
अर्पित (arpita) = engaged
अर्पित (arpita) = surrendering
अर्यमा (aryamA) = Aryama
अर्हति (arhati) = is able.
अर्हसि (arhasi) = deserve.
अर्हसि (arhasi) = you deserve.
अर्हसि (arhasi) = you deserve
अर्हसि (arhasi) = you should.
अर्हसि (arhasi) = You are requested
अर्हसि (arhasi) = You deserve
अर्हसि (arhasi) = You should
अलसः (alasaH) = lazy
अलस्य (alasya) = indolence
अलोलुप्त्वं (aloluptvaM) = freedom from greed
अल्पं (alpaM) = very meager
अल्पबुद्धयः (alpabuddhayaH) = the less intelligent
अल्पमेधसां (alpamedhasAM) = of those of small intelligence
अवगच्छ (avagachCha) = must know
अवगमं (avagamaM) = understood
अवजानन्ति (avajAnanti) = deride
अवतिष्ठति (avatiShThati) = remains
अवतिष्ठते (avatiShThate) = becomes established.
अवतिष्ठते (avatiShThate) = becomes situated
अवध्यः (avadhyaH) = cannot be killed
अवनिपाल (avanipAla) = of warrior kings
अवरं (avaraM) = abominable
अवशः (avashaH) = involuntarily
अवशः (avashaH) = automatically
अवशः (avashaH) = helplessly
अवशिष्यते (avashiShyate) = remains.
अवष्टभ्य (avaShTabhya) = accepting
अवष्टभ्य (avaShTabhya) = entering into
अवसं (avasaM) = automatically
अवसादयेत् (avasAdayet) = put into degradation
अवस्थातुं (avasthAtuM) = to stay
अवस्थितं (avasthitaM) = situated
अवस्थितः (avasthitaH) = situated.
अवस्थितः (avasthitaH) = situated
अवस्थिताः (avasthitAH) = are situated
अवस्थिताः (avasthitAH) = situated
अवस्थितान् (avasthitAn) = arrayed on the battlefield
अवस्थितान् (avasthitAn) = situated
अवहासार्थं (avahAsArthaM) = for joking
अवज्ञातं (avaj~nAtaM) = without proper attention
अवाच्य (avAchya) = unkind
अवाप्तव्यं (avAptavyaM) = to be gained
अवाप्तुं (avAptuM) = to achieve
अवाप्नोति (avApnoti) = achieves
अवाप्नोति (avApnoti) = one achieves
अवाप्नोति (avApnoti) = gets
अवाप्य (avApya) = achieving
अवाप्यते (avApyate) = is achieved.
अवाप्स्यथ (avApsyatha) = you will achieve.
अवाप्स्यसि (avApsyasi) = will gain.
अवाप्स्यसि (avApsyasi) = you will achieve.
अवाप्स्यसि (avApsyasi) = you will gain.
अविकल्पेन (avikalpena) = without division
अविकार्यः (avikAryaH) = unchangeable
अविद्वांसः (avidvA.nsaH) = the ignorant
अविधिपूर्वकं (avidhipUrvakaM) = in a wrong way.
अविधिपूर्वकं (avidhipUrvakaM) = without following any rule
and regulations.
अविनश्यन्तं (avinashyantaM) = not destroyed
अविनाशि (avinAshi) = imperishable
अविनाशिनं (avinAshinaM) = indestructible
अविपश्चितः (avipashchitaH) = men with a poor fund of knowledge
अविभक्तं (avibhaktaM) = undivided
अविभक्तं (avibhaktaM) = without division
अविज्ञेयं (avij~neyaM) = unknowable
अवेक्षे (avekShe) = let me see
अवेक्ष्य (avekShya) = considering
अव्यक्त (avyakta) = to the unmanifested
अव्यक्त (avyakta) = the unmanifest
अव्यक्त (avyakta) = nonmanifested
अव्यक्तं (avyaktaM) = unmanifested
अव्यक्तं (avyaktaM) = the unmanifested
अव्यक्तं (avyaktaM) = nonmanifested
अव्यक्तः (avyaktaH) = invisible
अव्यक्तः (avyaktaH) = unmanifested
अव्यक्तः (avyaktaH) = unmanifest
अव्यक्तमूर्तिना (avyaktamUrtinA) = by the unmanifested form
अव्यक्ता (avyaktA) = toward the unmanifested
अव्यक्तात् (avyaktAt) = to the unmanifest
अव्यक्तात् (avyaktAt) = from the unmanifest
अव्यक्तादीनि (avyaktAdIni) = in the beginning unmanifested
अव्यभिचारिणी (avyabhichAriNI) = without any break
अव्यभिचारिण्या (avyabhichAriNyA) = without any break
अव्यभिचारेण (avyabhichAreNa) = without fail
अव्यय (avyaya) = without deterioration
अव्ययं (avyayaM) = inexaustible.
अव्ययं (avyayaM) = imperishable.
अव्ययं (avyayaM) = imperishable
अव्ययं (avyayaM) = immutable
अव्ययं (avyayaM) = unchangeable.
अव्ययं (avyayaM) = eternal.
अव्ययं (avyayaM) = eternal
अव्ययं (avyayaM) = everlasting.
अव्ययं (avyayaM) = forever
अव्ययः (avyayaH) = inexaustible
अव्ययस्य (avyayasya) = of the imperishable
अव्यवसायिनां (avyavasAyinAM) = not clarified mingd
अशक्तः (ashaktaH) = unable
अशमः (ashamaH) = uncontrollable
अशयात् (ashayAt) = from their source.
अशस्त्रं (ashastraM) = without being fully equipped
अशान्तस्य (ashAntasya) = of the unpeaceful
अशाश्वतं (ashAshvataM) = temporary
अशास्त्र (ashAstra) = not in the scriptures
अशुचि (ashuchi) = to the unclean
अशुचिः (ashuchiH) = unclean
अशुचौ (ashuchau) = unclean.
अशुभ (ashubha) = and inauspicious
अशुभ (ashubha) = and the inauspicious
अशुभं (ashubhaM) = evil
अशुभात् (ashubhAt) = from ill fortune.
अशुभात् (ashubhAt) = from this miserable material existence.
अशुभान् (ashubhAn) = inauspicious
अशुश्रूषवे (ashushrUShave) = to one who is not engage in devotional service
अशेषतः (asheShataH) = altogether
अशेषतः (asheShataH) = in full
अशेषतः (asheShataH) = completely
अशेषाणि (asheShANi) = all
अशेषेण (asheSheNa) = in detail
अशेषेण (asheSheNa) = fully
अशोच्यान् (ashochyAn) = not worthy of lamentation
अशोष्यः (ashoShyaH) = not able to be dried
अश्नतः (ashnataH) = of one who eats
अश्नन् (ashnan) = eating
अश्नन्ति (ashnanti) = enjoy
अश्नामि (ashnAmi) = accept
अश्नासि (ashnAsi) = you eat
अश्नुते (ashnute) = achieves
अश्नुते (ashnute) = attains.
अश्नुते (ashnute) = enjoys.
अश्नुते (ashnute) = one tastes
अश्नुते (ashnute) = he enjoys.
अश्म (ashma) = stone
अश्रद्दधानः (ashraddadhAnaH) = without faith in revealed scriptures
अश्रद्दधानाः (ashraddadhAnAH) = those who are faithless
अश्रद्धया (ashraddhayA) = without faith
अश्रूपूर्णाकुल (ashrUpUrNAkula) = full of tears
अश्रौषं (ashrauShaM) = have heard
अश्वत्थं (ashvatthaM) = a banyan tree
अश्वत्थं (ashvatthaM) = banyan tree
अश्वत्थः (ashvatthaH) = the banyan tree
अश्वत्थामा (ashvatthAmA) = Asvatthama
अश्वानां (ashvAnAM) = among horses
अश्विनौ (ashvinau) = the Asvini-kumaras
अश्विनौ (ashvinau) = the two Asvinis
अष्टधा (aShTadhA) = eightfold.
असंन्यस्त (asa.nnyasta) = without giving up
असंयता (asa.nyatA) = unbridled
असंशयं (asa.nshayaM) = undoubtedly
असंशयं (asa.nshayaM) = without doubt
असंशयः (asa.nshayaH) = without doubt.
असंशयः (asa.nshayaH) = beyond a doubt.
असक्त (asakta) = attached
असक्तं (asaktaM) = without attachment
असक्तं (asaktaM) = without attraction
असक्तः (asaktaH) = unattached
असक्तः (asaktaH) = without attachment
असक्तबुद्धिः (asaktabuddhiH) = having unattached intelligence
असक्तात्मा (asaktAtmA) = one who is not attached
असक्तिः (asaktiH) = being without attachment
असङ्गशस्त्रेण (asaN^gashastreNa) = by the weapon of detachment
असत् (asat) = effect
असत् (asat) = nonpermanent
असत् (asat) = matter
असत् (asat) = false
असतः (asataH) = of the nonexistent
असत्कृतं (asatkR^itaM) = without respect
असत्कृतः (asatkR^itaH) = dishonored
असत्यं (asatyaM) = unreal
असपत्नं (asapatnaM) = without rival
असमर्थः (asamarthaH) = unable
असम्मूढः (asammUDhaH) = undeluded
असम्मूढः (asammUDhaH) = without a doubt
असम्मूढाः (asammUDhAH) = unbewildered
असम्मोहः (asammohaH) = freedom from doubt
असि (asi) = you are
असि (asi) = You are to be remembered
असि (asi) = You are
असि (asi) = You have been
असितः (asitaH) = Asita
असिद्ध्योः (asiddhyoH) = and failure
असिद्धौ (asiddhau) = failure
असुखं (asukhaM) = full of miseries
असुर (asura) = the demons
असून् (asUn) = life
असृष्टान्नं (asR^iShTAnnaM) = without distribution of prasAdam
असौ (asau) = that
अस्ति (asti) = is
अस्ति (asti) = there is
अस्तु (astu) = there should be
अस्तु (astu) = let it be
अस्तु (astu) = let there be
अस्थिरं (asthiraM) = unsteady
अस्मदीयैः (asmadIyaiH) = our
अस्माकं (asmAkaM) = our
अस्माकं (asmAkaM) = of ours
अस्मात् (asmAt) = these
अस्मान् (asmAn) = us
अस्माभिः (asmAbhiH) = by us
अस्मि (asmi) = I am
अस्मिन् (asmin) = in this
अस्मिन् (asmin) = this
अस्य (asya) = of it
अस्य (asya) = of this tree
अस्य (asya) = of this lust
अस्य (asya) = of this
अस्य (asya) = of the living entity
अस्य (asya) = of him
अस्य (asya) = this
अस्य (asya) = his
अस्यां (asyAM) = in this
अस्वर्ग्यं (asvargyaM) = which does not lead to higher planets
अह (aha) = said
अहं (ahaM) = I (KRiShNa)
अहं (ahaM) = I am.
अहं (ahaM) = I am
अहः (ahaH) = of daytime
अहः (ahaH) = day
अहङ्कार (ahaN^kAra) = and egoism
अहङ्कारं (ahaN^kAraM) = of false ego
अहङ्कारविमूढ (ahaN^kAravimUDha) = bewildered by false ego
अहङ्कारात् (ahaN^kArAt) = by false ego
अहङ्कृतः (ahaN^kR^itaH) = of false ego
अहत्वा (ahatvA) = not killing
अहरागमे (aharAgame) = at the beginning of the day
अहिंसा (ahi.nsA) = nonviolence
अहिताः (ahitAH) = unbeneficial.
अहिताः (ahitAH) = enemies
अहैतुकं (ahaitukaM) = without cause
अहो (aho) = alas
अहोरात्र (ahorAtra) = day and night
अक्षयं (akShayaM) = unlimited
अक्षयः (akShayaH) = eternal
अक्षर (akShara) = from the Supreme Brahman (Personality of Godhead)
अक्षरं (akSharaM) = indestructible
अक्षरं (akSharaM) = that which is beyond the perception of the senses
अक्षरं (akSharaM) = the infallible
अक्षरं (akSharaM) = beyond the senses
अक्षरं (akSharaM) = syllable om
अक्षरः (akSharaH) = infallible
अक्षराणां (akSharANAM) = of letters
अक्षरात् (akSharAt) = beyond the infallible
अक्षि (akShi) = eyes
अज्ञः (aj~naH) = a fool who has no knowledge in standard scriptures
अज्ञान (aj~nAna) = of ignorance
अज्ञान (aj~nAna) = by ignorance
अज्ञानं (aj~nAnaM) = ignorance
अज्ञानं (aj~nAnaM) = nescience
अज्ञानं (aj~nAnaM) = nonsense
अज्ञानजं (aj~nAnajaM) = due to ignorance
अज्ञानजं (aj~nAnajaM) = produced of ignorance
अज्ञानसम्भूतं (aj~nAnasambhUtaM) = born of ignorance
अज्ञानां (aj~nAnAM) = of the foolish
अज्ञानेन (aj~nAnena) = by ignorance

आकाशं (AkAshaM) = the sky
आकाशस्थितः (AkAshasthitaH) = situated in the sky
आकृतीनि (AkR^itIni) = forms
आख्यातं (AkhyAtaM) = described
आख्याहि (AkhyAhi) = please explain
आगच्छेत् (AgachChet) = one should come
आगतः (AgataH) = having attained
आगताः (AgatAH) = attained.
आगम (Agama) = appearing
आगमे (Agame) = on the arrival.
आगमे (Agame) = on the arrival
आचरतः (AcharataH) = acting
आचरति (Acharati) = performs
आचरति (Acharati) = he does
आचरान् (AcharAn) = performing
आचारः (AchAraH) = behavior
आचार्य (AchArya) = O teacher
आचार्यं (AchAryaM) = the teacher
आचार्याः (AchAryAH) = teachers
आचार्यान् (AchAryAn) = teachers
आचार्योपासनं (AchAryopAsanaM) = approaching a bona fide
spiritual master
आज्यं (AjyaM) = melted butter
आढ्यः (ADhyaH) = wealthy
आततायिनः (AtatAyinaH) = aggressors
आतिष्ठ (AtiShTha) = be situated
आत्थ (Attha) = have spoken
आत्म (Atma) = in the self
आत्म (Atma) = in their own
आत्म (Atma) = of the self
आत्म (Atma) = Your own
आत्मकं (AtmakaM) = consisting of
आत्मकारणात् (AtmakAraNAt) = for sense enjoyment.
आत्मतृप्तः (AtmatR^iptaH) = self-illuminated
आत्मनः (AtmanaH) = on transcendence.
आत्मनः (AtmanaH) = of one’s own self
आत्मनः (AtmanaH) = of the conditioned soul.
आत्मनः (AtmanaH) = of the conditioned soul
आत्मनः (AtmanaH) = of the person.
आत्मनः (AtmanaH) = of the living entity
आत्मनः (AtmanaH) = of the self
आत्मनः (AtmanaH) = of the soul
आत्मनः (AtmanaH) = themselves
आत्मनः (AtmanaH) = his own
आत्मनः (AtmanaH) = Your
आत्मनः (AtmanaH) = for the self
आत्मना (AtmanA) = by the purified mind
आत्मना (AtmanA) = by the pure mind
आत्मना (AtmanA) = by the mind
आत्मना (AtmanA) = by the living entity
आत्मना (AtmanA) = by deliberate intelligence
आत्मना (AtmanA) = by Yourself
आत्मनि (Atmani) = in the transcendence
आत्मनि (Atmani) = in the Supreme Soul
आत्मनि (Atmani) = in the self
आत्मनि (Atmani) = in himself
आत्मनि (Atmani) = within the self
आत्मभाव (AtmabhAva) = within their hearts
आत्मभूतात्मा (AtmabhUtAtmA) = compassionate
आत्ममायया (AtmamAyayA) = by My internal energy.
आत्मयोगात् (AtmayogAt) = by My internal potency
आत्मरतिः (AtmaratiH) = taking pleasure in the self
आत्मवन्तं (AtmavantaM) = situated in the self
आत्मवश्यैः (AtmavashyaiH) = under one’s control
आत्मवान् (AtmavAn) = established in the self.
आत्मविनिग्रहः (AtmavinigrahaH) = self-control
आत्मविभूतयः (AtmavibhUtayaH) = personal opulences
आत्मसंयम (Atmasa.nyama) = of controlling the mind
आत्मसंस्तुतिः (Atmasa.nstutiH) = and praise of himself
आत्मसंस्थं (Atmasa.nsthaM) = placed in transcendence
आत्मा (AtmA) = a person
आत्मा (AtmA) = a living entity
आत्मा (AtmA) = with his self
आत्मा (AtmA) = the mind
आत्मा (AtmA) = the self
आत्मा (AtmA) = the soul
आत्मा (AtmA) = the spirit soul
आत्मा (AtmA) = the heart
आत्मा (AtmA) = body
आत्मा (AtmA) = mind
आत्मा (AtmA) = Self
आत्मा (AtmA) = self
आत्मा (AtmA) = soul
आत्मा (AtmA) = spirit
आत्मानं (AtmAnaM) = the conditioned soul
आत्मानं (AtmAnaM) = the mind
आत्मानं (AtmAnaM) = the Supersoul
आत्मानं (AtmAnaM) = the self
आत्मानं (AtmAnaM) = the soul
आत्मानं (AtmAnaM) = body, mind and soul
आत्मानं (AtmAnaM) = your soul
आत्मानं (AtmAnaM) = self
आत्मानं (AtmAnaM) = himself (by body, mind and self)
आत्मानं (AtmAnaM) = himself
आत्मानं (AtmAnaM) = Your Self
आत्मानं (AtmAnaM) = Yourself
आत्मानि (AtmAni) = in the pure state of the soul
आत्मासम्भविताः (AtmAsambhavitAH) = self-complacent
आत्मैव (Atmaiva) = just like Myself
आत्मैव (Atmaiva) = the very mind
आत्यन्तिकं (AtyantikaM) = supreme
आदत्ते (Adatte) = accepts
आदिं (AdiM) = the origin
आदिं (AdiM) = beginning
आदिः (AdiH) = the origin
आदिः (AdiH) = the beginning
आदिकर्त्रे (Adikartre) = to the supreme creator
आदित्यः (AdityaH) = the Adityas
आदित्यगतं (AdityagataM) = in the sunshine
आदित्यवत् (Adityavat) = like the rising sun
आदित्यवर्णं (AdityavarNaM) = luminous like the sun
आदित्यान् (AdityAn) = the twelve sons of Aditi
आदित्यानां (AdityAnAM) = of the Adityas
आदिदेवं (AdidevaM) = the original Lord
आदिदेवः (AdidevaH) = the original Supreme GodGod People in most cultures believe in the existence of supernatural beings and other supernatural concepts. God is attributed to both anthropomorphic properties (“listens to prayers”) and non-anthropomorphic properties (“knows everything”). Conceptualizing God is associated with willingness to get the COVID-19 vaccine or Vaccine hesitancy. Pope requested people not to practice “Jesus is my vaccine”. For the Jewish, family (Avestan universal) god became national God:  I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob,”(ex 3:15).  See Ishwar. 
आदौ (Adau) = in the beginning
आद्य (Adya) = immediately
आद्यं (AdyaM) = original.
आद्यं (AdyaM) = original
आद्यं (AdyaM) = the original
आधत्स्व (Adhatsva) = fix
आधाय (AdhAya) = resigning
आधाय (AdhAya) = fixing
आधिपत्यं (AdhipatyaM) = supremacy.
आननं (AnanaM) = mouths
आपः (ApaH) = water
आपः (ApaH) = waters
आपन्नं (ApannaM) = achieved
आपन्नाः (ApannAH) = gaining
आपुर्यमाणं (ApuryamANaM) = always being filled
आपूर्य (ApUrya) = covering
आप्तुं (AptuM) = afflicts one with
आप्तुं (AptuM) = to get
आप्नुयां (ApnuyAM) = may have.
आप्नुवन्ति (Apnuvanti) = attain
आप्नोति (Apnoti) = achieves
आप्नोति (Apnoti) = one achieves
आप्नोति (Apnoti) = does acquire
आब्रह्मभुवनात् (AbrahmabhuvanAt) = up to the Brahmaloka planet
आभरणं (AbharaNaM) = ornaments
आभासं (AbhAsaM) = the original source
आमय (Amaya) = disease
आम्ल (Amla) = sour
आयुः (AyuH) = duration of life
आयुधं (AyudhaM) = weapons
आयुधानां (AyudhAnAM) = of all weapons
आरभते (Arabhate) = begins
आरभ्यते (Arabhyate) = is begun
आरम्भ (Arambha) = endeavors
आरम्भः (ArambhaH) = endeavor
आराधनं (ArAdhanaM) = for the worship
आरुरुक्षोः (ArurukShoH) = who has just begun yogaYoga An ancient Indian system (Codified by Patanjali ) of practices used to balance the mind and body through exercise, meditation (focusing thoughts), and control of breathing and emotions. Yoga (योगश् चित्तवृत्तिनिरोधः) is being studied as a way to relieve stress and treat sleep problems in cancer patients.
आरूढस्य (ArUDhasya) = of one who has attained
आरूढानि (ArUDhAni) = being placed
आरोग्य (Arogya) = health
आर्जवं (ArjavaM) = simplicity
आर्जवं (ArjavaM) = honesty
आर्तः (ArtaH) = the distressed
आर्हाः (ArhAH) = deserving
आलस्य (Alasya) = laziness
आवयोः (AvayoH) = of ours
आवर्तते (Avartate) = comes back
आवर्तिनः (AvartinaH) = returning
आविश्य (Avishya) = entering
आविष्टं (AviShTaM) = overwhelmed
आविष्टः (AviShTaH) = overwhelmed
आवृतं (AvR^itaM) = is covered.
आवृतं (AvR^itaM) = covered
आवृतः (AvR^itaH) = is covered
आवृता (AvR^itA) = covered
आवृताः (AvR^itAH) = covered.
आवृत्तिं (AvR^ittiM) = return
आवृत्य (AvR^itya) = covering
आवेशित (Aveshita) = fixed
आवेश्य (Aveshya) = establishing
आवेश्य (Aveshya) = fixing
आव्रियते (Avriyate) = is covered
आशयस्थिताः (AshayasthitAH) = situated within the heart
आशापाश (AshApAsha) = entanglements in a network of hope
आश्चर्यमयं (AshcharyamayaM) = wonderful
आश्चर्यवत् (Ashcharyavat) = as amazing
आश्चर्यवत् (Ashcharyavat) = similarly amazing
आश्चर्याणि (AshcharyANi) = all the wonders
आश्रयेत् (Ashrayet) = must come upon
आश्रितं (AshritaM) = assuming
आश्रितः (AshritaH) = taking refuge
आश्रितः (AshritaH) = situated
आश्रिताः (AshritAH) = accepting.
आश्रिताः (AshritAH) = having taken shelter of
आश्रित्य (Ashritya) = taking shelter
आश्वासयामास (AshvAsayAmAsa) = encouraged
आषु (AShu) = very soon
आसं (AsaM) = exist
आसक्तमनाः (AsaktamanAH) = mind attached
आसन (Asana) = in sitting
आसनं (AsanaM) = seat
आसने (Asane) = on the seat
आसाद्य (AsAdya) = attaining
आसिन (Asina) = by the weapon
आसिनं (AsinaM) = situated
आसिनः (AsinaH) = eaters
आसीत (AsIta) = does remain still
आसीत (AsIta) = should be situated
आसीत (AsIta) = should sit
आसीनः (AsInaH) = situated
आसुरं (AsuraM) = the demoniac
आसुरं (AsuraM) = demonic
आसुरः (AsuraH) = of demoniac quality
आसुरः (AsuraH) = demoniac
आसुरनिश्चयान् (AsuranishchayAn) = demons.
आसुरी (AsurI) = demoniac qualities
आसुरीं (AsurIM) = atheistic
आसुरीं (AsurIM) = the demoniac nature.
आसुरीं (AsurIM) = demoniac
आसुरीषु (AsurIShu) = demoniac
आस्तिक्यं (AstikyaM) = religiousness
आस्ते (Aste) = remains
आस्थाय (AsthAya) = following
आस्थितः (AsthitaH) = being situated
आस्थितः (AsthitaH) = situated in
आस्थितः (AsthitaH) = situated
आस्थिताः (AsthitAH) = situated
आह (Aha) = said
आहवे (Ahave) = in the fight
आहार (AhAra) = eating
आहारः (AhAraH) = eating
आहारः (AhAraH) = food
आहाराः (AhArAH) = eating
आहुः (AhuH) = are said
आहुः (AhuH) = is known
आहुः (AhuH) = is said
आहुः (AhuH) = declare
आहुः (AhuH) = say
आहो (Aho) = or else

इङ्गते (iN^gate) = waver
इङ्गते (iN^gate) = flickers
इच्छति (ichChati) = desires
इच्छन्तः (ichChantaH) = desiring
इच्छसि (ichChasi) = you wish.
इच्छा (ichChA) = wishes
इच्छामि (ichChAmi) = I wish
इज्यते (ijyate) = is performed
इज्यया (ijyayA) = by worship
इड्यं (iDyaM) = worshipable
इतः (itaH) = besides this
इतः (itaH) = from this world
इतरः (itaraH) = common
इति (iti) = also
इति (iti) = in this way
इति (iti) = therefore
इत्युत (ityuta) = thus it is said.
इत्येवं (ityevaM) = knowing thus
इदं (idaM) = all this
इदं (idaM) = whatever we can see
इदं (idaM) = which we see
इदं (idaM) = this lamentation
इदं (idaM) = this
इदं (idaM) = thus
इदं (idaM) = the following
इदं (idaM) = these
इदानीं (idAnIM) = now
इदृक् (idR^ik) = as it is
इन्द्रिय (indriya) = and the senses
इन्द्रिय (indriya) = and senses
इन्द्रिय (indriya) = of the sense organs
इन्द्रिय (indriya) = the senses
इन्द्रिय (indriya) = senses
इन्द्रियः (indriyaH) = senses
इन्द्रियगोचराः (indriyagocharAH) = the objects of the senses
इन्द्रियग्रामं (indriyagrAmaM) = all the senses
इन्द्रियग्रामं (indriyagrAmaM) = the full set of senses
इन्द्रियस्य (indriyasya) = of the senses
इन्द्रियस्यार्थे (indriyasyArthe) = in the sense objects
इन्द्रियाणां (indriyANAM) = of all the senses
इन्द्रियाणां (indriyANAM) = of the senses
इन्द्रियाणि (indriyANi) = the senses
इन्द्रियाणि (indriyANi) = senses
इन्द्रियारामः (indriyArAmaH) = satisfied in sense gratification
इन्द्रियार्थान् (indriyArthAn) = sense objects
इन्द्रियार्थेभ्यः (indriyArthebhyaH) = from the sense objects
इन्द्रियार्थेभ्यः (indriyArthebhyaH) = from sense objects
इन्द्रियार्थेषु (indriyArtheShu) = in the matter of the senses
इन्द्रियार्थेषु (indriyArtheShu) = in sense gratification
इन्द्रियेभ्यः (indriyebhyaH) = more than the senses
इन्द्रियैः (indriyaiH) = with the senses
इन्द्रियैः (indriyaiH) = by the senses
इमं (imaM) = all these
इमं (imaM) = this science
इमं (imaM) = this
इमं (imaM) = these
इमाः (imAH) = all this
इमाः (imAH) = all these
इमान् (imAn) = this
इमान् (imAn) = these
इमे (ime) = all these
इमे (ime) = these
इमौ (imau) = these
इयं (iyaM) = all these
इयं (iyaM) = this
इव (iva) = as if
इव (iva) = as
इव (iva) = certainly
इव (iva) = like that
इव (iva) = like.
इषुभिः (iShubhiH) = with arrows
इष्ट (iShTa) = of all desirable things
इष्ट (iShTa) = the desirable
इष्टं (iShTaM) = leading to heaven
इष्टः असि (iShTaH asi) = you are dear
इष्टः (iShTaH) = worshiped
इष्टाः (iShTAH) = palatable
इष्टान् (iShTAn) = desired
इष्ट्वा (iShTvA) = worshiping
इह (iha) = in this world
इह (iha) = in this material world
इह (iha) = in this yoga
इह (iha) = in this life.
इह (iha) = in this life
इह (iha) = in this
इह (iha) = in the material world
इहैव (ihaiva) = in the present body
इक्ष्वाकवे (ikShvAkave) = unto King Iksvaku
ईदृषं (IdR^iShaM) = like this.
ईशं (IshaM) = unto the Supreme Lord
ईशं (IshaM) = Lord Siva
ईश्वर (Ishvara) = of leadership
ईश्वरं (IshvaraM) = the Supersoul
ईश्वरः (IshvaraH) = the lord of the body
ईश्वरः (IshvaraH) = the lord
ईश्वरः (IshvaraH) = the Supreme Lord
ईश्वरः (IshvaraH) = the Lord.
ईहते (Ihate) = he aspires
ईहन्ते (Ihante) = they desire
ईक्षणं (IkShaNaM) = eyes
ईक्षते (IkShate) = one sees
ईक्षते (IkShate) = does see

उक्तं (uktaM) = as declared
उक्तं (uktaM) = disclosed
उक्तं (uktaM) = described
उक्तं (uktaM) = said
उक्तः (uktaH) = addressed
उक्तः (uktaH) = is said
उक्ताः (uktAH) = are said
उक्त्वा (uktvA) = saying
उक्त्वा (uktvA) = speaking
उग्रं (ugraM) = terrible
उग्रः (ugraH) = terrible
उग्रकर्माणः (ugrakarmANaH) = engaged in painful activities
उग्ररूपः (ugrarUpaH) = fierce form
उग्रैः (ugraiH) = severe
उच्चैः (uchchaiH) = very loudly
उच्चैःश्रवसं (uchchaiHshravasaM) = Uccaihsrava
उच्छिष्टं (uchChiShTaM) = remnants of food eaten by others
उच्छोषणं (uchChoShaNaM) = drying up
उच्छ्रितं (uchChritaM) = high
उच्यते (uchyate) = is called.
उच्यते (uchyate) = is called
उच्यते (uchyate) = is pronounced
उच्यते (uchyate) = is said to be.
उच्यते (uchyate) = is said to be
उच्यते (uchyate) = is said.
उत (uta) = it is said.
उत्क्रामति (utkrAmati) = gives up
उत्क्रामन्तं (utkrAmantaM) = quitting the body
उत्तमं (uttamaM) = transcendental.
उत्तमं (uttamaM) = transcendental
उत्तमं (uttamaM) = the supreme
उत्तमं (uttamaM) = the highest
उत्तमः (uttamaH) = the best
उत्तमविदां (uttamavidAM) = of the great sages
उत्तमाङ्गैः (uttamAN^gaiH) = heads.
उत्तमौजाः (uttamaujAH) = Uttamauja
उत्तरं (uttaraM) = covering
उत्तरायणं (uttarAyaNaM) = when the sun passes on the northern side
उत्तिष्ठ (uttiShTha) = get up
उत्तिष्ठ (uttiShTha) = stand up to fight
उत्थं (utthaM) = produced of
उत्थिता (utthitA) = present
उत्सन्न (utsanna) = spoiled
उत्सादनार्थं (utsAdanArthaM) = for the sake of causing annihilation
उत्साद्यन्ते (utsAdyante) = are devastated
उत्साह (utsAha) = and great enthusiasm
उत्सीदेयुः (utsIdeyuH) = would be put into ruin
उत्सृजामि (utsR^ijAmi) = send forth
उत्सृज्य (utsR^ijya) = giving up
उदक (udaka) = and water
उदपाने (udapAne) = in a well of water
उदर (udara) = bellies
उदाराः (udArAH) = magnanimous
उदासीन (udAsIna) = neutrals between belligerents
उदासीनः (udAsInaH) = free from care
उदासीनवत् (udAsInavat) = as if neutral
उदासीनवत् (udAsInavat) = as neutral
उदाहृतं (udAhR^itaM) = is said to be.
उदाहृतं (udAhR^itaM) = exemplified.
उदाहृतः (udAhR^itaH) = is said
उदाहृत्य (udAhR^itya) = indicating
उद्दिश्य (uddishya) = desiring
उद्देशतः (uddeshataH) = as examples
उद्धरेत् (uddharet) = one must deliver
उद्भवं (udbhavaM) = generated from
उद्भवं (udbhavaM) = produced
उद्भवः (udbhavaH) = generation
उद्यत (udyata) = uplifted
उद्यताः (udyatAH) = trying.
उद्यम्य (udyamya) = taking up
उद्विजते (udvijate) = are agitated
उद्विजते (udvijate) = is disturbed
उद्विजेत् (udvijet) = become agitated
उद्वेगैः (udvegaiH) = and anxiety
उन्मिषन् (unmiShan) = opening
उपजायते (upajAyate) = takes place
उपजायते (upajAyate) = develops
उपजायन्ते (upajAyante) = are born
उपजुह्वति (upajuhvati) = offer.
उपदेक्ष्यन्ति (upadekShyanti) = they will initiate
उपद्रष्टा (upadraShTA) = overseer
उपधारय (upadhAraya) = know
उपधारय (upadhAraya) = try to understand.
उपपत्तिषु (upapattiShu) = having obtained
उपपद्यते (upapadyate) = attains.
उपपद्यते (upapadyate) = is to be found.
उपपद्यते (upapadyate) = is deserved
उपपद्यते (upapadyate) = is befitting
उपपन्नं (upapannaM) = arrived at
उपमं (upamaM) = compared to
उपमा (upamA) = comparison
उपयान्ति (upayAnti) = come
उपरतं (uparataM) = ceased
उपरमते (uparamate) = cease (because one feels
transcendental happiness)
उपरमेत् (uparamet) = one should hold back
उपलभ्यते (upalabhyate) = can be perceived
उपलिप्यते (upalipyate) = mixes.
उपलिप्यते (upalipyate) = mixes
उपविशत् (upavishat) = sat down again
उपविश्य (upavishya) = sitting
उपसङ्गम्य (upasaN^gamya) = approaching
उपसेवते (upasevate) = enjoys.
उपस्थे (upasthe) = on the seat
उपहत (upahata) = overpowered
उपहत (upahata) = being afflicted
उपहन्यां (upahanyAM) = would destroy
उपायतः (upAyataH) = by appropriate means.
उपाश्रिताः (upAshritAH) = being fully situated
उपाश्रिताः (upAshritAH) = having taken shelter of
उपाश्रित्य (upAshritya) = taking shelter of
उपासते (upAsate) = worship.
उपासते (upAsate) = worship
उपासते (upAsate) = begin to worship
उपेतः (upetaH) = engaged
उपेतः (upetaH) = endowed
उपेत्य (upetya) = achieving
उपेत्य (upetya) = arriving
उपैति (upaiti) = achieves
उपैति (upaiti) = attains
उपैष्यसि (upaiShyasi) = you will attain.
उभय (ubhaya) = both
उभयोः (ubhayoH) = of the two
उभयोः (ubhayoH) = of both parties
उभयोः (ubhayoH) = of both
उभयोः (ubhayoH) = both
उभे (ubhe) = both
उभौ (ubhau) = both
उरगान् (uragAn) = serpents
उरु (uru) = thighs
उर्जितं (urjitaM) = glorious
उल्बेन (ulbena) = by the womb
उवाच (uvAcha) = said
उशना (ushanA) = Usana
उषित्वा (uShitvA) = after dwelling
उष्ण (uShNa) = summer
उष्ण (uShNa) = heat
उष्मपाः (uShmapAH) = the forefathers
ऊर्ध्वं (UrdhvaM) = upward
ऊर्ध्वं (UrdhvaM) = upwards
ऊर्ध्वमूलं (UrdhvamUlaM) = with roots above
ऋक् (R^ik) = the Rg Veda
ऋच्छति (R^ichChati) = one achieves.
ऋच्छति (R^ichChati) = one attains.
ऋतं (R^itaM) = truth
ऋतूनां (R^itUnAM) = of all seasons
ऋते (R^ite) = without, except for
ऋद्धं (R^iddhaM) = prosperous
ऋषयः (R^iShayaH) = those who are active within
ऋषयः (R^iShayaH) = sages
ऋषिन् (R^iShin) = great sages
ऋषिभिः (R^iShibhiH) = by the wise sages
एक (eka) = only one
एक (eka) = only
एक (eka) = by one
एकं (ekaM) = in one
एकं (ekaM) = one
एकं (ekaM) = only one
एकं (ekaM) = only
एकः (ekaH) = alone
एकः (ekaH) = one
एकत्वं (ekatvaM) = in oneness
एकत्वेन (ekatvena) = in oneness
एकमक्षरं (ekamakSharaM) = pranava
एकया (ekayA) = by one
एकस्थं (ekasthaM) = in one place
एकस्थं (ekasthaM) = situated in one
एकस्मिन् (ekasmin) = in one
एकाकी (ekAkI) = alone
एकाग्रं (ekAgraM) = with one attention
एकाग्रेण (ekAgreNa) = with full attention
एकान्तं (ekAntaM) = overly
एकाक्षरं (ekAkSharaM) = the one syllable
एके (eke) = one group
एकेन (ekena) = alone
एतत् (etat) = all this
एतत् (etat) = on this
एतत् (etat) = this is
एतत् (etat) = this
एतत् (etat) = thus
एतत् (etat) = these two natures
एतत् (etat) = these
एतयोः (etayoH) = of these two
एतस्य (etasya) = of this
एतां (etAM) = all this
एतां (etAM) = this
एतान् (etAn) = all of them
एतान् (etAn) = all these
एतान् (etAn) = these
एतानि (etAni) = all these
एतानि (etAni) = these
एतावत् (etAvat) = thus
एति (eti) = gets
एति (eti) = comes
एति (eti) = does attain
एते (ete) = all these
एते (ete) = they
एते (ete) = these two
एते (ete) = these
एते (ete) = those
एतेन (etena) = by this kind
एतेन (etena) = by this
एतेषां (eteShAM) = of the Pandavas
एतैः (etaiH) = all these
एतैः (etaiH) = by all these
एतैः (etaiH) = from these
एधांसि (edhA.nsi) = firewood
एनं (enaM) = about the soul
एनं (enaM) = this (soul)
एनं (enaM) = this soul
एनं (enaM) = this
एनं (enaM) = him
एभिः (ebhiH) = all these
एभिः (ebhiH) = from the influence of these
एभ्यः (ebhyaH) = above these
एभ्यः (ebhyaH) = to these demigods
एव च (eva cha) = also
एव हि (eva hi) = certainly.
एव (eva) = alone
एव (eva) = also
एव (eva) = it is all like that
एव (eva) = indeed
एव (eva) = even
एव (eva) = ever
एव (eva) = only
एव (eva) = certainly
एव (eva) = completely
एव (eva) = thus
एव (eva) = like that
एव (eva) = like this
एव (eva) = simply
एव (eva) = surely
एवं रूपः (evaM rUpaH) = in this form
एवं (evaM) = as mentioned above
एवं (evaM) = in this way
एवं (evaM) = thus
एवं (evaM) = like this
एवंविधः (eva.nvidhaH) = like this
एवंविधाः (eva.nvidhAH) = like this
एवापि (evApi) = also
एषः (eShaH) = all this
एषः (eShaH) = this
एषा (eShA) = all this
एषा (eShA) = this
एषां (eShAM) = of them
एष्यति (eShyati) = comes
एष्यसि (eShyasi) = you will attain
एष्यसि (eShyasi) = you will come
ऐकान्तिकस्य (aikAntikasya) = ultimate
ऐरावतं (airAvataM) = Airavata
ऐश्वरं (aishvaraM) = divine
ऐश्वर्य (aishvarya) = and opulence
ओजसा (ojasA) = by My energy
औपम्येन (aupamyena) = by comparison
औषधं (auShadhaM) = healing herb
औषधीः (auShadhIH) = vegetables

कं (kaM) = whom
कः (kaH) = who
कच्चित् (kachchit) = whether
कटु (kaTu) = bitter
कतरत् (katarat) = which
कथं (kathaM) = why
कथं (kathaM) = how
कथय (kathaya) = describe
कथयतः (kathayataH) = speaking
कथयन्तः (kathayantaH) = talking
कथयिष्यन्ति (kathayiShyanti) = will speak
कथयिष्यामि (kathayiShyAmi) = I shall speak
कदाचन (kadAchana) = at any timeTime Where any expression of it occurs in any Rules, or any judgment, order or direction, and whenever the doing or not doing of anything at a certain time of the day or night or during a certain part of the day or night has an effect in law, that time is, unless it is otherwise specifically stated, held to be standard time as used in a particular country or state. (In Physics, time and Space never exist actually-“quantum entanglement”)
कदाचित् (kadAchit) = at any time (past, present or future)
कन्दर्पः (kandarpaH) = Cupid
कपिध्वजः (kapidhvajaH) = he whose flag was marked with Hanuman
कपिलः मुनिः (kapilaH muniH) = Kapila Muni.
कमलपत्राक्ष (kamalapatrAkSha) = O lotus-eyed one
कमलासनस्थं (kamalAsanasthaM) = sitting on the lotus flower
करं (karaM) = the cause of
करणं (karaNaM) = instruments
करणं (karaNaM) = the cause
करणं (karaNaM) = the means
करणं (karaNaM) = the senses
करालं (karAlaM) = horrible
करालानि (karAlAni) = terrible
करिष्यति (kariShyati) = can do.
करिष्यसि (kariShyasi) = perform
करिष्यसि (kariShyasi) = you will do
करिष्ये (kariShye) = I shall execute
करुणः (karuNaH) = kindly
करोति (karoti) = do
करोति (karoti) = performs
करोमि (karomi) = I do
करोसि (karosi) = you do
कर्णं (karNaM) = Karna
कर्णः (karNaH) = Karna
कर्तव्यं (kartavyaM) = prescribed duty
कर्तव्यानि (kartavyAni) = should be done as duty
कर्ता (kartA) = worker
कर्ता (kartA) = creator
कर्ता (kartA) = the worker
कर्ता (kartA) = the doer
कर्ता (kartA) = doer
कर्ता (kartA) = such a worker
कर्तारं (kartAraM) = the worker
कर्तारं (kartAraM) = the father
कर्तारं (kartAraM) = performer
कर्तुं (kartuM) = to act
कर्तुं (kartuM) = to execute
कर्तुं (kartuM) = to do
कर्तुं (kartuM) = to perform
कर्तुं (kartuM) = do
कर्तृत्वं (kartR^itvaM) = proprietorship
कर्तृत्वे (kartR^itve) = in the matter of creation
कर्म (karma) = action
कर्म (karma) = actions
कर्म (karma) = activities
कर्म (karma) = activity
कर्म (karma) = and work
कर्म (karma) = in activities
कर्म (karma) = work
कर्म (karma) = works
कर्म (karma) = of work
कर्म (karma) = to work
कर्म (karma) = the work
कर्म (karma) = duties
कर्म (karma) = duty
कर्म (karma) = prescribed duties
कर्म (karma) = prescribed duty
कर्म (karma) = fruitive action
कर्म (karma) = fruitive activities
कर्मजं (karmajaM) = due to fruitive activities
कर्मजा (karmajA) = from fruitive work.
कर्मजान् (karmajAn) = born of work
कर्मणः (karmaNaH) = of activities
कर्मणः (karmaNaH) = of work
कर्मणः (karmaNaH) = than work
कर्मणः (karmaNaH) = than fruitive action
कर्मणा (karmaNA) = activities
कर्मणा (karmaNA) = by work
कर्मणां (karmaNAM) = activities.
कर्मणां (karmaNAM) = in activities
कर्मणां (karmaNAM) = whose previous activities
कर्मणां (karmaNAM) = of activities
कर्मणां (karmaNAM) = of all activities
कर्मणां (karmaNAM) = of prescribed duties
कर्मणां (karmaNAM) = of fruitive activities
कर्मणि (karmaNi) = activities
कर्मणि (karmaNi) = in action
कर्मणि (karmaNi) = in activity
कर्मणि (karmaNi) = in the performance of prescribed duties
कर्मणि (karmaNi) = in prescribed duties
कर्मणि (karmaNi) = in prescribed duty.
कर्मणि (karmaNi) = work
कर्मफल (karmaphala) = in the result of the work
कर्मफल (karmaphala) = with the results of activities
कर्मफल (karmaphala) = the fruit of the work
कर्मफलं (karmaphalaM) = of the result of work
कर्मफलं (karmaphalaM) = the results of all activities
कर्मफलत्यागः (karmaphalatyAgaH) = renunciation of th
results of fruitive action
कर्मफलासङ्गं (karmaphalAsaN^gaM) = attachment for
fruitive results
कर्मफले (karmaphale) = in fruitive action
कर्मबन्धं (karmabandhaM) = bondage of reaction
कर्मबन्धनः (karmabandhanaH) = bondage by work
कर्मभिः (karmabhiH) = by the reaction of such work
कर्मभिः (karmabhiH) = from the bondage of the law
of fruitive actions.
कर्मयोगं (karmayogaM) = devotion
कर्मयोगः (karmayogaH) = work in devotion
कर्मयोगेण (karmayogeNa) = by activities without fruitive desire
कर्मयोगेण (karmayogeNa) = by the linking process of devotion
कर्मसंन्यासात् (karmasa.nnyAsAt) = in comparison to th
renunciation of fruitive work
कर्मसङ्गिनां (karmasaN^ginAM) = who are attached to fruitive work
कर्मसङ्गिषु (karmasaN^giShu) = in the association of thos
engaged in fruitive activities
कर्मसङ्गेन (karmasaN^gena) = by association with
fruitive activity
कर्मसु (karmasu) = activities.
कर्मसु (karmasu) = in all activities
कर्मसु (karmasu) = in discharging duties
कर्मसु (karmasu) = in fruitive activities
कर्माणं (karmANaM) = the fruits of actions
कर्माणां (karmANAM) = whose work
कर्माणि (karmANi) = activities
कर्माणि (karmANi) = all works
कर्माणि (karmANi) = all kinds of work
कर्माणि (karmANi) = in fruitive activity
कर्माणि (karmANi) = work
कर्माणि (karmANi) = works
कर्माणि (karmANi) = the activities
कर्माणि (karmANi) = your duties
कर्माणि (karmANi) = functions
कर्मिभ्यः (karmibhyaH) = than the fruitive workers
कर्मेन्द्रियाणि (karmendriyANi) = the five working sense organs
कर्मेन्द्रियैः (karmendriyaiH) = by the active sense organs
कर्षति (karShati) = is struggling hard.
कर्षयन्तः (karShayantaH) = tormenting
कलयतां (kalayatAM) = of subduers
कलिलं (kalilaM) = dense forest
कलेवरं (kalevaraM) = this body
कलेवरं (kalevaraM) = the body
कल्पते (kalpate) = is considered eligible.
कल्पते (kalpate) = is qualified.
कल्पते (kalpate) = becomes.
कल्पक्षये (kalpakShaye) = at the end of the millennium
कल्पादौ (kalpAdau) = in the beginning of the millennium
कल्मषः (kalmaShaH) = all material contamination
कल्मषाः (kalmaShAH) = of sinful reactions
कल्मषाः (kalmaShAH) = misgivings.
कल्याणकृत् (kalyANakR^it) = one who is engaged
in auspicious activities
कवयः (kavayaH) = the intelligent
कवयः (kavayaH) = the learned
कविं (kaviM) = the one who knows everything
कविः (kaviH) = the thinker.
कवीनां (kavInAM) = of all great thinkers
कश्चन (kashchana) = anyone.
कश्चन (kashchana) = any
कश्चन (kashchana) = whatever
कश्चित् (kashchit) = anyone
कश्चित् (kashchit) = any
कश्चित् (kashchit) = someone.
कश्चित् (kashchit) = someone
कश्मलं (kashmalaM) = dirtiness
कस्मात् (kasmAt) = why
कस्यचित् (kasyachit) = anyone’s
का (kA) = what
कां (kAM) = which
काङ्क्षति (kAN^kShati) = desires
काङ्क्षन्तः (kAN^kShantaH) = desiring
काङ्क्षितं (kAN^kShitaM) = is desired
काङ्क्षे (kAN^kShe) = do I desire
काञ्चनः (kA~nchanaH) = gold.
काञ्चनः (kA~nchanaH) = gold
काम (kAma) = of lust
काम (kAma) = desire
काम (kAma) = passion
काम (kAma) = based on desire for sense gratification
काम (kAma) = lust
काम (kAma) = sense gratification
काम (kAma) = from desires
कामं (kAmaM) = lust
कामः (kAmaH) = desire
कामः (kAmaH) = lust
कामः (kAmaH) = sex life
कामकामाः (kAmakAmAH) = desiring sense enjoyments
कामकामी (kAmakAmI) = one who desires to fulfill desires.
कामकारतः (kAmakArataH) = acting whimsically in lust
कामकारेण (kAmakAreNa) = for enjoying the result of work
कामधुक् (kAmadhuk) = the surabhi cow
कामधुक् (kAmadhuk) = bestower.
कामभोगेषु (kAmabhogeShu) = to sense gratification
कामरूपं (kAmarUpaM) = in the form of lust
कामरूपेण (kAmarUpeNa) = in the form of lust
कामहैतुकं (kAmahaitukaM) = it is due to lust only.
कामाः (kAmAH) = desires
कामाः (kAmAH) = from lust
कामात् (kAmAt) = from desire
कामात्मानः (kAmAtmAnaH) = desirous of sense gratification
कामान् (kAmAn) = desiring
कामान् (kAmAn) = desires for sense gratification
कामान् (kAmAn) = material desires for sense gratification
कामान् (kAmAn) = material desires
कामान् (kAmAn) = his desires
कामेप्सुना (kAmepsunA) = by one with desires for fruitive results
कामेभ्यः (kAmebhyaH) = material sense gratification
कामैः (kAmaiH) = by desires
कामोपभोग (kAmopabhoga) = sense gratification
काम्यानां (kAmyAnAM) = with desire
काय (kAya) = body
काय (kAya) = for the body
कायं (kAyaM) = the body
कायेन (kAyena) = with the body
कारकैः (kArakaiH) = which are causes
कारण (kAraNa) = and cause
कारणं (kAraNaM) = the means
कारणानि (kAraNAni) = causes
कारयन् (kArayan) = causing to be done.
कार्पण्य (kArpaNya) = of miserliness
कार्य (kArya) = what ought to be done
कार्य (kArya) = of effect
कार्य (kArya) = duty
कार्यं (kAryaM) = as duty
कार्यं (kAryaM) = it must be done
कार्यं (kAryaM) = what ought to be done
कार्यं (kAryaM) = obligatory
कार्यं (kAryaM) = duty
कार्यं (kAryaM) = must be done
कार्यते (kAryate) = is forced to do
कार्ये (kArye) = work
कालं (kAlaM) = time
कालः (kAlaH) = time
कालानल (kAlAnala) = the fire of death
काले (kAle) = at a proper time
काले (kAle) = at the time
काले (kAle) = and unpurified time
काले (kAle) = time
कालेन (kAlena) = in course of time
कालेन (kAlena) = in the course of time
कालेषु (kAleShu) = times
काशिराजः (kAshirAjaH) = Kasiraja
काश्यः (kAshyaH) = the King of Kasi (Varanasi)
किं (kiM) = what is there.
किं (kiM) = what is
किं (kiM) = what use
किं (kiM) = what
किं (kiM) = why
किं (kiM) = how much
किं (kiM) = how.
किं (kiM) = how
किञ्चन (ki~nchana) = any
किञ्चित् (ki~nchit) = anything else
किञ्चित् (ki~nchit) = anything
किम् नु (kim nu) = what to speak of
किरीटिन् (kirITin) = Arjuna
किरीटिनं (kirITinaM) = with helmet
किल्बिशं (kilbishaM) = sinful reactions.
किल्बिषः (kilbiShaH) = all of whose sins
किल्बिषैः (kilbiShaiH) = from sins
कीर्तयन्तः (kIrtayantaH) = chanting
कीर्तिं (kIrtiM) = reputation
कुतः (kutaH) = where is
कुतः (kutaH) = wherefrom
कुतः (kutaH) = how is it possible
कुन्तिभोजः (kuntibhojaH) = Kuntibhoja
कुन्तीपुत्रः (kuntIputraH) = the son of Kunti
कुरु (kuru) = just perform
कुरु (kuru) = do
कुरु (kuru) = perform.
कुरु (kuru) = perform
कुरुते (kurute) = it turns
कुरुते (kurute) = turns
कुरुते (kurute) = does perform
कुरुनन्दन (kurunandana) = O beloved child of the Kurus
कुरुनन्दन (kurunandana) = O son of Kuru.
कुरुप्रवीर (kurupravIra) = O best among the Kuru warriors.
कुरुवृद्धः (kuruvR^iddhaH) = the grandsire of the
Kuru dynasty (Bhishma)
कुरुश्रेष्ठ (kurushreShTha) = O best of the Kurus
कुरुष्व (kuruShva) = do
कुरुसत्तम (kurusattama) = O best amongst the Kurus.
कुरुक्षेत्रे (kurukShetre) = in the place named Kuruksetra
कुरून् (kurUn) = the members of the Kuru dynasty
कुर्यां (kuryAM) = I perform
कुर्यात् (kuryAt) = must do
कुर्वन् (kurvan) = doing anything
कुर्वन् (kurvan) = performing
कुर्वन्ति (kurvanti) = they do
कुर्वन्ति (kurvanti) = they perform
कुर्वन्नपि (kurvannapi) = although engaged in work
कुर्वाणः (kurvANaH) = performing
कुर्वान् (kurvAn) = doing
कुलं (kulaM) = family
कुलघ्नानां (kulaghnAnAM) = of the destroyers of the family
कुलघ्नानां (kulaghnAnAM) = for those who are killers of the family
कुलधर्माः (kuladharmAH) = the family traditions
कुलधर्माः (kuladharmAH) = family traditions
कुलधर्माणां (kuladharmANAM) = of those who have the family traditions
कुलस्त्रियः (kulastriyaH) = family ladies
कुलस्य (kulasya) = for the family
कुलक्षय (kulakShaya) = in killing the family
कुलक्षय (kulakShaya) = in the destruction of a dynasty
कुलक्षये (kulakShaye) = in destroying the family
कुले (kule) = in the family
कुश (kusha) = and kusa grass
कुशले (kushale) = in the auspicious
कुसुमाकरः (kusumAkaraH) = spring.
कूटस्थं (kUTasthaM) = unchanging
कूटस्थः (kUTasthaH) = in oneness
कूटस्थः (kUTasthaH) = spiritually situated
कूर्मः (kUrmaH) = tortoise
कृत (kR^ita) = determined
कृतं (kR^itaM) = as performed.
कृतं (kR^itaM) = was performed
कृतं (kR^itaM) = done
कृतं (kR^itaM) = performed
कृतकृत्यः (kR^itakR^ityaH) = the most perfect
in his endeavors
कृताञ्जलिः (kR^itA~njaliH) = with folded hands
कृतान्ते (kR^itAnte) = in the conclusion
कृतेन (kR^itena) = by discharge of duty
कृत्वा (kR^itvA) = after doing
कृत्वा (kR^itvA) = keeping
कृत्वा (kR^itvA) = doing so
कृत्वा (kR^itvA) = doing
कृत्वा (kR^itvA) = making
कृत्स्नं (kR^itsnaM) = all
कृत्स्नं (kR^itsnaM) = in total
कृत्स्नं (kR^itsnaM) = whole
कृत्स्नं (kR^itsnaM) = entire
कृत्स्नं (kR^itsnaM) = everything
कृत्स्नं (kR^itsnaM) = complete
कृत्स्नं (kR^itsnaM) = completely
कृत्स्नं (kR^itsnaM) = the whole
कृत्स्नकर्मकृत् (kR^itsnakarmakR^it) = although engaged
in all activities.
कृत्स्नवत् (kR^itsnavat) = as all in all
कृत्स्नवित् (kR^itsnavit) = one who is in factual knowledge
कृत्स्नस्य (kR^itsnasya) = all-inclusive
कृपः (kR^ipaH) = Krpa
कृपणाः (kR^ipaNAH) = misers
कृपया (kR^ipayA) = by compassion
कृषि (kR^iShi) = plowing
कृष्ण (kR^iShNa) = O KRiShNa
कृष्णं (kR^iShNaM) = unto KRiShNa
कृष्णः (kR^iShNaH) = the fortnight of the dark moon
कृष्णः (kR^iShNaH) = Lord KRiShNa
कृष्णात् (kR^iShNAt) = from KRiShNa
कृष्णे (kR^iShNe) = and darkness
के (ke) = who
केचित् (kechit) = some of them
केचित् (kechit) = some
केन (kena) = by what
केवलं (kevalaM) = only
केवलैः (kevalaiH) = purified
केशव (keshava) = of Lord KRiShNa
केशव (keshava) = O killer of the demon Kesi (KRiShNa).
केशव (keshava) = O KRiShNa.
केशव (keshava) = O KRiShNa
केशवस्य (keshavasya) = of KRiShNa
केशिनिशूदन (keshinishUdana) = O killer of the Kesi demon.
केषु (keShu) = in which
कैः (kaiH) = with whom
कैः (kaiH) = by which
कौन्तेय (kaunteya) = O son of Kunti
कौन्तेयः (kaunteyaH) = the son of Kunti
कौमारं (kaumAraM) = boyhood
कौशलं (kaushalaM) = art.
क्रतुः (kratuH) = Vedic ritual
क्रियः (kriyaH) = and activities
क्रियते (kriyate) = is performed
क्रियन्ते (kriyante) = are done
क्रियमाणानि (kriyamANAni) = being done
क्रियमाणानि (kriyamANAni) = being performed
क्रियाः (kriyAH) = activities
क्रियाः (kriyAH) = the activities
क्रियाः (kriyAH) = performances.
क्रियाः (kriyAH) = performances
क्रियाभिः (kriyAbhiH) = by pious activities
क्रियाविशेष (kriyAvisheSha) = pompous ceremonies
क्रूरान् (krUrAn) = mischievous
क्रोध (krodha) = and anger
क्रोधं (krodhaM) = anger
क्रोधः (krodhaH) = anger
क्रोधः (krodhaH) = and anger
क्रोधः (krodhaH) = wrath
क्रोधात् (krodhAt) = from anger
क्लेदयन्ति (kledayanti) = moistens
क्लेश (klesha) = trouble
क्लेशः (kleshaH) = trouble
क्लैब्यं (klaibyaM) = impotence
क्वचित् (kvachit) = at any time.
खं (khaM) = ether
खे (khe) = in the ether
गच्छति (gachChati) = achieves.
गच्छति (gachChati) = goes.
गच्छन् (gachChan) = going
गच्छन्ति (gachChanti) = attain
गच्छन्ति (gachChanti) = go
गच्छन्ति (gachChanti) = they reach
गजेन्द्राणां (gajendrANAM) = of lordly elephants
गत (gata) = removed
गत (gata) = lost
गतः (gataH) = returned.
गतरसं (gatarasaM) = tasteless
गतव्यथाः (gatavyathAH) = freed from all distress
गतसङ्गस्य (gatasaN^gasya) = of one unattached to the
modes of material nature
गताः (gatAH) = attained.
गताः (gatAH) = going
गताः (gatAH) = having achieved.
गतागतं (gatAgataM) = death and birth
गति (gati) = ways of passing
गति (gati) = the movement
गतिं (gatiM) = destination.
गतिं (gatiM) = destination
गतिं (gatiM) = perfectional stage.
गतिं (gatiM) = progress
गतिः (gatiH) = entrance.
गतिः (gatiH) = goal
गतिः (gatiH) = progress
गत्वा (gatvA) = attaining
गत्वा (gatvA) = going
गदिनं (gadinaM) = with club
गदिनं (gadinaM) = with maces
गन्तव्यं (gantavyaM) = to be reached
गन्तासि (gantAsi) = you shall go
गन्ध (gandha) = fragrances
गन्धः (gandhaH) = fragrance
गन्धर्व (gandharva) = of the Gandharvas
गन्धर्वाणां (gandharvANAM) = of the citizens of the Gandharva planet
गन्धान् (gandhAn) = smells
गमः (gamaH) = take to
गम्यते (gamyate) = one can attain
गरीयः (garIyaH) = better
गरीयसे (garIyase) = who are better
गरीयान् (garIyAn) = glorious
गर्भं (garbhaM) = pregnancy
गर्भः (garbhaH) = embryo
गवि (gavi) = in the cow
गहना (gahanA) = very difficult
गां (gAM) = the planets
गाण्डीवं (gANDIvaM) = the bow of Arjuna
गात्राणि (gAtrANi) = limbs of the body
गायत्री (gAyatrI) = the Gayatri hymns
गिरां (girAM) = of vibrations
गीतं (gItaM) = described
गुडाकेश (guDAkesha) = O Arjuna
गुडाकेशः (guDAkeshaH) = Arjuna, the master of curbing ignorance
गुडाकेशेन (guDAkeshena) = by Arjuna
गुण (guNa) = of quality
गुण (guNa) = of the qualities
गुण (guNa) = quality
गुण (guNa) = by the modes of material nature
गुण (guNa) = by the modes
गुणकर्म (guNakarma) = of works under material influence
गुणकर्मसु (guNakarmasu) = in material activities
गुणतः (guNataH) = by the modes of material nature
गुणभेदतः (guNabhedataH) = in terms of different modes
of material nature
गुणभोक्तृ (guNabhoktR^i) = master of the gunas
गुणमयी (guNamayI) = consisting of the three modes
of material nature
गुणमयैः (guNamayaiH) = consisting of the gunas
गुणसंख्याने (guNasa.nkhyAne) = in terms of different modes
गुणसङ्गः (guNasaN^gaH) = the association with
the modes of nature
गुणाः (guNAH) = the qualities
गुणाः (guNAH) = senses
गुणातीतः (guNAtItaH) = transcendental to the material
modes of nature
गुणान् (guNAn) = qualities
गुणान् (guNAn) = the three modes of nature
गुणान् (guNAn) = the modes of nature
गुणान् (guNAn) = the modes of material nature
गुणान्वितं (guNAnvitaM) = under the spell of the modes
of material nature
गुणेभ्यः (guNebhyaH) = to the modes of nature
गुणेभ्यः (guNebhyaH) = than the qualities
गुणेषु (guNeShu) = in sense gratification
गुणैः (guNaiH) = the modes of material nature
गुणैः (guNaiH) = by the qualities.
गुणैः (guNaiH) = by the qualities
गुणैः (guNaiH) = by the modes of material nature.
गुणैः (guNaiH) = by the modes
गुणैः (guNaiH) = modes of material nature.
गुरु (guru) = the spiritual master
गुरुः (guruH) = master
गुरुणापि (guruNApi) = even though very difficult
गुरुन् (gurun) = the superiors
गुरुन् (gurun) = superiors
गुह्यं (guhyaM) = confidential subject
गुह्यं (guhyaM) = confidential secret
गुह्यं (guhyaM) = confidential
गुह्यतमं (guhyatamaM) = the most confidential
गुह्यतरं (guhyataraM) = still more confidential
गुह्यात् (guhyAt) = than confidential
गुह्यानां (guhyAnAM) = of secrets
गृणन्ति (gR^iNanti) = are offering prayers
गृहादिषु (gR^ihAdiShu) = home, etc.
गृहीत्वा (gR^ihItvA) = taking
गृह्णन् (gR^ihNan) = accepting
गृह्णाति (gR^ihNAti) = does accept
गृह्यते (gR^ihyate) = can be so controlled.
गेहे (gehe) = in the house
गो (go) = of cows
गोमुखाः (gomukhAH) = horns
गोविन्द (govinda) = O KRiShNa
गोविन्दं (govindaM) = unto KRiShNa, the giver of pleasure to the senses
ग्रसमानः (grasamAnaH) = devouring
ग्रसिष्णु (grasiShNu) = devouring
ग्राहान् (grAhAn) = things
ग्राहेण (grAheNa) = with endeavor
ग्राह्यं (grAhyaM) = accessible
ग्रीवं (grIvaM) = neck
ग्लानिः (glAniH) = discrepancies

घातयति (ghAtayati) = causes to hurt
घोरं (ghoraM) = harmful to others
घोरं (ghoraM) = horrible
घोरे (ghore) = ghastly
घोषः (ghoShaH) = vibration
घ्नतः (ghnataH) = being killed
घ्राणं (ghrANaM) = smelling power
च (cha) = and also
च (cha) = and.
च (cha) = also
च (cha) = as well as
च (cha) = indeed
च (cha) = respectively
चक्रं (chakraM) = cycle
चक्रहस्तं (chakrahastaM) = disc in hand
चक्रिणं (chakriNaM) = with discs
चञ्चलं (cha~nchalaM) = flickering
चञ्चलत्वात् (cha~nchalatvAt) = due to being restless
चतुर्भुजेन (chaturbhujena) = four-handed
चतुर्विधं (chaturvidhaM) = the four kinds.
चतुर्विधाः (chaturvidhAH) = four kinds of
चत्वारः (chatvAraH) = four
चन्द्रमसि (chandramasi) = in the moon
चमूं (chamUM) = military force
चर (chara) = the moving
चर (chara) = moving
चरं (charaM) = moving
चरतां (charatAM) = while roaming
चरति (charati) = does
चरति (charati) = lives
चरन् (charan) = acting upon
चरन्ति (charanti) = practice
चराचरं (charAcharaM) = moving and nonmoving.
चराचरम् (charAcharam) = the moving and the nonmoving
चलं (chalaM) = flickering
चलति (chalati) = moves
चलित (chalita) = deviated
चक्षुः (chakShuH) = eyes
चातुर्वर्ण्यं (chAturvarNyaM) = the four divisions of human society
चान्द्रमसं (chAndramasaM) = the moon planet
चापं (chApaM) = the bow
चापि (chApi) = also
चारिणौ (chAriNau) = blowing
चास्मि (chAsmi) = as I am
चिकीर्षवः (chikIrShavaH) = wishing.
चिकीर्षुः (chikIrShuH) = desiring to lead
चित्त (chittaChitta Chitta is mind (योगश् चित्त वृत्ति निरोधः). Brain neurophysiological functioning. Chit Consciousness. Psychology and Human Mind) = by anxieties
चित्तं (chittaM) = the mind and its activities
चित्तं (chittaM) = mind
चित्तं (chittaM) = mental activities
चित्तः (chittaH) = concentrating the mind
चित्तः (chittaH) = being in consciousness
चित्तात्मा (chittAtmA) = mind and intelligence
चित्ररथः (chitrarathaH) = Citraratha
चिन्तयन्तः (chintayantaH) = concentrating
चिन्तयेत् (chintayet) = should think of.
चिन्तां (chintAM) = fears and anxieties
चिरात् (chirAt) = after a long time
चूर्णितैः (chUrNitaiH) = with smashed
चेकितानः (chekitAnaH) = Cekitana
चेत् (chet) = if
चेतना (chetanA) = the living force.
चेतना (chetanA) = living symptoms
चेतसः (chetasaH) = whose wisdom
चेतसः (chetasaH) = their hearts
चेतसा (chetasA) = by intelligence
चेतसा (chetasA) = by consciousness
चेतसा (chetasA) = by the mind and intelligence
चेतसा (chetasA) = by the mind
चेतसां (chetasAM) = of those whose minds.
चेतसां (chetasAM) = of those whose minds
चेताः (chetAH) = in heart
चेष्टः (cheShTaH) = the endeavors
चेष्टते (cheShTate) = tries
चेष्टस्य (cheShTasya) = of one who works for maintenance
चैलाजिन (chailAjina) = of soft cloth and deerskin
चोदना (chodanA) = the impetus
च्यवन्ति (chyavanti) = fall down
छन्दसां (ChandasAM) = of all poetry
छन्दांसि (ChandA.nsi) = the Vedic hymns
छन्दोभिः (ChandobhiH) = by Vedic hymns
छलयतां (ChalayatAM) = of all cheats
छित्त्व (Chittva) = cutting
छित्त्वा (ChittvA) = cutting off
छिन्दन्ति (Chindanti) = can cut to pieces
छिन्न (Chinna) = torn
छिन्न (Chinna) = having cut off
छिन्न (Chinna) = having torn off
छेत्ता (ChettA) = remover
छेत्तुं (ChettuM) = to dispel
जगत् (jagat) = universe.
जगत् (jagat) = universe
जगत् (jagat) = cosmic manifestation
जगत् (jagat) = the universe
जगत् (jagat) = the whole world
जगत् (jagat) = the entire world
जगत् (jagat) = the cosmic manifestation
जगत् (jagat) = the material world.
जगतः (jagataH) = universe
जगतः (jagataH) = of the world
जगतः (jagataH) = of the material world
जगत्पते (jagatpate) = O Lord of the entire universe.
जगन्निवास (jagannivAsa) = O refuge of the universe.
जगन्निवास (jagannivAsa) = O refuge of the universe
जगन्निवास (jagannivAsa) = O refuge of the worlds.
जग्रतः (jagrataH) = or one who keeps night watch too much
जघन्य (jaghanya) = of abominable
जङ्गमं (jaN^gamaM) = moving
जनः (janaH) = person
जनकादयाः (janakAdayAH) = Janaka and other kings
जनयेत् (janayet) = he should cause
जनसंसदि (janasa.nsadi) = to people in general
जनाः (janAH) = people.
जनाः (janAH) = persons.
जनाः (janAH) = persons
जनाधिपः (janAdhipaH) = kings
जनानां (janAnAM) = of the persons
जनार्दन (janArdana) = O killer of the atheists
जनार्दन (janArdana) = O KRiShNa.
जनार्दन (janArdana) = O KRiShNa
जनार्दन (janArdana) = O chastiser of the enemies
जनार्दन (janArdana) = O maintainer of all living entities.
जन्तवः (jantavaH) = the living entities.
जन्म (janma) = of birth
जन्म (janma) = birth
जन्म (janma) = births
जन्मकर्मफलप्रदां (janmakarmaphalapradAM) = resulting in good
birth and other fruitive reactions
जन्मनां (janmanAM) = repeated births and deaths
जन्मनि जन्मनि (janmani janmani) = in birth after birth
जन्मबन्ध (janmabandha) = from the bondage of birth and death
जन्मसु (janmasu) = in births.
जन्मानि (janmAni) = births
जपयज्ञः (japayaj~naH) = chanting
जयः (jayaH) = victory
जयद्रथं च (jayadrathaM cha) = also Jayadratha
जयाजयौ (jayAjayau) = both victory and defeat
जयेम (jayema) = we may conquer
जयेयुः (jayeyuH) = they conquer
जरा (jarA) = and old age
जरा (jarA) = old age
जरा (jarA) = from old age
जहाति (jahAti) = can get rid of
जहि (jahi) = conquer
जहि (jahi) = destroy
जागर्ति (jAgarti) = is wakeful
जाग्रति (jAgrati) = are awake
जातस्य (jAtasya) = of one who has taken his birth
जाताः (jAtAH) = born
जातिधर्माः (jAtidharmAH) = community projects
जातु (jAtu) = at any time
जातु (jAtu) = ever
जानन् (jAnan) = even if he knows
जानाति (jAnAti) = knows
जाने (jAne) = I know
जायते (jAyate) = is taking place
जायते (jAyate) = comes into being
जायते (jAyate) = takes birth.
जायते (jAyate) = takes birth
जायन्ते (jAyante) = are manifested
जायन्ते (jAyante) = develop
जाल (jAla) = by a network
जाह्नवी (jAhnavI) = the River Ganges.
जिगिषतां (jigiShatAM) = of those who seek victory
जिघ्रन् (jighran) = smelling
जिजीविषामः (jijIviShAmaH) = we would want to live
जित (jita) = having conquered
जितः (jitaH) = conquered
जितात्मनः (jitAtmanaH) = of one who has conquered his mind
जितात्मा (jitAtmA) = having control of the mind
जितेन्द्रियः (jitendriyaH) = having conquered the senses
जित्वा (jitvA) = conquering
जित्वा (jitvA) = by conquering
जिवभूतां (jivabhUtAM) = comprising the living entities
जिज्ञासुः (jij~nAsuH) = inquisitive
जिज्ञासुः (jij~nAsuH) = the inquisitive
जीर्णानि (jIrNAni) = old and useless
जीर्णानि (jIrNAni) = old and worn out
जीवति (jIvati) = lives.
जीवनं (jIvanaM) = life
जीवभूतः (jIvabhUtaH) = the conditioned living entity
जीवलोके (jIvaloke) = in the world of conditional life
जीवितेन (jIvitena) = living
जुष्टं (juShTaM) = practiced by
जुहोसि (juhosi) = you offer
जुह्वति (juhvati) = offer
जुह्वति (juhvati) = they sacrifice.
जुह्वति (juhvati) = sacrifice.
जेतासि (jetAsi) = you will conquer
जोषयेत् (joShayet) = he should dovetail
ज्यायसि (jyAyasi) = better
ज्यायाः (jyAyAH) = better
ज्योतिः (jyotiH) = the light
ज्योतिः (jyotiH) = the source of light
ज्योतिः (jyotiH) = light
ज्योतीषां (jyotIShAM) = in all luminous objects
ज्योतीषां (jyotIShAM) = of all luminaries
ज्वलद्भिः (jvaladbhiH) = blazing
ज्वलनं (jvalanaM) = a fire
झषाणां (jhaShANAM) = of all fish
तं तं (taM taM) = corresponding
तं तं (taM taM) = similar
तं (taM) = unto Arjuna
तं (taM) = unto Him
तं (taM) = unto him
तं (taM) = Him
तं (taM) = to Him
तं (taM) = that
तं (taM) = him
तं (taM) = he
तत् सर्वं (tat sarvaM) = all those
तत् तत् (tat tat) = all those
तत् (tat) = actually that
तत् (tat) = and that alone
तत् (tat) = all those
तत् (tat) = of Him
तत् (tat) = that knowledge of different sacrifices
तत् (tat) = that.
तत् (tat) = that
तत् (tat) = therefore
तत् (tat) = for that
ततं (tataM) = is pervaded.
ततं (tataM) = is pervaded
ततं (tataM) = pervaded
ततः एव (tataH eva) = thereafter
ततः (tataH) = than that
ततः (tataH) = then
ततः (tataH) = thereafter
ततः (tataH) = therefore
ततः (tataH) = from that
ततस्ततः (tatastataH) = from there
तत्त्व (tattva) = of the truth
तत्त्वं (tattvaM) = the truth
तत्त्वतः (tattvataH) = in truth
तत्त्वतः (tattvataH) = in reality
तत्त्वतः (tattvataH) = in fact.
तत्त्वतः (tattvataH) = factually
तत्त्वतः (tattvataH) = from the truth
तत्त्ववित् (tattvavit) = one who knows the truth
तत्त्ववित् (tattvavit) = the knower of the Absolute Truth
तत्त्वज्ञान (tattvaj~nAna) = of knowledge of the truth
तत्त्वेन (tattvena) = in reality
तत्त्वेन (tattvena) = in fact
तत्परं (tatparaM) = KRiShNa consciousness.
तत्परं (tatparaM) = transcendental
तत्परः (tatparaH) = very much attached to it
तत्परायणः (tatparAyaNaH) = who have completely taken shelter of Him
तत्प्रसादात् (tatprasAdAt) = by His grace
तत्बुद्धयः (tatbuddhayaH) = those whose intelligence
is always in the Supreme
तत्र (tatra) = into that
तत्र (tatra) = therein
तत्र (tatra) = thereupon
तत्र (tatra) = there
तत्र (tatra) = therefore
तत्विदः (tatvidaH) = by those who know this.
तत्समक्षं (tatsamakShaM) = among companions
तथा (tathA) = also
तथा (tathA) = as also
तथा (tathA) = as well as.
तथा (tathA) = as well as
तथा (tathA) = in that way
तथा (tathA) = in the same way
तथा (tathA) = too
तथा (tathA) = that
तथा (tathA) = thus.
तथा (tathA) = thus
तथा (tathA) = similarly.
तथा (tathA) = similarly
तथा (tathA) = so
तथापि (tathApi) = still
तथैव (tathaiva) = in that position
तथैव (tathaiva) = similarly
तद्धाम (taddhAma) = that abode
तदनन्तरं (tadanantaraM) = thereafter.
तदा (tadA) = at that time.
तदा (tadA) = at that time
तदात्मानः (tadAtmAnaH) = those whose minds are always in the Supreme
तद्वत् (tadvat) = so
तद्विद्धि (tadviddhi) = you must know it
तनुं (tanuM) = a body
तनुं (tanuM) = form of a demigod
तन्निष्ठाः (tanniShThAH) = those whose faith is only
meant for the Supreme
तपः (tapaH) = and penance
तपः (tapaH) = austerities
तपः (tapaH) = austerity
तपः (tapaH) = penance
तपःसु (tapaHsu) = in undergoing different types of austerities
तपन्तं (tapantaM) = heating.
तपसा (tapasA) = by the penance
तपसा (tapasA) = by serious penances
तपसां (tapasAM) = and penances and austerities
तपसि (tapasi) = in penance
तपस्यसि (tapasyasi) = austerities you perform
तपस्विभ्यः (tapasvibhyaH) = than the ascetics
तपस्विषु (tapasviShu) = in those who practice penance.
तपामि (tapAmi) = give heat
तपोभिः (tapobhiH) = by serious penances
तपोयज्ञाः (tapoyaj~nAH) = sacrifice in austerities
तप्तं (taptaM) = executed
तप्यन्ते (tapyante) = undergo
तमः (tamaH) = in ignorance.
तमः (tamaH) = the mode of ignorance
तमः (tamaH) = darkness
तमस (tamasa) = by illusion
तमसः (tamasaH) = of the mode of ignorance
तमसः (tamasaH) = to darkness
तमसः (tamasaH) = the darkness
तमसः (tamasaH) = from the mode of ignorance
तमसि (tamasi) = in ignorance
तमसि (tamasi) = the mode of ignorance
तमोद्वारैः (tamodvAraiH) = from the gates of ignorance
तया (tayA) = with that
तया (tayA) = by such things
तयोः (tayoH) = of the two
तयोः (tayoH) = of them
तरन्ति (taranti) = overcome
तरिष्यसि (tariShyasi) = you will overcome
तव (tava) = unto you
तव (tava) = of yours
तव (tava) = your
तव (tava) = Your.
तव (tava) = Your
तस्मात् (tasmAt) = to that
तस्मात् (tasmAt) = than him
तस्मात् (tasmAt) = therefore
तस्मिन् (tasmin) = in that
तस्य तस्य (tasya tasya) = to him
तस्य (tasya) = its
तस्य (tasya) = of Him
तस्य (tasya) = of that demigod
तस्य (tasya) = of that
तस्य (tasya) = of them
तस्य (tasya) = of him
तस्य (tasya) = to him
तस्य (tasya) = his
तस्य (tasya) = for him
तस्यां (tasyAM) = in that
तां (tAM) = that
तात (tAta) = My friend
तान् (tAn) = all of them
तान् (tAn) = them
तान् (tAn) = they are
तान् (tAn) = those.
तान् (tAn) = those
तानि (tAni) = all of them
तानि (tAni) = all those
तानि (tAni) = those senses
तानि (tAni) = those
तामस (tAmasa) = to one in the mode of darkness
तामसं (tAmasaM) = in the mode of ignorance
तामसं (tAmasaM) = in the mode of darkness
तामसः (tAmasaH) = in the mode of ignorance
तामसाः (tAmasAH) = in the mode of ignorance
तामसाः (tAmasAH) = persons in the mode of ignorance.
तामसी (tAmasI) = in the mode of ignorance.
तामसी (tAmasI) = in the mode of ignorance
तावान् (tAvAn) = similarly
तासां (tAsAM) = of all of them
तितिक्षस्व (titikShasva) = just try to tolerate
तिष्ठति (tiShThati) = exists.
तिष्ठति (tiShThati) = remains
तिष्ठति (tiShThati) = resides
तिष्ठन्तं (tiShThantaM) = residing
तिष्ठन्ति (tiShThanti) = dwell
तिष्ठसि (tiShThasi) = remain.
तीक्ष्ण (tIkShNa) = pungent
तु (tu) = and
तु (tu) = also
तु (tu) = indeed
तु (tu) = only
तु (tu) = certainly
तु (tu) = but
तु (tu) = however
तुमुलः (tumulaH) = uproarious
तुमुलः (tumulaH) = tumultuous
तुल्य (tulya) = equal
तुल्य (tulya) = equally disposed
तुल्यः (tulyaH) = equal
तुष्टः (tuShTaH) = satisfied
तुष्टिः (tuShTiH) = satisfaction
तुष्णिं (tuShNiM) = silent
तुष्यति (tuShyati) = one becomes satisfied
तुष्यन्ति (tuShyanti) = become pleased
तृप्त (tR^ipta) = satisfied
तृप्तः (tR^iptaH) = being satisfied
तृप्तिः (tR^iptiH) = satisfaction
तृष्णा (tR^iShNA) = with hankering
ते (te) = all of them
ते (te) = unto you
ते (te) = unto You
ते (te) = of you
ते (te) = of You
ते (te) = to you.
ते (te) = to you
ते (te) = they are
ते (te) = they.
ते (te) = they
ते (te) = those
ते (te) = by you
ते (te) = by You
ते (te) = you
ते (te) = your
ते (te) = such persons
ते (te) = Your
ते (te) = for your
तेऽपि (te.api) = even they
तेजः (tejaH) = of the splendor
तेजः (tejaH) = the splendor
तेजः (tejaH) = power
तेजः (tejaH) = prowess
तेजः (tejaH) = vigor
तेजः (tejaH) = splendor
तेजः (tejaH) = heat
तेजस्विनां (tejasvinAM) = of everything splendid
तेजस्विनां (tejasvinAM) = of the powerful
तेजोभिः (tejobhiH) = by effulgence
तेजोमयं (tejomayaM) = full of effulgence
तेजोराशिं (tejorAshiM) = effulgence
तेन (tena) = with that
तेन (tena) = by that lust
तेन (tena) = by that
तेन (tena) = by him
तेनैव (tenaiva) = in that
तेषां (teShAM) = unto them
तेषां (teShAM) = out of them
तेषां (teShAM) = of them
तेषां (teShAM) = their
तेषां (teShAM) = for them
तेषु (teShu) = in the sense objects
तेषु (teShu) = in them
तेषु (teShu) = in those
तेषु (teShu) = for those
तैः (taiH) = by them
तैस्तैः (taistaiH) = various
तोयं (toyaM) = water
तौ (tau) = they
तौ (tau) = those
त्यक्त (tyakta) = giving up
त्यक्तजीविताः (tyaktajIvitAH) = prepared to risk life
त्यक्तुं (tyaktuM) = to be renounced
त्यक्त्वा (tyaktvA) = giving up
त्यक्त्वा (tyaktvA) = renouncing
त्यक्त्वा (tyaktvA) = leaving aside
त्यक्त्वा (tyaktvA) = having given up
त्यजति (tyajati) = gives up
त्यजन् (tyajan) = quitting
त्यजेत् (tyajet) = one must give up.
त्यजेत् (tyajet) = one should give up
त्यजेत् (tyajet) = gives up
त्याग (tyAga) = of renunciation
त्यागं (tyAgaM) = renunciation
त्यागः (tyAgaH) = renunciation
त्यागस्य (tyAgasya) = of renunciation
त्यागात् (tyAgAt) = by such renunciation
त्यागी (tyAgI) = the renouncer
त्यागे (tyAge) = in the matter of renunciation
त्याज्यं (tyAjyaM) = are to be given up
त्याज्यं (tyAjyaM) = to be given up
त्याज्यं (tyAjyaM) = must be given up
त्रयं (trayaM) = the three divisions
त्रयं (trayaM) = three
त्रयी (trayI) = of the three Vedas
त्रायते (trAyate) = releases
त्रिधा (tridhA) = of three kinds
त्रिभिः (tribhiH) = of three kinds
त्रिभिः (tribhiH) = three
त्रिविधं (trividhaM) = of three kinds
त्रिविधः (trividhaH) = of three kinds
त्रिविधः (trividhaH) = threefold
त्रिविधा (trividhA) = of three kinds
त्रिषु (triShu) = in the three
त्रीन् (trIn) = three
त्रैगुण्य (traiguNya) = pertaining to the three
modes of material nature
त्रैलोक्य (trailokya) = of the three worlds
त्रैविद्यः (traividyaH) = the knowers of the three Vedas
त्वं (tvaM) = unto You
त्वं (tvaM) = you
त्वं (tvaM) = You are
त्वं (tvaM) = You
त्वं (tvaM) = from You
त्वक् (tvak) = skin
त्वत् (tvat) = than you
त्वत् (tvat) = than You
त्वत्तः (tvattaH) = from You
त्वत्प्रसादात् (tvatprasAdAt) = by Your mercy
त्वत्समः (tvatsamaH) = equal to You
त्वदन्येन (tvadanyena) = besides you
त्वया (tvayA) = by you
त्वया (tvayA) = by You
त्वयि (tvayi) = unto you
त्वरमाणाः (tvaramANAH) = rushing
त्वा (tvA) = unto you
त्वां (tvAM) = unto You
त्वां (tvAM) = of You
त्वां (tvAM) = you
त्वां (tvAM) = You
दंडः (da.nDaH) = punishment
दंष्ट्रा (da.nShTrA) = teeth
दग्ध (dagdha) = burned
दत्तं (dattaM) = given
दत्तान् (dattAn) = things given
ददामि (dadAmi) = I give
ददासि (dadAsi) = you give away
दधामि (dadhAmi) = create
दध्मुः (dadhmuH) = blew
दध्मौ (dadhmau) = blew
दमः (damaH) = control of the senses
दमः (damaH) = controlling the mind
दमः (damaH) = self-control
दमयतां (damayatAM) = of all means of suppression
दम्भ (dambha) = with pride
दम्भ (dambha) = of pride
दम्भ (dambha) = pride
दम्भः (dambhaH) = pride
दम्भेन (dambhena) = with pride
दम्भेन (dambhena) = out of pride
दया (dayA) = mercy
दर्पं (darpaM) = pride
दर्पं (darpaM) = false pride
दर्पः (darpaH) = arrogance
दर्शनं (darshanaM) = philosophy
दर्शनं (darshanaM) = sights
दर्शनकाङ्क्षिणः (darshanakAN^kShiNaH) = aspiring to see.
दर्शय (darshaya) = show
दर्शयामास (darshayAmAsa) = showed
दर्शितं (darshitaM) = shown
दर्शिनः (darshinaH) = seers.
दर्शिभिः (darshibhiH) = by the seers.
दशनान्तरेषु (dashanAntareShu) = between the teeth
दशैकं (dashaikaM) = eleven
दहति (dahati) = burns
दक्षः (dakShaH) = expert
दक्षिणायनं (dakShiNAyanaM) = when the sun passes
on the southern side
दाः (dAH) = giving
दातव्यं (dAtavyaM) = worth giving
दान (dAna) = of charity
दान (dAna) = charity
दानं (dAnaM) = generosity
दानं (dAnaM) = charity
दानवः (dAnavaH) = the demons.
दाने (dAne) = in charity
दानेन (dAnena) = by charity
दानेषु (dAneShu) = in giving charities
दानैः (dAnaiH) = by charity
दारा (dArA) = wife
दास्यन्ते (dAsyante) = will award
दास्यामि (dAsyAmi) = I shall give charity
दाक्ष्यं (dAkShyaM) = resourcefulness
दिवि (divi) = in the sky
दिवि (divi) = in the higher planetary system
दिवि (divi) = in heaven
दिव्य (divya) = divine
दिव्यं (divyaM) = in the spiritual kingdom.
दिव्यं (divyaM) = transcendental
दिव्यं (divyaM) = divine
दिव्याः (divyAH) = divine
दिव्यान् (divyAn) = celestial
दिव्यान् (divyAn) = divine.
दिव्यानां (divyAnAM) = of the divine
दिव्यानि (divyAni) = divine
दिव्यौ (divyau) = transcendental
दिशः (dishaH) = in all directions
दिशः (dishaH) = on all sides
दिशः (dishaH) = the directions
दिशः (dishaH) = directions
दीपः (dIpaH) = a lamp
दीपेन (dIpena) = with the lamp
दीप्त (dIpta) = glowing
दीप्त (dIpta) = blazing
दीप्तं (dIptaM) = glowing
दीप्तानल (dIptAnala) = blazing fire
दीप्तिमन्तं (dIptimantaM) = glowing
दीयते (dIyate) = is given
दीर्घसूत्री (dIrghasUtrI) = procrastinating
दुःख (duHkha) = and pain
दुःख (duHkha) = in distress
दुःख (duHkha) = of the distress
दुःख (duHkha) = of distress
दुःख (duHkha) = distress
दुःखं (duHkhaM) = unhappy
दुःखं (duHkhaM) = with trouble
दुःखं (duHkhaM) = distress
दुःखं (duHkhaM) = misery
दुःखतरं (duHkhataraM) = more painful
दुःखसंयोग (duHkhasa.nyoga) = of the miseries of material contact
दुःखहा (duHkhahA) = diminishing pains.
दुःखानां (duHkhAnAM) = and distress
दुःखानां (duHkhAnAM) = material miseries
दुःखालयं (duHkhAlayaM) = place of miseries
दुःखे (duHkhe) = and distress
दुःखेन (duHkhena) = by miseries
दुःखेषु (duHkheShu) = and distress
दुःखेषु (duHkheShu) = in the threefold miseries
दुःखैः (duHkhaiH) = the distresses
दुरत्यया (duratyayA) = very difficult to overcome
दुरासदं (durAsadaM) = formidable.
दुर्गतिं (durgatiM) = to degradation
दुर्गाणि (durgANi) = impediments
दुर्निग्रहं (durnigrahaM) = difficult to curb
दुर्निरीक्ष्यं (durnirIkShyaM) = difficult to see
दुर्बुद्धेः (durbuddheH) = evil-minded
दुर्मतिः (durmatiH) = foolish.
दुर्मेधा (durmedhA) = unintelligent
दुर्योधनः (duryodhanaH) = King Duryodhana
दुर्लभतरं (durlabhataraM) = very rare
दुष्कृतां (duShkR^itAM) = of the miscreants
दुष्कृतिनः (duShkR^itinaH) = miscreants
दुष्टासु (duShTAsu) = being so polluted
दुष्पूरं (duShpUraM) = insatiable
दुष्पूरेण (duShpUreNa) = never to be satisfied
दुष्प्रापः (duShprApaH) = difficult to obtain
दूरस्थं (dUrasthaM) = far away
दूरेण (dUreNa) = discard it at a long distance
दृढं (dR^iDhaM) = obstinate
दृढं (dR^iDhaM) = very
दृढनिश्चयः (dR^iDhanishchayaH) = with determination
दृढव्रताः (dR^iDhavratAH) = with determination.
दृढव्रताः (dR^iDhavratAH) = with determination
दृढेन (dR^iDhena) = strong
दृष्टः (dR^iShTaH) = observed
दृष्टवान् (dR^iShTavAn) = seeing
दृष्टवानसि (dR^iShTavAnasi) = as you have seen
दृष्टिं (dR^iShTiM) = vision
दृष्ट्वा (dR^iShTvA) = after seeing
दृष्ट्वा (dR^iShTvA) = by experiencing
दृष्ट्वा (dR^iShTvA) = by seeing
दृष्ट्वा (dR^iShTvA) = looking upon
दृष्ट्वा (dR^iShTvA) = seeing
देव (deva) = of the Supreme Lord
देव (deva) = O Lord
देव (deva) = my Lord
देवं (devaM) = to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
देवं (devaM) = shining
देवता (devatA) = gods
देवताः (devatAH) = the demigods
देवताः (devatAH) = demigods
देवदत्तं (devadattaM) = the conchshell named Devadatta
देवदेव (devadeva) = O Lord of all demigods
देवदेवस्य (devadevasya) = of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
देवभोगान् (devabhogAn) = the pleasures of the gods.
देवयजः (devayajaH) = the worshipers of the demigods
देवर्षिः (devarShiH) = the sage among the demigods
देवर्षीणां (devarShINAM) = of all the sages amongst the demigods
देवलः (devalaH) = Devala
देववर (devavara) = O great one amongst the demigods
देवव्रताः (devavratAH) = worshipers of demigods
देवाः (devAH) = the demigods
देवाः (devAH) = demigods
देवान् (devAn) = all the demigods
देवान् (devAn) = to the demigods
देवान् (devAn) = demigods
देवानां (devAnAM) = of all the demigods
देवानां (devAnAM) = of the demigods
देवेश (devesha) = O God of the gods
देवेश (devesha) = O Lord of all lords
देवेश (devesha) = O Lord of lords
देवेषु (deveShu) = amongst the demigods
देश (desha) = places
देशे (deshe) = in a proper place
देशे (deshe) = land
देह (deha) = the body
देहं (dehaM) = in the bodies
देहं (dehaM) = this body
देहभृत् (dehabhR^it) = the embodied
देहभृता (dehabhR^itA) = by the embodied
देहभृतां (dehabhR^itAM) = of the embodied
देहवद्भिः (dehavadbhiH) = by the embodied
देहाः (dehAH) = material bodies
देहान्तर (dehAntara) = of transference of the body
देहिनं (dehinaM) = of the embodied.
देहिनं (dehinaM) = the embodied.
देहिनां (dehinAM) = of the embodied
देही (dehI) = the embodied soul
देही (dehI) = the embodied.
देही (dehI) = the embodied
देही (dehI) = the owner of the material body
देहीनं (dehInaM) = the living entity
देहीनः (dehInaH) = of the embodied
देहीनः (dehInaH) = for the embodied
देहे (dehe) = in this body
देहे (dehe) = in the body
देहे (dehe) = body
देहेऽस्मिन् (dehe.asmin) = in this body
देहेषु (deheShu) = bodies
दैत्यानां (daityAnAM) = of the demons
दैवं (daivaM) = in worshiping the demigods
दैवं (daivaM) = the Supreme
दैवः (daivaH) = godly
दैवः (daivaH) = the divine
दैवी (daivI) = transcendental
दैवीं (daivIM) = transcendental
दैवीं (daivIM) = the transcendental nature
दैवीं (daivIM) = divine
दोष (doSha) = the fault
दोष (doSha) = by the weakness
दोषं (doShaM) = crimeCrime A positive or negative act in violation of penal law; an offense against the state classified either as a felony or misdemeanor.
दोषं (doShaM) = fault
दोषवत् (doShavat) = as an evil
दोषाः (doShAH) = the faults
दोषेन (doShena) = with fault
दोषैः (doShaiH) = by such faults
दौर्बल्यं (daurbalyaM) = weakness
द्युतं (dyutaM) = gambling
द्युतिं (dyutiM) = the sunshine
द्यौ (dyau) = from outer space
द्रवन्ति (dravanti) = are fleeing
द्रवन्ति (dravanti) = glide
द्रव्यमयात् (dravyamayAt) = of material possessions
द्रव्ययज्ञाः (dravyayaj~nAH) = sacrificing one’s possessions
द्रष्टा (draShTA) = a seer
द्रष्टुं (draShTuM) = to be seen
द्रष्टुं (draShTuM) = to see
द्रष्टुं (draShTuM) = be seen
द्रक्ष्यसि (drakShyasi) = you will see
द्रुपदः (drupadaH) = Drupada, the King of Pancala
द्रुपदः (drupadaH) = Drupada
द्रुपदपुत्रेण (drupadaputreNa) = by the son of Drupada
द्रोण (droNa) = the teacher Drona
द्रोणं च (droNaM cha) = also Drona
द्रोणं (droNaM) = Drona
द्रोणः (droNaH) = Dronacarya
द्रौपदेयाः (draupadeyAH) = the sons of Draupadi
द्वन्द्व (dvandva) = of duality
द्वन्द्व (dvandva) = duality
द्वन्द्वः (dvandvaH) = the dual
द्वन्द्वैः (dvandvaiH) = from the dualities
द्वारं (dvAraM) = gate
द्वारं (dvAraM) = door
द्विज (dvija) = the brahmanas
द्विजोत्तम (dvijottama) = O best of the brahmanas
द्विविधा (dvividhA) = two kinds of
द्विषतः (dviShataH) = envious
द्वेष (dveSha) = and detachment
द्वेष (dveSha) = and hate
द्वेषः (dveShaH) = hatred
द्वेषौ (dveShau) = and hatred
द्वेषौ (dveShau) = also detachment
द्वेष्टि (dveShTi) = abhors
द्वेष्टि (dveShTi) = envies
द्वेष्टि (dveShTi) = grieves
द्वेष्टि (dveShTi) = hates
द्वेष्य (dveShya) = the envious
द्वेष्यः (dveShyaH) = hateful
द्वैधाः (dvaidhAH) = duality
द्वौ (dvau) = two
धनं (dhanaM) = wealth
धनञ्जय (dhana~njaya) = O Arjuna
धनञ्जय (dhana~njaya) = O winner of wealth, Arjuna.
धनञ्जय (dhana~njaya) = O winner of wealth.
धनञ्जय (dhana~njaya) = O conqueror of wealth (Arjuna).
धनञ्जय (dhana~njaya) = O conqueror of wealth
धनञ्जय (dhana~njaya) = O conqueror of riches.
धनञ्जय (dhana~njaya) = O conqueror of riches
धनञ्जयः (dhana~njayaH) = Arjuna
धनञ्जयः (dhana~njayaH) = Dhananjaya (Arjuna, the winner of wealth)
धनमान (dhanamAna) = of wealth and false prestige
धनानि (dhanAni) = riches
धनुः (dhanuH) = bow
धनुर्धरः (dhanurdharaH) = the carrier of the bow and arrow
धरं (dharaM) = wearing
धर्म (dharma) = of religionReligion ‘The word ‘Religion’ -Re Legion- A group or Collection or a brigade, is a social-cultural construction and Substantially doesn’t exist. Catholic religion is different from Protestant religion. It is not Dharma.
धर्म (dharma) = principles of religion
धर्म (dharma) = religion
धर्म (dharma) = religiosity
धर्मं (dharmaM) = the principles of religion
धर्मं (dharmaM) = doctrines
धर्मं (dharmaM) = religion
धर्मस्य (dharmasya) = occupation
धर्मस्य (dharmasya) = of the constitutional position
धर्मस्य (dharmasya) = of religion
धर्मस्य (dharmasya) = toward the process of religion
धर्मक्षेत्रे (dharmakShetre) = in the place of pilgrimage
धर्मात्मा (dharmAtmA) = righteous
धर्माविरुद्धः (dharmAviruddhaH) = not against religious principles
धर्मे (dharme) = religion
धर्म्यं (dharmyaM) = as a religious duty
धर्म्यं (dharmyaM) = the principle of religion
धर्म्यं (dharmyaM) = sacred
धर्म्यात् (dharmyAt) = for religious principles
धाता (dhAtA) = the creator
धाता (dhAtA) = supporter
धातारं (dhAtAraM) = the maintainer
धाम (dhAma) = abode
धाम (dhAma) = refuge
धाम (dhAma) = sustenance
धारयते (dhArayate) = one sustains
धारयन् (dhArayan) = considering.
धारयन् (dhArayan) = holding
धारयामि (dhArayAmi) = sustain
धार्तराष्ट्रस्य (dhArtarAShTrasya) = for the son of Dhritarashtra
धार्तराष्ट्राः (dhArtarAShTrAH) = the sons of Dhritarashtra.
धार्तराष्ट्राः (dhArtarAShTrAH) = the sons of Dhritarashtra
धार्तराष्ट्राणां (dhArtarAShTrANAM) = of the sons of Dhritarashtra
धार्तराष्ट्रान् (dhArtarAShTrAn) = the sons of Dhritarashtra
धार्यते (dhAryate) = is utilized or exploited
धीमता (dhImatA) = very intelligent.
धीमतां (dhImatAM) = of those who are endowed with great wisdom
धीरं (dhIraM) = patient
धीरः (dhIraH) = the sober
धीरः (dhIraH) = steady
धुमः (dhumaH) = smoke
धूमेन (dhUmena) = with smoke
धूमेन (dhUmena) = by smoke
धृतराष्ट्र उवाच (dhR^itarAShTra uvAcha) = King Dhritarashtra said
धृतराष्ट्रस्य (dhR^itarAShTrasya) = of Dhritarashtra
धृति (dhR^iti) = with determination
धृतिं (dhR^itiM) = steadiness
धृतिः (dhR^itiH) = conviction
धृतिः (dhR^itiH) = determination
धृतिः (dhR^itiH) = firmness
धृतिः (dhR^itiH) = fortitude
धृतिगृहीतया (dhR^itigR^ihItayA) = carried by conviction
धृतेः (dhR^iteH) = of steadiness
धृत्य (dhR^itya) = by determination
धृत्या (dhR^ityA) = determination
धृष्टकेतुः (dhR^iShTaketuH) = Dhristaketu
धृष्टद्युम्नः (dhR^iShTadyumnaH) = Dhristadyumna (the
son of King Drupada)
धेनूनां (dhenUnAM) = of cows
ध्यानं (dhyAnaM) = meditationMeditation Christian meditation is reading a portion of the Bible and understanding some deep meaning of it. Eastern meditation (Dhyana) is in some way going inside. It has no medical or health benefits.  Too much meditation may cause Psychological problems. Sitting quietly and chanting mantras is a waste of life. The IQ of the practitioner will not increase and High BP will remain the same. The practitioners die in the same way as non-practitioners.  Dhyana = Focusing on something. Dharana= Conceptualsation. Samadhi= Firm resolute mind.
ध्यानयोगपरः (dhyAnayogaparaH) = absorbed in trance
ध्यानात् (dhyAnAt) = than meditation
ध्यानेन (dhyAnena) = by meditation
ध्यायतः (dhyAyataH) = while contemplating
ध्यायन्तः (dhyAyantaH) = meditating
ध्रुवं (dhruvaM) = it is also a fact
ध्रुवं (dhruvaM) = fixed
ध्रुवः (dhruvaH) = a fact
ध्रुवा (dhruvA) = certain
न करोति (na karoti) = never does anything
न कश्चित् (na kashchit) = no one
न चिरेण (na chireNa) = without delay
न दृष्टपूर्वं (na dR^iShTapUrvaM) = no one has previously seen.
न द्वेष्टि (na dveShTi) = does not hate
न निवृत्तानि (na nivR^ittAni) = nor stopping development
न पुनः (na punaH) = nor again
न मध्यं (na madhyaM) = no middle
न योत्स्ये (na yotsye) = I shall not fight
न लिप्यते (na lipyate) = nor is he entangled.
न श्रोस्यसि (na shrosyasi) = do not hear
न (na) = there is not
न (na) = did not
न (na) = do not
न (na) = does not
न (na) = neither
न (na) = never
न (na) = no one
न (na) = no
न (na) = notHing
न (na) = not
न (na) = nothing
न (na) = nor
न (na) = should not
नः (naH) = us
नः (naH) = our
नः (naH) = to us
नः (naH) = by us
नः (naH) = for us
नकुलः (nakulaH) = Nakula
नदीनां (nadInAM) = of the rivers
नभः (nabhaH) = the sky
नभःस्पृशं (nabhaHspR^ishaM) = touching the sky
नमः अस्तु (namaH astu) = I offer my respects
नमः अस्तु (namaH astu) = obeisances
नमः (namaH) = again my respects
नमः (namaH) = offering obeisances
नमः (namaH) = offering my respects
नमः (namaH) = my respects
नमस्कुरु (namaskuru) = offer obeisances
नमस्कुरु (namaskuru) = offer your obeisances
नमस्कृत्वा (namaskR^itvA) = offering obeisances
नमस्ते (namaste) = offering my respects unto You.
नमस्यन्तः (namasyantaH) = offering obeisances
नमस्यन्ति (namasyanti) = are offering respects
नमेरन् (nameran) = they should offer proper obeisances
नयनं (nayanaM) = eyes
नयेत् (nayet) = must bring under.
नरः (naraH) = a person
नरः (naraH) = a man.
नरः (naraH) = a man
नरः (naraH) = human being.
नरकस्य (narakasya) = of hell
नरकाय (narakAya) = make for hellish life
नरके (narake) = in hell
नरके (narake) = into hell
नरपुङ्गवः (narapuN^gavaH) = hero in human society.
नरलोकवीराः (naralokavIrAH) = kings of human society
नराणां (narANAM) = among human beings
नराधमाः (narAdhamAH) = lowest among mankind
नराधमान् (narAdhamAn) = the lowest of mankind
नराधिपं (narAdhipaM) = the king.
नरैः (naraiH) = by men
नवं (navaM) = a boat
नवद्वारे (navadvAre) = in the place where there are nine gates
नवानि (navAni) = new garments
नवानि (navAni) = new sets
नश्यति (nashyati) = perishes
नश्यात्सु (nashyAtsu) = being annihilated
नष्ट (naShTa) = having lost
नष्टः (naShTaH) = dispelled
नष्टः (naShTaH) = scattered
नष्टान् (naShTAn) = all ruined
नष्टे (naShTe) = being destroyed
नक्षत्राणां (nakShatrANAM) = of the stars
नागानां (nAgAnAM) = of the manyhooded serpents
नाना (nAnA) = many
नाना (nAnA) = variegated
नानाभावान् (nAnAbhAvAn) = multifarious situations
नानाविधानि (nAnAvidhAni) = variegated
नान्तं (nAntaM) = no end
नान्यगामिना (nAnyagAminA) = without their being deviated
नाभिजानाति (nAbhijAnAti) = does not know
नाम (nAma) = in name only
नायकाः (nAyakAH) = captains
नारदः (nAradaH) = Narada
नारीणां (nArINAM) = of women
नाशः (nAshaH) = loss
नाशनं (nAshanaM) = the destroyer.
नाशनं (nAshanaM) = destructive
नाशयामि (nAshayAmi) = dispel
नाशाय (nAshAya) = for destruction
नाशितं (nAshitaM) = is destroyed
नासाभ्यन्तर (nAsAbhyantara) = within the nostrils
नासिका (nAsikA) = of the nose
नास्ति (nAsti) = there is not
नास्ति (nAsti) = there cannot be
निः (niH) = without
निःश्रेयसकरौ (niHshreyasakarau) = leading to the path of liberation
निःस्पृहः (niHspR^ihaH) = desireless
निगच्छति (nigachChati) = attains
निगच्छति (nigachChati) = gains.
निगृहीतानि (nigR^ihItAni) = so curbed down
निगृह्णामि (nigR^ihNAmi) = withhold
निग्रहं (nigrahaM) = subduing
निग्रहः (nigrahaH) = repression
नित्य (nitya) = always
नित्य (nitya) = regularly
नित्यं (nityaM) = always existing
नित्यं (nityaM) = always
नित्यं (nityaM) = as an eternal function
नित्यं (nityaM) = eternally
नित्यं (nityaM) = constant
नित्यं (nityaM) = twenty-four hours a day
नित्यं (nityaM) = perpetually
नित्यं (nityaM) = forever
नित्यः (nityaH) = eternal
नित्यः (nityaH) = everlasting
नित्यजातं (nityajAtaM) = always born
नित्यत्वं (nityatvaM) = constancy
नित्ययुक्तः (nityayuktaH) = always engaged
नित्ययुक्ताः (nityayuktAH) = perpetually engaged
नित्यवैरिण (nityavairiNa) = by the eternal enemy
नित्यशः (nityashaH) = regularly
नित्यसत्त्वस्थः (nityasattvasthaH) = in a pure state
of spiritual existence
नित्यस्य (nityasya) = eternal in existence
नित्याः (nityAH) = in eternity
निद्रा (nidrA) = sleep
निद्राभिः (nidrAbhiH) = and sleep
निधनं (nidhanaM) = destruction
निधनानि (nidhanAni) = when vanquished
निधानं (nidhAnaM) = basis
निधानं (nidhAnaM) = resting place
निधानं (nidhAnaM) = refuge
निन्दन्तः (nindantaH) = while vilifying
निन्दा (nindA) = in defamation
निबद्धः (nibaddhaH) = conditioned
निबध्नन्ति (nibadhnanti) = do condition
निबध्नन्ति (nibadhnanti) = bind
निबध्नाति (nibadhnAti) = binds
निबध्यते (nibadhyate) = becomes affected.
निबध्यते (nibadhyate) = becomes entangled.
निबध्नन्ति (nibadhnanti) = do bind
निबन्धाय (nibandhAya) = for bondage
निबोध (nibodha) = just understand
निबोध (nibodha) = just take note of, be informed
निबोध (nibodha) = try to understand
निमित्तमात्रं (nimittamAtraM) = just the cause
निमित्तानि (nimittAni) = causes
निमिषन् (nimiShan) = closing
नियत (niyata) = having controlled
नियतं (niyataM) = always
नियतं (niyataM) = prescribed
नियतं (niyataM) = regulated
नियतमनसः (niyatamanasaH) = with a regulated mind
नियतस्य (niyatasya) = prescribed
नियताः (niyatAH) = controlled
नियतात्मभिः (niyatAtmabhiH) = by the self-controlled.
नियमं (niyamaM) = regulations
नियम्य (niyamya) = by regulating
नियम्य (niyamya) = regulating
नियोजयसि (niyojayasi) = You are engaging
नियोजितः (niyojitaH) = engaged.
नियोक्ष्यति (niyokShyati) = will engage.
निरतः (nirataH) = engaged
निरहङ्कारः (nirahaN^kAraH) = without false ego
निराशीः (nirAshIH) = without desire for the result
निराशीः (nirAshIH) = without desire for profit
निराशीः (nirAshIH) = without being attracted by anything else
निराश्रयः (nirAshrayaH) = without any shelter
निराहारस्य (nirAhArasya) = by negative restrictions
निरीक्षे (nirIkShe) = may look upon
निरुद्धं (niruddhaM) = being restrained from matter
निरुध्य (nirudhya) = confining
निर्गुणं (nirguNaM) = without material qualities
निर्गुणत्वात् (nirguNatvAt) = due to being transcendental
निर्देशः (nirdeshaH) = indication
निर्दोषं (nirdoShaM) = flawless
निर्द्वन्द्वः (nirdvandvaH) = without duality
निर्द्वन्द्वः (nirdvandvaH) = free from all dualities
निर्धूत (nirdhUta) = cleansed
निर्ममः (nirmamaH) = with no sense of proprietorship
निर्ममः (nirmamaH) = without a sense of proprietorship
निर्ममः (nirmamaH) = without ownership
निर्मलं (nirmalaM) = purified
निर्मलत्वात् (nirmalatvAt) = being purest in the material world
निर्मुक्ताः (nirmuktAH) = free from
निर्योगक्षेमः (niryogakShemaH) = free from ideas of gain and protection
निर्वाणपरमां (nirvANaparamAM) = cessation of material existence
निर्विकारः (nirvikAraH) = without change
निर्वेदं (nirvedaM) = callousness
निर्वैरः (nirvairaH) = without an enemy
निवर्तते (nivartate) = comes back.
निवर्तते (nivartate) = he ceases from.
निवर्तन्ति (nivartanti) = they come back
निवर्तन्ते (nivartante) = come back
निवर्तन्ते (nivartante) = they come back
निवर्तितुं (nivartituM) = to cease
निवसिष्यसि (nivasiShyasi) = you will live
निवातस्थः (nivAtasthaH) = in a place without wind
निवासः (nivAsaH) = abode
निवृत्तिं (nivR^ittiM) = not acting improperly
निवृत्तिं (nivR^ittiM) = not doing
निवेशय (niveshaya) = apply
निशा (nishA) = is night
निशा (nishA) = night
निश्चयं (nishchayaM) = certainty
निश्चयः (nishchayaH) = in certainty.
निश्चयेन (nishchayena) = with firm determination
निश्चलति (nishchalati) = becomes verily agitated
निश्चला (nishchalA) = unmoved
निश्चितं (nishchitaM) = confidently
निश्चितं (nishchitaM) = definite
निश्चिताः (nishchitAH) = having ascertained
निश्चित्य (nishchitya) = ascertaining
निष्ठा (niShThA) = the stage
निष्ठा (niShThA) = the faith
निष्ठा (niShThA) = faith
निस्त्रैगुण्यः (nistraiguNyaH) = transcendental to the three
modes of material nature
निस्पृहः (nispR^ihaH) = devoid of desire
निहताः (nihatAH) = killed
निहत्य (nihatya) = by killing
नीचं (nIchaM) = low
नीतिः (nItiH) = moralityMorality Mental frame. It can be high morality or low morality, savage morality or civilised morality or Christian morality, or Nazi morality. Decent Behaviour is acceptable norms of the nations. Christian morality starts with the belief that all men are sinners and that repentance is the cause of divine mercy. Putting Crucified Christ in between is the destruction of Christian morality and logic. Now morality shifted to the personal choice of Jesus. What Jesus did is 'good'. The same would be the case of Ram, Krishna, Muhammad, Buddha, Lenin, etc. Pure Human Consciousness degraded to pure followership. There exists no proof the animals are devoid of morality.
नु (nu) = of course
नृलोके (nR^iloke) = in this material world
नृषु (nR^iShu) = in men.
नेत्रं (netraM) = and eyes
नेत्रं (netraM) = eyes
नैव (naiva) = never is it so
नैष्कर्म्यं (naiShkarmyaM) = freedom from reaction
नैष्कर्म्यसिद्धिं (naiShkarmyasiddhiM) = the perfection of nonreaction
नैष्कृतिकः (naiShkR^itikaH) = expert in insulting others
नैष्ठिकीं (naiShThikIM) = unflinching
नो (no) = nor
न्याय्यं (nyAyyaM) = right
न्यासं (nyAsaM) = renunciation
पचन्ति (pachanti) = prepare food
पचामि (pachAmi) = I digest
पञ्च (pa~ncha) = five
पञ्चमं (pa~nchamaM) = the fifth.
पणवानक (paNavAnaka) = small drums and kettledrums
पण्डितं (paNDitaM) = learned
पण्डिताः (paNDitAH) = the learned.
पण्डिताः (paNDitAH) = the learned
पण्डिताः (paNDitAH) = those who are wise
पतङ्गाः (pataN^gAH) = moths
पतन्ति (patanti) = they glide down
पतन्ति (patanti) = fall down
पत्रं (patraM) = a leaf
पथि (pathi) = on the path.
पदं (padaM) = abode
पदं (padaM) = position
पदं (padaM) = legs
पदं (padaM) = situation
पदैः (padaiH) = by the aphorisms
पद्मपत्रं (padmapatraM) = a lotus leaf
पर (para) = and in other
परं (paraM) = transcendental
परं (paraM) = the Supreme.
परं (paraM) = the Supreme
परं (paraM) = the supreme
परं (paraM) = beyond
परं (paraM) = superior
परं (paraM) = supreme
परं (paraM) = far superior things
परंतप (para.ntapa) = O chastiser of the enemies.
परः (paraH) = in the next life
परः (paraH) = transcendental
परः (paraH) = the ultimate goal.
परः (paraH) = the Supreme, than whom no one is greater
परतः (parataH) = superior
परतरं (parataraM) = superior
परधर्मः (paradharmaH) = duties prescribed for others
परधर्मात् (paradharmAt) = than another’s occupation
परधर्मात् (paradharmAt) = than duties mentioned for others
परन्तप (parantapa) = O Arjuna, subduer of the enemies.
परन्तप (parantapa) = O killer of the enemies
परन्तप (parantapa) = O chastiser of the enemy
परन्तप (parantapa) = O conqueror of enemies.
परन्तप (parantapa) = O conqueror of the enemies
परन्तप (parantapa) = O mighty-armed one.
परन्तप (parantapa) = O subduer of the enemies
परन्तप (parantapa) = O subduer of the enemy.
परन्तपः (parantapaH) = the chastiser of the enemies
परम (parama) = the supreme
परम (parama) = beyond material nature
परमं (paramaM) = transcendental
परमं (paramaM) = the divine
परमं (paramaM) = the Supreme
परमं (paramaM) = the supreme
परमं (paramaM) = most
परमं (paramaM) = supreme
परमः (paramaH) = dedicated to
परमः (paramaH) = perfect
परमां (paramAM) = ultimate
परमां (paramAM) = the ultimate
परमां (paramAM) = the supreme
परमां (paramAM) = supreme
परमाः (paramAH) = the highest goal of life
परमात्म (paramAtma) = the Supersoul
परमात्मा (paramAtmA) = the Supersoul
परमेश्वर (parameshvara) = O Supreme Lord
परमेश्वरं (parameshvaraM) = the Supersoul
परमेष्वासः (parameShvAsaH) = the great archer
परम्परा (paramparA) = by disciplic succession
परया (parayA) = of a high grade
परया (parayA) = transcendental
परस्तात् (parastAt) = transcendental.
परस्परं (parasparaM) = among themselves
परस्परं (parasparaM) = mutually
परस्य (parasya) = to others
परा (parA) = transcendental.
परा (parA) = superior
परां (parAM) = to the supreme
परां (parAM) = transcendental.
परां (parAM) = transcendental
परां (parAM) = the transcendental
परां (parAM) = the supreme
परां (parAM) = the highest
पराणि (parANi) = superior
परायणः (parAyaNaH) = being so destined
परायणाः (parAyaNAH) = always situated in the mentality
परायणाः (parAyaNAH) = so inclined
परि (pari) = sufficiently
परिकीर्तितः (parikIrtitaH) = is declared.
परिक्लिष्टं (parikliShTaM) = grudgingly
परिग्रहं (parigrahaM) = and acceptance of material things
परिग्रहः (parigrahaH) = sense of proprietorship over possessions
परिचर्य (paricharya) = service
परिचक्षते (parichakShate) = is called.
परिचक्षते (parichakShate) = is to be considered.
परिचिन्तयन् (parichintayan) = thinking of
परिणामे (pariNAme) = at the end
परित्यज्य (parityajya) = abandoning
परित्यागः (parityAgaH) = renunciation
परित्यागी (parityAgI) = renouncer
परित्राणाय (paritrANAya) = for the deliverance
परिदह्यते (paridahyate) = is burning.
परिदेवना (paridevanA) = lamentation.
परिपन्थिनौ (paripanthinau) = stumbling blocks.
परिप्रश्नेन (pariprashnena) = by submissive inquiries
परिमार्गितव्यं (parimArgitavyaM) = has to be searched out
परिशुष्यति (parishuShyati) = is drying up.
परिसमप्यते (parisamapyate) = end.
परिज्ञाता (parij~nAtA) = the knower
पर्जन्यः (parjanyaH) = rain
पर्जन्यात् (parjanyAt) = from rains
पर्णानि (parNAni) = the leaves
पर्यन्तं (paryantaM) = including
पर्याप्तं (paryAptaM) = limited
पर्युपासते (paryupAsate) = worship perfectly
पर्युपासते (paryupAsate) = completely engage in worshiping
पर्युपासते (paryupAsate) = completely engage
पर्युपासते (paryupAsate) = properly worship
पर्युषितं (paryuShitaM) = decomposed
पवतां (pavatAM) = of all that purifies
पवनः (pavanaH) = the wind
पवित्रं (pavitraM) = that which purifies
पवित्रं (pavitraM) = the purest
पवित्रं (pavitraM) = pure
पवित्रं (pavitraM) = sanctified
पश्य (pashya) = just behold
पश्य (pashya) = just see
पश्य (pashya) = behold
पश्य (pashya) = see
पश्यतः (pashyataH) = for the introspective
पश्यति (pashyati) = actually sees.
पश्यति (pashyati) = sees perfectly.
पश्यति (pashyati) = sees
पश्यन् (pashyan) = realizing the position of
पश्यन् (pashyan) = seeing
पश्यन्ति (pashyanti) = can see
पश्यन्ति (pashyanti) = see
पश्यामि (pashyAmi) = I see
पश्यामि (pashyAmi) = see
पश्येत् (pashyet) = observes
पक्षयोः (pakShayoH) = to the parties
पक्षिणाअं (pakShiNAaM) = of birds.
पाञ्चजन्यं (pA~nchajanyaM) = the conchshell named Pancajanya
पाणि (pANi) = hands
पाण्डव (pANDava) = O son of Pandu.
पाण्डव (pANDava) = O son of Pandu
पाण्डवः (pANDavaH) = Arjuna (the son of Pandu)
पाण्डवः (pANDavaH) = Arjuna
पाण्डवः (pANDavaH) = the son of Pandu (Arjuna)
पाण्डवाः (pANDavAH) = the sons of Pandu
पाण्डवानां (pANDavAnAM) = of the Pandavas
पाण्डवानीकं (pANDavAnIkaM) = the soldiers of the Pandavas
पाण्डुपुत्राणां (pANDuputrANAM) = of the sons of Pandu
पातकं (pAtakaM) = sinful reactions
पात्रे (pAtre) = to a suitable person
पादं (pAdaM) = and legs
पापं (pApaM) = vices
पापं (pApaM) = sin
पापं (pApaM) = sins
पापं (pApaM) = sinful reaction
पापकृत्तमः (pApakR^ittamaH) = the greatest sinner
पापयोनयः (pApayonayaH) = born of a lower family
पापाः (pApAH) = of sins
पापाः (pApAH) = sinners
पापात् (pApAt) = from sins
पापेन (pApena) = by sin
पापेभ्यः (pApebhyaH) = of sinners
पापेभ्यः (pApebhyaH) = from sinful reactions
पापेषु (pApeShu) = unto the sinners
पाप्मानं (pApmAnaM) = the great symbol of sin
पारुष्यं (pAruShyaM) = harshness
पार्थ (pArtha) = O Partha (Arjuna)
पार्थ (pArtha) = O son of Pritha (Arjuna)
पार्थ (pArtha) = O son of Pritha
पार्थः (pArthaH) = Arjuna
पार्थः (pArthaH) = the son of Pritha
पार्थस्य (pArthasya) = and Arjuna
पार्थाय (pArthAya) = unto Arjuna
पावकः (pAvakaH) = fire, electricity
पावकः (pAvakaH) = fire
पावनानि (pAvanAni) = purifying
पिण्ड (piNDa) = of offerings of food
पितरः (pitaraH) = fathers
पितरः (pitaraH) = forefathers
पिता (pitA) = the father
पिता (pitA) = father.
पिता (pitA) = father
पितामहः (pitAmahaH) = grandfather
पितामहः (pitAmahaH) = the grandfather
पितामहाः (pitAmahAH) = grandfathers
पितामहान् (pitAmahAn) = grandfathers
पितृन् (pitR^in) = fathers
पितृव्रताः (pitR^ivratAH) = worshipers of ancestors
पितॄणां (pitR^INAM) = of the ancestors
पितॄन् (pitR^In) = to the ancestors
पितेव (piteva) = like a father
पीडया (pIDayA) = by torture
पुंसः (pu.nsaH) = of a person
पुण्य (puNya) = pious
पुण्यं (puNyaM) = pious
पुण्यः (puNyaH) = original
पुण्यकर्मणां (puNyakarmaNAM) = of the pious.
पुण्यकृतं (puNyakR^itaM) = of those who performed pious activities
पुण्यफलं (puNyaphalaM) = result of pious work
पुण्याः (puNyAH) = righteous
पुण्ये (puNye) = the results of their pious activities
पुत्र (putra) = for son
पुत्रस्य (putrasya) = with a son
पुत्राः (putrAH) = the sons
पुत्राः (putrAH) = sons
पुत्रान् (putrAn) = sons
पुनः पुनः (punaH punaH) = again and again
पुनः पुनः (punaH punaH) = repeatedly.
पुनः (punaH) = again.
पुनः (punaH) = again
पुनर्जन्म (punarjanma) = rebirth
पुनश्च (punashcha) = and again
पुमान् (pumAn) = a person
पुरस्तात् (purastAt) = from the front
पुरा (purA) = anciently
पुरा (purA) = formerly.
पुरा (purA) = formerly
पुराणं (purANaM) = the oldest
पुराणः (purANaH) = old
पुराणः (purANaH) = the oldest
पुराणी (purANI) = very old.
पुरातनः (purAtanaH) = very old
पुरुजित् (purujit) = Purujit
पुरुषं (puruShaM) = to a person
पुरुषं (puruShaM) = the enjoyer
पुरुषं (puruShaM) = the Personality of Godhead
पुरुषं (puruShaM) = the living entities
पुरुषं (puruShaM) = the living entity
पुरुषं (puruShaM) = personality
पुरुषं (puruShaM) = Personality of Godhead
पुरुषः (puruShaH) = a man
पुरुषः (puruShaH) = enjoyer
पुरुषः (puruShaH) = the universal form
पुरुषः (puruShaH) = the living entity
पुरुषः (puruShaH) = the Supreme Personality
पुरुषः (puruShaH) = personality
पुरुषः (puruShaH) = person
पुरुषः (puruShaH) = living entity
पुरुषर्षभ (puruSharShabha) = O best among men
पुरुषव्याघ्र (puruShavyAghra) = O tiger among human beings
पुरुषस्य (puruShasya) = of a man
पुरुषाः (puruShAH) = such persons
पुरुषोत्तम (puruShottama) = O greatest of all persons
पुरुषोत्तम (puruShottama) = O best of personalities.
पुरुषोत्तम (puruShottama) = O Supreme Person
पुरुषोत्तमं (puruShottamaM) = the Supreme Personality of Godhead
पुरुषोत्तमः (puruShottamaH) = as the Supreme Personality.
पुरुषौ (puruShau) = living entities
पुरे (pure) = in the city
पुरोधसां (purodhasAM) = of all priests
पुष्कलाभिः (puShkalAbhiH) = Vedic hymns.
पुष्णामि (puShNAmi) = am nourishing
पुष्पं (puShpaM) = a flower
पुष्पितां (puShpitAM) = flowery
पूजा (pUjA) = and worship
पूजानं (pUjAnaM) = worship
पूजार्हौ (pUjArhau) = those who are worshipable
पूज्यः (pUjyaH) = worshipable
पूत (pUta) = purified
पूताः (pUtAH) = being purified
पूति (pUti) = bad-smelling
पूरुषः (pUruShaH) = a man.
पूरुषः (pUruShaH) = a man
पूर्व (pUrva) = previous
पूर्वतरं (pUrvataraM) = in ancient times
पूर्वमेव (pUrvameva) = by previous arrangement
पूर्वाणि (pUrvANi) = before
पूर्वे (pUrve) = before
पूर्वैः (pUrvaiH) = by the predecessors
पूर्वैः (pUrvaiH) = by past authorities
पृच्छामि (pR^ichChAmi) = I am asking
पृथक् (pR^ithak) = each separately.
पृथक् (pR^ithak) = different
पृथक् (pR^ithak) = differently
पृथक् (pR^ithak) = variously
पृथक् (pR^ithak) = separate
पृथक्त्वेन (pR^ithaktvena) = in duality
पृथक्त्वेन (pR^ithaktvena) = differently
पृथक्त्वेन (pR^ithaktvena) = because of division
पृथग्विधं (pR^ithagvidhaM) = of different kinds
पृथग्विधाः (pR^ithagvidhAH) = variously arranged.
पृथग्विधान् (pR^ithagvidhAn) = different
पृथग्भावं (pR^ithagbhAvaM) = separated identities
पृथिवीं (pR^ithivIM) = the surface of the earth
पृथिवीपते (pR^ithivIpate) = O King
पृथिव्यां (pR^ithivyAM) = in the earth
पृथिव्यां (pR^ithivyAM) = on the earth
पृष्ठतः (pR^iShThataH) = from behind
पौंड्रं (pau.nDraM) = the conch named Paundra
पौत्राः (pautrAH) = grandsons
पौत्रान् (pautrAn) = grandsons
पौरुषं (pauruShaM) = ability
पौरुषं (pauruShaM) = self-sanctioned
पौर्वदेहिकं (paurvadehikaM) = from the previous body
प्रकाशं (prakAshaM) = illumination
प्रकाशः (prakAshaH) = the quality of illumination
प्रकाशः (prakAshaH) = manifest
प्रकाशकं (prakAshakaM) = illuminating
प्रकाशयति (prakAshayati) = illuminates
प्रकाशयति (prakAshayati) = discloses
प्रकीर्त्य (prakIrtya) = by the glories
प्रकृति (prakR^iti) = in material nature
प्रकृति (prakR^iti) = material nature
प्रकृति (prakR^iti) = from material nature
प्रकृतिं (prakR^itiM) = in the transcendental form
प्रकृतिं (prakR^itiM) = energy
प्रकृतिं (prakR^itiM) = to my own nature
प्रकृतिं (prakR^itiM) = the material nature
प्रकृतिं (prakR^itiM) = nature
प्रकृतिं (prakR^itiM) = material nature
प्रकृतिः (prakR^itiH) = energies
प्रकृतिः (prakR^itiH) = material nature
प्रकृतिजान् (prakR^itijAn) = produced by the material nature
प्रकृतिजैः (prakR^itijaiH) = born of the modes of material nature
प्रकृतिजैः (prakR^itijaiH) = born of material nature
प्रकृतिस्थः (prakR^itisthaH) = being situated in the material energy
प्रकृतेः (prakR^iteH) = of the force of nature
प्रकृतेः (prakR^iteH) = of material nature
प्रकृतेः (prakR^iteH) = modes of nature
प्रकृत्या (prakR^ityA) = by nature
प्रकृत्या (prakR^ityA) = by material nature
प्रजनः (prajanaH) = the cause for begetting children
प्रजहाति (prajahAti) = gives up
प्रजहि (prajahi) = curb
प्रजाः (prajAH) = generations
प्रजाः (prajAH) = population.
प्रजाः (prajAH) = living entities.
प्रजानाति (prajAnAti) = knows
प्रजानामि (prajAnAmi) = do I know
प्रजापतिः (prajApatiH) = the Lord of creatures
प्रजापतिः (prajApatiH) = Brahma
प्रणम्य (praNamya) = offering obeisances.
प्रणम्य (praNamya) = offering obeisances
प्रणयेन (praNayena) = out of love
प्रणवः (praNavaH) = the three letters a-u-m
प्रणश्यति (praNashyati) = is lost.
प्रणश्यति (praNashyati) = one falls down.
प्रणश्यति (praNashyati) = perishes.
प्रणश्यन्ति (praNashyanti) = become vanquished
प्रणश्यामि (praNashyAmi) = am lost
प्रणष्टः (praNaShTaH) = dispelled
प्रणिधाय (praNidhAya) = laying down
प्रणिपातेन (praNipAtena) = by approaching a spiritual master
प्रतपन्ति (pratapanti) = are scorching
प्रतापवान् (pratApavAn) = the valiant.
प्रति (prati) = towards.
प्रतिजानीहि (pratijAnIhi) = declare
प्रतिजाने (pratijAne) = I promise
प्रतिपद्यते (pratipadyate) = attains.
प्रतियोत्स्यामि (pratiyotsyAmi) = shall counterattack
प्रतिष्ठा (pratiShThA) = the rest
प्रतिष्ठाप्य (pratiShThApya) = placing
प्रतिष्ठितं (pratiShThitaM) = situated.
प्रतिष्ठिता (pratiShThitA) = fixed.
प्रत्यवायः (pratyavAyaH) = diminution
प्रत्यक्ष (pratyakSha) = by direct experience
प्रत्यानीकेषु (pratyAnIkeShu) = on the opposite sides
प्रत्युपकारार्थं (pratyupakArArthaM) = for the sake of
getting some return
प्रथितः (prathitaH) = celebrated
प्रदध्मतुः (pradadhmatuH) = sounded.
प्रदाः (pradAH) = causing.
प्रदिग्धान् (pradigdhAn) = tainted with.
प्रदिष्टं (pradiShTaM) = indicated
प्रदीप्तं (pradIptaM) = blazing
प्रदुष्यन्ति (praduShyanti) = become polluted
प्रद्विषन्तः (pradviShantaH) = blaspheming
प्रपद्यते (prapadyate) = surrenders
प्रपद्यन्ते (prapadyante) = surrender
प्रपद्ये (prapadye) = surrender
प्रपन्नं (prapannaM) = surrendered.
प्रपश्य (prapashya) = just see.
प्रपश्यद्भिः (prapashyadbhiH) = by those who can see
प्रपश्यामि (prapashyAmi) = I see
प्रपितामहः (prapitAmahaH) = the great-grandfather
प्रभवं (prabhavaM) = origin, opulences
प्रभवः (prabhavaH) = creation
प्रभवः (prabhavaH) = the source of generation
प्रभवः (prabhavaH) = the source of manifestation
प्रभवति (prabhavati) = is manifest
प्रभवन्ति (prabhavanti) = become manifest
प्रभवन्ति (prabhavanti) = flourish
प्रभवान् (prabhavAn) = born of
प्रभविष्णु (prabhaviShNu) = developing
प्रभवैः (prabhavaiH) = born of
प्रभा (prabhA) = the light
प्रभावः (prabhAvaH) = influence
प्रभाषेत (prabhASheta) = speaks
प्रभुः (prabhuH) = the master of the city of the body
प्रभुः (prabhuH) = the Lord
प्रभुः (prabhuH) = Lord
प्रभो (prabho) = O my Lord
प्रभो (prabho) = O Lord
प्रमाणं (pramANaM) = evidenceEvidence All the means by which a matter of fact, the truth of which is submitted for investigation, is established or disproved. Bharatiya Sakshya (Second) Adhiniyam 2023
प्रमाणं (pramANaM) = example
प्रमाथि (pramAthi) = agitating
प्रमाथीनि (pramAthIni) = agitating
प्रमाद (pramAda) = and illusion
प्रमाद (pramAda) = with madness
प्रमाद (pramAda) = madness
प्रमादः (pramAdaH) = madness
प्रमादात् (pramAdAt) = out of foolishness
प्रमादे (pramAde) = in madness
प्रमुखतः (pramukhataH) = in front of
प्रमुखे (pramukhe) = in the front
प्रमुच्यते (pramuchyate) = is completely liberated.
प्रमुच्यते (pramuchyate) = is delivered.
प्रयच्छति (prayachChati) = offers
प्रयतात्मनः (prayatAtmanaH) = from one in pure consciousness.
प्रयत्नात् (prayatnAt) = by rigid practice
प्रयाण (prayANa) = of death
प्रयाणकाले (prayANakAle) = at the time of death
प्रयाताः (prayAtAH) = those who pass away
प्रयाताः (prayAtAH) = having departed
प्रयाति (prayAti) = goes
प्रयाति (prayAti) = leaves
प्रयुक्तः (prayuktaH) = impelled
प्रयुज्यते (prayujyate) = is used
प्रलपन् (pralapan) = talking
प्रलयं (pralayaM) = dissolution
प्रलयः (pralayaH) = annihilation
प्रलयः (pralayaH) = dissolution
प्रलयान्तां (pralayAntAM) = unto the point of death
प्रलये (pralaye) = in the annihilation
प्रलीनः (pralInaH) = being dissolved
प्रलीयते (pralIyate) = is annihilated
प्रलीयन्ते (pralIyante) = are annihilated
प्रवदतां (pravadatAM) = of arguments
प्रवदन्ति (pravadanti) = say
प्रवर्तते (pravartate) = act.
प्रवर्तते (pravartate) = emanates
प्रवर्तन्ते (pravartante) = they flourish
प्रवर्तन्ते (pravartante) = begin
प्रवर्तितं (pravartitaM) = established by the Vedas
प्रवक्ष्यामि (pravakShyAmi) = I am speaking
प्रवक्ष्यामि (pravakShyAmi) = I shall explain
प्रवक्ष्यामि (pravakShyAmi) = I shall now explain
प्रवक्ष्यामि (pravakShyAmi) = I shall speak
प्रवक्ष्ये (pravakShye) = I shall explain.
प्रवालाः (pravAlAH) = twigs
प्रविभक्तं (pravibhaktaM) = divided
प्रविभक्तानि (pravibhaktAni) = are divided
प्रविलीयते (pravilIyate) = merges entirely.
प्रविशन्ति (pravishanti) = enter
प्रवृत्तः (pravR^ittaH) = engaged
प्रवृत्तिं (pravR^ittiM) = acting properly
प्रवृत्तिं (pravR^ittiM) = attachment
प्रवृत्तिं (pravR^ittiM) = doing
प्रवृत्तिं (pravR^ittiM) = mission.
प्रवृत्तिः (pravR^ittiH) = activity
प्रवृत्तिः (pravR^ittiH) = the emanation
प्रवृत्तिः (pravR^ittiH) = the beginning
प्रवृत्ते (pravR^itte) = while about to engage
प्रवृद्धः (pravR^iddhaH) = great
प्रवृद्धाः (pravR^iddhAH) = developed
प्रवृद्धे (pravR^iddhe) = developed
प्रवेष्टुं (praveShTuM) = to enter into
प्रव्यथित (pravyathita) = perturbed
प्रव्यथितं (pravyathitaM) = perturbed
प्रव्यथिताः (pravyathitAH) = perturbed
प्रशस्ते (prashaste) = in bona fide
प्रशान्त (prashAnta) = unagitated
प्रशान्त (prashAnta) = peaceful, fixed on the lotus feet of KRiShNa
प्रशान्तस्य (prashAntasya) = who has attained tranquillity
by such control over the mind
प्रसक्ताः (prasaktAH) = attached
प्रसक्तानां (prasaktAnAM) = for those who are attached
प्रसङ्गेन (prasaN^gena) = because of attachment
प्रसन्नचेतसः (prasannachetasaH) = of the happy-minded
प्रसन्नात्मा (prasannAtmA) = fully joyful
प्रसन्नेन (prasannena) = happily
प्रसभं (prasabhaM) = presumptuously
प्रसभं (prasabhaM) = by force
प्रसविष्यध्वं (prasaviShyadhvaM) = be more and more prosperous
प्रसादं (prasAdaM) = the mercy of the Lord
प्रसादजं (prasAdajaM) = born of the satisfaction.
प्रसादये (prasAdaye) = to beg mercy
प्रसादे (prasAde) = on achievement of the causeless mercy of the Lord
प्रसिद्ध्येत् (prasiddhyet) = is effected
प्रसीद (prasIda) = just be gracious
प्रसीद (prasIda) = be gracious
प्रसीद (prasIda) = be pleased
प्रसृता (prasR^itA) = extended
प्रसृताः (prasR^itAH) = extended
प्रहरणाः (praharaNAH) = equipped with
प्रहसन् (prahasan) = smiling
प्रहास्यसि (prahAsyasi) = you can be released from.
प्रहृष्यति (prahR^iShyati) = is rejoicing
प्रहृष्येत् (prahR^iShyet) = rejoices
प्रह्लादः (prahlAdaH) = Prahlada
प्रज्ञा (praj~nA) = and worshipable personalities
प्रज्ञा (praj~nA) = intelligence
प्रज्ञा (praj~nA) = consciousness
प्रज्ञा (praj~nA) = perfect knowledge
प्रज्ञां (praj~nAM) = intelligence
प्रज्ञावादान् (praj~nAvAdAn) = learned talks
प्राक् (prAk) = before
प्राकृतः (prAkR^itaH) = materialistic
प्राञ्जलयः (prA~njalayaH) = with folded hands
प्राण (prANa) = of the air going outward
प्राण (prANa) = the outgoing air
प्राण (prANa) = life
प्राणं (prANaM) = the air which acts outward
प्राणं (prANaM) = the life air
प्राणकर्माणि (prANakarmANi) = functions of the life breath
प्राणान् (prANAn) = the outgoing air
प्राणान् (prANAn) = lives
प्राणापानौ (prANApAnau) = up-and down-moving air
प्राणायाम (prANAyAma) = trance induced by stopping all breathing
प्राणिनां (prANinAM) = of all living entities
प्राणे (prANe) = in the air going outward
प्राणेषु (prANeShu) = in the outgoing air
प्राधान्यतः (prAdhAnyataH) = which are principal
प्राप्तं (prAptaM) = received
प्राप्तः (prAptaH) = achieving
प्राप्तिः (prAptiH) = achievement
प्राप्नुयात् (prApnuyAt) = he attains
प्राप्नुवन्ति (prApnuvanti) = achieve
प्राप्य (prApya) = achieving
प्राप्य (prApya) = after achieving
प्राप्य (prApya) = obtaining
प्राप्य (prApya) = gaining
प्राप्यते (prApyate) = is achieved
प्राप्स्यसि (prApsyasi) = you will get
प्राप्स्यसि (prApsyasi) = you gain
प्राप्स्ये (prApsye) = I shall gain
प्रारभते (prArabhate) = begins
प्रार्थयन्ते (prArthayante) = pray for
प्राह (prAha) = told
प्राहुः (prAhuH) = is called
प्राहुः (prAhuH) = is said
प्राहुः (prAhuH) = call
प्राहुः (prAhuH) = they say
प्रिय (priya) = well
प्रिय (priya) = to the dear
प्रिय (priya) = dear
प्रियं (priyaM) = the pleasant
प्रियं (priyaM) = dear.
प्रियः (priyaH) = a lover
प्रियः (priyaH) = dear.
प्रियः (priyaH) = dear
प्रियः (priyaH) = very dear.
प्रियः (priyaH) = very dear
प्रियकृत्तमः (priyakR^ittamaH) = more dear
प्रियतरः (priyataraH) = dearer
प्रियाः (priyAH) = palatable.
प्रियायाः (priyAyAH) = with the dearmost
प्रीतमनाः (prItamanAH) = pleased in mind
प्रीति (prIti) = and satisfaction
प्रीतिः (prItiH) = pleasure
प्रीतिपूर्वकं (prItipUrvakaM) = in loving ecstasy
प्रीयमाणाय (prIyamANAya) = thinking you dear to Me
प्रेतान् (pretAn) = spirits of the dead
प्रेत्य (pretya) = after death
प्रेप्सुः (prepsuH) = desiring
प्रोक्तं (proktaM) = is called
प्रोक्तं (proktaM) = is said
प्रोक्तं (proktaM) = declared
प्रोक्तः (proktaH) = described
प्रोक्तः (proktaH) = said
प्रोक्तः (proktaH) = spoken
प्रोक्तवान् (proktavAn) = instructed
प्रोक्ता (proktA) = were said
प्रोक्ताः (proktAH) = spoken
प्रोक्तानि (proktAni) = said
प्रोच्यते (prochyate) = are said
प्रोच्यमानं (prochyamAnaM) = as described by Me
प्रोतं (protaM) = is strung
फल (phala) = of the result
फल (phala) = of the results
फल (phala) = of results
फलं (phalaM) = a result
फलं (phalaM) = a fruit
फलं (phalaM) = the result.
फलं (phalaM) = the result
फलं (phalaM) = the results
फलं (phalaM) = the fruitive result
फलं (phalaM) = results
फलं (phalaM) = fruit
फलहेतवः (phalahetavaH) = those desiring fruitive results.
फलाकाङ्क्षी (phalAkAN^kShI) = desiring fruitive results
फलानि (phalAni) = results
फले (phale) = in the result
फलेषु (phaleShu) = in the fruits
फलैः (phalaiH) = results
बत (bata) = how strange it is
बद्धाः (baddhAH) = being bound
बध्नाति (badhnAti) = conditions
बध्यते (badhyate) = becomes entangled.
बन्धं (bandhaM) = bondage
बन्धनैः (bandhanaiH) = from the bondage
बन्धात् (bandhAt) = from bondage
बन्धुः (bandhuH) = friend
बन्धुषु (bandhuShu) = and the relatives or well-wishers
बन्धून् (bandhUn) = relatives
बभूव (babhUva) = became
बल (bala) = by the force
बल (bala) = strength
बलं (balaM) = strength
बलं (balaM) = false strength
बलवत् (balavat) = strong
बलवतां (balavatAM) = of the strong
बलवान् (balavAn) = powerful
बलात् (balAt) = by force
बहवः (bahavaH) = in great numbers
बहवः (bahavaH) = the many
बहवः (bahavaH) = many
बहिः (bahiH) = external
बहिः (bahiH) = outside
बहु (bahu) = many
बहुदंष्ट्रा (bahuda.nShTrA) = many teeth
बहुधा (bahudhA) = in diversity
बहुधा (bahudhA) = in many ways
बहुना (bahunA) = many
बहुमतः (bahumataH) = in great estimation
बहुलां (bahulAM) = various
बहुलायासं (bahulAyAsaM) = with great labor
बहुविधाः (bahuvidhAH) = various kinds of
बहुशाखाः (bahushAkhAH) = having various branches
बहूदरं (bahUdaraM) = many bellies
बहून् (bahUn) = many
बहूनां (bahUnAM) = many
बहूनि (bahUni) = many
बालाः (bAlAH) = the less intelligent
बाहु (bAhu) = arms
बाहुं (bAhuM) = arms
बाह्यस्पर्शेषु (bAhyasparsheShu) = in external sense pleasure
बाह्यान् (bAhyAn) = unnecessary
बिभर्ति (bibharti) = is maintaining
बीजं (bIjaM) = the seed
बीजं (bIjaM) = seed
बीजप्रदः (bIjapradaH) = the seed-giving
बुद्ध्या (buddhyA) = with the intelligence
बुद्ध्या (buddhyA) = by intelligence
बुद्ध्वा (buddhvA) = understanding
बुद्ध्वा (buddhvA) = knowing
बुद्धयः (buddhayaH) = intelligence
बुद्धि (buddhi) = of intelligence
बुद्धि (buddhi) = by intelligence
बुद्धिं (buddhiM) = intelligence
बुद्धिः (buddhiH) = and intelligence
बुद्धिः (buddhiH) = intelligence
बुद्धिः (buddhiH) = intellect
बुद्धिः (buddhiH) = understanding
बुद्धिः (buddhiH) = transcendental intelligence
बुद्धिः (buddhiH) = transcendental service with intelligence
बुद्धिः (buddhiH) = the intelligence
बुद्धिः (buddhiH) = devotional service to the Lord
बुद्धिनाशः (buddhinAshaH) = loss of intelligence
बुद्धिनाशात् (buddhinAshAt) = and from loss of intelligence
बुद्धिभेदं (buddhibhedaM) = disruption of intelligence
बुद्धिमतां (buddhimatAM) = of the intelligent
बुद्धिमान् (buddhimAn) = intelligent
बुद्धिमान् (buddhimAn) = is intelligent
बुद्धियुक्तः (buddhiyuktaH) = one who is engaged in devotional service
बुद्धियुक्ताः (buddhiyuktAH) = being engaged in devotional service
बुद्धियोगं (buddhiyogaM) = devotional activities
बुद्धियोगं (buddhiyogaM) = real intelligence
बुद्धियोगात् (buddhiyogAt) = on the strength of KRiShNa consciousness
बुद्धिसंयोगं (buddhisa.nyogaM) = revival of consciousness
बुद्धेः (buddheH) = of intelligence
बुद्धेः (buddheH) = to intelligence
बुद्धेः (buddheH) = more than the intelligence
बुद्धौ (buddhau) = in such consciousness
बुधः (budhaH) = the intelligent person.
बुधाः (budhAH) = the learned
बुधाः (budhAH) = those who know.
बृहत्साम (bR^ihatsAma) = the BrAhat-sama
बृहस्पतिं (bR^ihaspatiM) = Brhaspati
बोद्धव्यं (boddhavyaM) = should be understood
बोधयन्तः (bodhayantaH) = preaching
ब्रवीमि (bravImi) = I am speaking
ब्रवीषि (bravIShi) = You are explaining
ब्रह्म (brahma) = absolute
ब्रह्म (brahma) = of a brahmana
ब्रह्म (brahma) = of the Absolute Truth
ब्रह्म (brahma) = to the Absolute
ब्रह्म (brahma) = transcendence
ब्रह्म (brahma) = truth
ब्रह्म (brahma) = the Absolute
ब्रह्म (brahma) = the Vedas
ब्रह्म (brahma) = the Supreme
ब्रह्म (brahma) = the supreme
ब्रह्म (brahma) = Brahman
ब्रह्म (brahma) = like the Supreme
ब्रह्म (brahma) = supreme
ब्रह्म (brahma) = spiritual in nature
ब्रह्म (brahma) = spiritual kingdom
ब्रह्म (brahma) = spiritual
ब्रह्म (brahma) = spirit
ब्रह्म (brahma) = from the Vedas
ब्रह्मचर्यं (brahmacharyaM) = celibacy
ब्रह्मचारिव्रते (brahmachArivrate) = in the vow of celibacy
ब्रह्मणः (brahmaNaH) = of transcendence
ब्रह्मणः (brahmaNaH) = of the impersonal brahmajyoti
ब्रह्मणः (brahmaNaH) = of the Vedas
ब्रह्मणः (brahmaNaH) = of the Supreme
ब्रह्मणः (brahmaNaH) = of Brahma
ब्रह्मणः (brahmaNaH) = than Brahma
ब्रह्मणा (brahmaNA) = by the spirit soul
ब्रह्मणि (brahmaNi) = in the transcendence
ब्रह्मणि (brahmaNi) = in the Supreme
ब्रह्मणि (brahmaNi) = unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead
ब्रह्मनिर्वाणं (brahmanirvANaM) = the spiritual kingdom of God
ब्रह्मनिर्वाणं (brahmanirvANaM) = liberation in the Supreme
ब्रह्मभुयाय (brahmabhuyAya) = elevated to the Brahman platform
ब्रह्मभूतं (brahmabhUtaM) = liberation by identification with the Absolute
ब्रह्मभूतः (brahmabhUtaH) = being one with the Absolute
ब्रह्मभूतः (brahmabhUtaH) = being self-realized
ब्रह्मभूयाय (brahmabhUyAya) = for self-realization
ब्रह्मयोग (brahmayoga) = by concentration in Brahman
ब्रह्मवादिनां (brahmavAdinAM) = of the transcendentalists.
ब्रह्मवित् (brahmavit) = one who knows the Supreme perfectly
ब्रह्मविदः (brahmavidaH) = who know the Absolute
ब्रह्मसंस्पर्शं (brahmasa.nsparshaM) = being in constant
touch with the Supreme
ब्रह्मसूत्र (brahmasUtra) = of the VedantaVedanta वेदान्तशास्त्रम्. The last part of Vedic Samhita Books (Isha Upanishad). Bhikshu Sutram (Brahma Sutram of Badarayani) was written to resolve conflicting issues in multiple Upanishads (10). शास्त्रम् to heal pain. Buddhists also seek to stop pain. Life is painful, following the teaching of Buddha is the cause of the cessation of Pain (Vedana). For Sankara Maya is the cause of this manifested world and the human body, hunger, etc. Understanding of few Upanishadic (Brahma) dictums leads one to realise the Self and liberation.  Sankar and Goutama both ask for food at Noon. Krishna Vhakti (मदनुग्रहात्) is the summary Vedanta for ISKCON (Reader of Gita and Bhagavatam) and like people.
ब्रह्माणं (brahmANaM) = Lord Brahma
ब्राह्मण (brAhmaNa) = of the brahmanas
ब्राह्मणस्य (brAhmaNasya) = of the man who knows
the Supreme Brahman
ब्राह्मणाः (brAhmaNAH) = the brahmanas
ब्राह्मणाः (brAhmaNAH) = brahmanas
ब्राह्मणे (brAhmaNe) = in the brahmana
ब्राह्मी (brAhmI) = spiritual
ब्रूहि (brUhi) = tell
ब्रूहि (brUhi) = please tell
भक्तः (bhaktaH) = devotee
भक्तः (bhaktaH) = devotees
भक्ताः (bhaktAH) = devotees
भक्तिं (bhaktiM) = devotional service
भक्तिः (bhaktiH) = in devotional service
भक्तिः (bhaktiH) = devotion
भक्तिमान् (bhaktimAn) = engaged in devotion
भक्तिमान् (bhaktimAn) = devotee
भक्तियोगेन (bhaktiyogena) = by devotional service
भक्तेषु (bhakteShu) = amongst devotees
भक्त्या (bhaktyA) = in devotion
भक्त्या (bhaktyA) = in full devotion
भक्त्या (bhaktyA) = with devotion
भक्त्या (bhaktyA) = by devotional service
भक्त्या (bhaktyA) = by pure devotional service
भक्त्युपहृतं (bhaktyupahR^itaM) = offered in devotion
भगवन् (bhagavan) = O Supreme
भगवान् (bhagavAn) = O Personality of Godhead
भजतां (bhajatAM) = in rendering devotional service
भजति (bhajati) = renders devotional service
भजति (bhajati) = serves in devotional service
भजते (bhajate) = is engaged in devotional service
भजते (bhajate) = renders transcendental loving service
भजन्ति (bhajanti) = render transcendental service
भजन्ति (bhajanti) = render service
भजन्ते (bhajante) = engage in devotional service
भजन्ते (bhajante) = become devoted
भजन्ते (bhajante) = render services
भजस्व (bhajasva) = be engaged in loving service
भजामि (bhajAmi) = reward
भय (bhaya) = fear
भयं (bhayaM) = fear
भयं (bhayaM) = fearfulness
भयात् (bhayAt) = out of fear
भयात् (bhayAt) = danger.
भयानकानि (bhayAnakAni) = very fearful
भयावहः (bhayAvahaH) = dangerous.
भयेन (bhayena) = out of fear
भरतर्षभ (bharatarShabha) = O great one amongst the
descendants of Bharata.
भरतर्षभ (bharatarShabha) = O chief amongst the
descendants of Bharata
भरतर्षभ (bharatarShabha) = O chief of the descendants of Bharata.
भरतर्षभ (bharatarShabha) = O chief of the Bharatas.
भरतर्षभ (bharatarShabha) = O best amongst the Bharatas
भरतर्षभ (bharatarShabha) = O best of the Bharatas.
भरतर्षभ (bharatarShabha) = O lord of the Bharatas.
भरतश्रेष्ठ (bharatashreShTha) = O chief of the Bharatas
भरतसत्तम (bharatasattama) = O best of the Bharatas
भर्ता (bhartA) = master
भर्ता (bhartA) = sustainer
भव (bhava) = appearance
भव (bhava) = just become.
भव (bhava) = just become
भव (bhava) = become
भव (bhava) = be
भवः (bhavaH) = birth
भवतः (bhavataH) = develop
भवतः (bhavataH) = Your
भवति (bhavati) = it so becomes
भवति (bhavati) = is
भवति (bhavati) = comes
भवति (bhavati) = takes place
भवति (bhavati) = takes birth
भवति (bhavati) = there is
भवति (bhavati) = become manifested
भवति (bhavati) = becomes possible
भवति (bhavati) = becomes prominent
भवति (bhavati) = becomes
भवन्तं (bhavantaM) = You
भवन्तः (bhavantaH) = you
भवन्ति (bhavanti) = are
भवन्ति (bhavanti) = grow
भवन्ति (bhavanti) = come about
भवान् (bhavAn) = your good self
भवान् (bhavAn) = You
भवामि (bhavAmi) = I become
भविता (bhavitA) = will come to be
भविता (bhavitA) = will become
भविष्यतां (bhaviShyatAM) = of future manifestations
भविष्यति (bhaviShyati) = it will increase in the future
भविष्यन्ति (bhaviShyanti) = will be
भविष्याणि (bhaviShyANi) = future
भविष्यामः (bhaviShyAmaH) = shall exist
भवेत् (bhavet) = would be.
भवेत् (bhavet) = there were
भस्मसात् (bhasmasAt) = ashes
भस्मसात् (bhasmasAt) = to ashes
भाः (bhAH) = light
भारत (bhArata) = O Dhritarashtra, descendant of Bharata
भारत (bhArata) = O descendant of the Bharata dynasty.
भारत (bhArata) = O descendant of Bharata.
भारत (bhArata) = O descendant of Bharata
भारत (bhArata) = O best of the Bharatas.
भारत (bhArata) = O son of Bharata.
भारत (bhArata) = O son of Bharata
भारत (bhArata) = O scion of Bharata
भाव (bhAva) = of one’s nature
भाव (bhAva) = state of being
भावं (bhAvaM) = existence
भावं (bhAvaM) = nature
भावं (bhAvaM) = situation
भावः (bhAvaH) = endurance
भावः (bhAvaH) = the nature
भावः (bhAvaH) = nature
भावः (bhAvaH) = states of being
भावना (bhAvanA) = fixed mind (in happiness)
भावयता (bhAvayatA) = having pleased
भावयन्तः (bhAvayantaH) = pleasing one another
भावयन्तु (bhAvayantu) = will please
भावसमन्वितः (bhAvasamanvitaH) = with great attention.
भावाः (bhAvAH) = natures
भाविताः (bhAvitAH) = remembering.
भावेषु (bhAveShu) = natures cintyah
भावैः (bhAvaiH) = by the states of being
भाषसे (bhAShase) = speaking
भाषा (bhAShA) = language
भासः (bhAsaH) = effulgence
भासः (bhAsaH) = rays
भासयते (bhAsayate) = illuminates
भास्वता (bhAsvatA) = glowing.
भिताः (bhitAH) = out of fear
भिन्ना (bhinnA) = separated
भीतं (bhItaM) = fearful
भीतभीतः (bhItabhItaH) = fearful
भीतानि (bhItAni) = out of fear
भीम (bhIma) = by Bhima
भीमकर्मा (bhImakarmA) = one who performs herculean tasks
भीमार्जुन (bhImArjuna) = to Bhima and Arjuna
भीष्म (bhIShma) = Grandfather Bhishma
भीष्म (bhIShma) = by Grandfather Bhishma
भीष्मं च (bhIShmaM cha) = also Bhishma
भीष्मं (bhIShmaM) = unto Grandfather Bhishma
भीष्मं (bhIShmaM) = Bhishma
भीष्मः (bhIShmaH) = Grandfather Bhishma
भीष्मः (bhIShmaH) = Bhishmadeva
भुक्त्वा (bhuktvA) = enjoying
भुङ्क्ते (bhuN^kte) = enjoys
भुङ्क्ष्व (bhuN^kShva) = enjoy
भुञ्जते (bhu~njate) = enjoy
भुञ्जानं (bhu~njAnaM) = enjoying
भुञ्जीय (bhu~njIya) = one has to enjoy
भुमौ (bhumau) = on the earth
भुवि (bhuvi) = in this world.
भूः (bhUH) = become
भूत (bhUta) = of everything that be
भूत (bhUta) = of creation
भूत (bhUta) = of the living entity
भूत (bhUta) = of living entities
भूत (bhUta) = living entities
भूतं (bhUtaM) = created being
भूतगणान् (bhUtagaNAn) = ghosts
भूतग्रामं (bhUtagrAmaM) = all the cosmic manifestations
भूतग्रामं (bhUtagrAmaM) = the combination of material elements
भूतग्रामः (bhUtagrAmaH) = the aggregate of all living entities
भूतभर्तृ (bhUtabhartR^i) = the maintainer of all living entities
भूतभावन (bhUtabhAvana) = O origin of everything
भूतभावनः (bhUtabhAvanaH) = the source of all manifestations.
भूतभावोद्भवकरः (bhUtabhAvodbhavakaraH) = producing the material
bodies of the living entities
भूतभृत् (bhUtabhR^it) = the maintainer of all living entities
भूतसर्गौ (bhUtasargau) = created living beings
भूतस्थः (bhUtasthaH) = in the cosmic manifestation
भूतानां (bhUtAnAM) = of all those who are born
भूतानां (bhUtAnAM) = of all living entities
भूतानां (bhUtAnAM) = of living entities
भूतानां (bhUtAnAM) = the living entities
भूतानि (bhUtAni) = all creation
भूतानि (bhUtAni) = all people
भूतानि (bhUtAni) = all beings
भूतानि (bhUtAni) = everything created
भूतानि (bhUtAni) = the material bodies
भूतानि (bhUtAni) = living entities (that are born)
भूतानि (bhUtAni) = living entities
भूतानी (bhUtAnI) = all of this material manifestation
भूतानी (bhUtAnI) = all that are created
भूतानी (bhUtAnI) = all living entities
भूतानी (bhUtAnI) = entities
भूतानी (bhUtAnI) = to the ghosts and spirits
भूतानी (bhUtAnI) = the living entities
भूतानी (bhUtAnI) = living entities
भूतिः (bhUtiH) = exceptional power
भूतेज्याः (bhUtejyAH) = worshipers of ghosts and spirits
भूतेश (bhUtesha) = O Lord of everything
भूतेषु (bhUteShu) = in all beings
भूतेषु (bhUteShu) = in all living beings
भूतेषु (bhUteShu) = towards all living entities
भूतेषु (bhUteShu) = manifestation
भूतेषु (bhUteShu) = living entities
भूत्वा भूत्वा (bhUtvA bhUtvA) = repeatedly taking birth
भूत्वा (bhUtvA) = becoming
भूत्वा (bhUtvA) = so being
भूत्वा (bhUtvA) = having come into being
भूत्वा (bhUtvA) = having been
भूमिः (bhUmiH) = earth
भूयः (bhUyaH) = again
भूयः (bhUyaH) = or is again coming to be
भूयः (bhUyaH) = further
भृगुः (bhR^iguH) = Bhrigu
भेदं (bhedaM) = the differences
भेर्यः (bheryaH) = large drums
भैक्ष्यं (bhaikShyaM) = by begging
भोक्ता (bhoktA) = the enjoyer
भोक्ता (bhoktA) = supreme enjoyer
भोक्तारं (bhoktAraM) = the beneficiary
भोक्तुं (bhoktuM) = to enjoy life
भोक्तृत्वे (bhoktR^itve) = in enjoyment
भोग (bhoga) = in sense enjoyment
भोग (bhoga) = to material enjoyment
भोग (bhoga) = sense enjoyment
भोगाः (bhogAH) = enjoyments
भोगाः (bhogAH) = material enjoyment
भोगान् (bhogAn) = enjoyable things
भोगान् (bhogAn) = necessities of life
भोगी (bhogI) = the enjoyer
भोगैः (bhogaiH) = enjoyment
भोजनं (bhojanaM) = eating
भोजनेषु (bhojaneShu) = or while eating together
भोक्ष्यसे (bhokShyase) = you enjoy
भ्रमति (bhramati) = forgetting
भ्रातृन् (bhrAtR^in) = brothers
भ्रामयन् (bhrAmayan) = causing to travel
भ्रुवोः (bhruvoH) = the eyebrows
भ्रुवोः (bhruvoH) = the two eyebrows
मंस्यन्ते (ma.nsyante) = they will consider
मकरः (makaraH) = the shark
मच्चित्तः (machchittaH) = in consciousness of Me
मच्चित्ताः (machchittAH) = their minds fully engaged in Me
मणिगणाः (maNigaNAH) = pearls
मत् (mat) = unto Me
मत् (mat) = upon Me (KRiShNa)
मत् (mat) = of Mine
मत् (mat) = of Me
मत् (mat) = Me
मत् (mat) = My
मत् (mat) = having
मतं (mataM) = injunction
मतं (mataM) = injunctions
मतं (mataM) = opinionOpinion A judge's written explanation of a decision of the court. In an appeal, multiple opinions may be written. The court’s ruling comes from a majority of judges and forms the majority opinion. A dissenting opinion disagrees with the majority because of the reasoning and/or the principles of law on which the decision is based. A concurring opinion agrees with the end result of the court but offers further comment possibly because they disagree with how the court reached its conclusion.
मतः मे (mataH me) = this is my opinion.
मतः (mataH) = in My opinion.
मतः (mataH) = is considered.
मतः (mataH) = considered
मता (matA) = are considered
मता (matA) = is considered
मताः (matAH) = are considered.
मतिः (matiH) = opinion.
मतिः (matiH) = opinion
मतिः (matiH) = determination
मतिर्मम (matirmama) = my opinion.
मते (mate) = in the opinion
मत्कर्म (matkarma) = My work
मत्कर्मकृत् (matkarmakR^it) = engaged in doing My work
मत्तः (mattaH) = beyond Me
मत्तः (mattaH) = from Me
मत्परं (matparaM) = subordinate to Me
मत्परः (matparaH) = in relationship with Me
मत्परः (matparaH) = under My protection
मत्परमः (matparamaH) = considering Me the Supreme
मत्परमाः (matparamAH) = taking Me, the Supreme Lord,
as everything
मत्पराः (matparAH) = being attached to Me
मत्परायणः (matparAyaNaH) = devoted to Me.
मत्प्रसादात् (matprasAdAt) = by My mercy
मत्वा (matvA) = knowing
मत्वा (matvA) = thinking
मत्संस्थां (matsa.nsthAM) = the spiritual sky (the
kingdom of God)
मत्स्थानि (matsthAni) = in Me
मत्स्थानि (matsthAni) = situated in Me
मद्भक्तः (madbhaktaH) = My devotee
मद्भक्तिं (madbhaktiM) = My devotional service
मद्भावं (madbhAvaM) = to My spiritual nature
मद्भावं (madbhAvaM) = transcendental love for Me
मद्व्यपाश्रयः (madvyapAshrayaH) = under My protection
मद (mada) = in the delusion
मदं (madaM) = illusion
मदनुग्रहाय (madanugrahAya) = just to show me favor
मदर्थं (madarthaM) = for My sake
मदर्थे (madarthe) = for my sake
मदान्विताः (madAnvitAH) = absorbed in the conceit
मदाश्रयः (madAshrayaH) = in consciousness of Me
(KRiShNa consciousness)
मद्गतप्राणाः (madgataprANAH) = their lives devoted to Me
मद्गतेन (madgatena) = abiding in Me, always thinking of Me
मद्भक्तः (madbhaktaH) = engaged in My devotional service
मद्भक्तः (madbhaktaH) = My devotee
मद्भावं (madbhAvaM) = My nature
मद्भावाः (madbhAvAH) = born of Me
मद्भावाय (madbhAvAya) = to My nature
मद्याजी (madyAjI) = My worshiper
मधुसूदन (madhusUdana) = O Madhusudana
मधुसूदन (madhusUdana) = O killer of Madhu
मधुसूदन (madhusUdana) = O killer of the demon Madhu (KRiShNa)
मधुसूदन (madhusUdana) = O killer of the demon Madhu
मधुसूदनः (madhusUdanaH) = the killer of Madhu.
मध्य (madhya) = middle
मध्यं (madhyaM) = middle
मध्यस्थ (madhyastha) = mediators between belligerents
मध्यानि (madhyAni) = in the middle
मध्ये (madhye) = in the middle
मध्ये (madhye) = in the midst
मध्ये (madhye) = between
मन (mana) = and false prestige
मनः (manaH) = with the mind
मनः (manaH) = of the mind
मनः (manaH) = the mind.
मनः (manaH) = the mind
मनः (manaH) = mind
मनःप्रसादः (manaHprasAdaH) = satisfaction of the mind
मनवः (manavaH) = Manus
मनवे (manave) = unto the father of mankind
(of the name Vaivasvata)
मनसं (manasaM) = whose mind
मनसः (manasaH) = more than the mind
मनसा (manasA) = with the mind
मनसा (manasA) = by the mind
मनीषिणः (manIShiNaH) = great thinkers
मनीषिणः (manIShiNaH) = great sages or devotees
मनीषिणां (manIShiNAM) = even for the great souls.
मनुः (manuH) = the father of mankind
मनुष्यलोके (manuShyaloke) = in the world of human society.
मनुष्याः (manuShyAH) = all men
मनुष्याणां (manuShyANAM) = of men
मनुष्याणां (manuShyANAM) = of such men
मनुष्येषु (manuShyeShu) = among men
मनुष्येषु (manuShyeShu) = in human society
मनोगतान् (manogatAn) = of mental concoction
मनोभिः (manobhiH) = and mind
मनोरथं (manorathaM) = according to my desires
मन्तव्यः (mantavyaH) = is to be considered
मन्त्रः (mantraH) = transcendental chant
मन्त्रहीनं (mantrahInaM) = with no chanting of the Vedic hymns
मन्दान् (mandAn) = lazy to understand self-realization
मन्मनाः (manmanAH) = always thinking of Me
मन्मनाः (manmanAH) = thinking of Me
मन्मया (manmayA) = fully in Me
मन्यते (manyate) = considers
मन्यते (manyate) = thinks
मन्यते (manyate) = he thinks.
मन्यन्ते (manyante) = think
मन्यसे (manyase) = you think
मन्यसे (manyase) = you so think
मन्यसे (manyase) = You think
मन्ये (manye) = I accept
मन्ये (manye) = think
मन्येत (manyeta) = thinks
मम (mama) = of Mine
मम (mama) = My.
मम (mama) = My
मम (mama) = to Me
मम (mama) = my.
मम (mama) = my
मयः (mayaH) = full of
मया (mayA) = Me
मया (mayA) = by Me.
मया (mayA) = by Me
मया (mayA) = by me.
मया (mayA) = by me
मया (mayA) = me
मयि (mayi) = are in Me
मयि (mayi) = in Me.
मयि (mayi) = in Me
मयि (mayi) = unto Me
मयि (mayi) = upon Me
मयि (mayi) = to Me
मरण (maraNa) = and death
मरणात् (maraNAt) = than death
मरीचिः (marIchiH) = Marici
मरुतः (marutaH) = the Maruts
मरुतः (marutaH) = the forty-nine Maruts (demigods of the wind)
मरुतां (marutAM) = of the Maruts
मर्त्यलोकं (martyalokaM) = to the mortal earth
मर्त्येषु (martyeShu) = among those subject to death
मलेन (malena) = by dust
महत् (mahat) = great
महत् (mahat) = the total material existence
महत् (mahat) = very great
महतः (mahataH) = from very great
महता (mahatA) = great
महति (mahati) = in a great
महतीं (mahatIM) = great
महद्योनिः (mahadyoniH) = source of birth in the material substance
महर्षयः (maharShayaH) = great sages
महर्षयः (maharShayaH) = the great sages
महर्षि (maharShi) = great sages
महर्षीणां (maharShINAM) = among the great sages
महर्षीणां (maharShINAM) = of the great sages
महात्मन् (mahAtman) = O great one.
महात्मन् (mahAtman) = O great one
महात्मनः (mahAtmanaH) = of the great soul
महात्मनः (mahAtmanaH) = the great souls
महात्मनः (mahAtmanaH) = the great Lord.
महात्मा (mahAtmA) = great soul
महात्मा (mahAtmA) = the great one.
महात्मानः (mahAtmAnaH) = the great souls
महान् (mahAn) = great
महानुभवान् (mahAnubhavAn) = great souls
महापाप्मा (mahApApmA) = greatly sinful
महाबाहुः (mahAbAhuH) = mighty-armed
महाबाहो (mahAbAho) = O mighty-armed one
महाबाहो (mahAbAho) = O mighty-armed KRiShNa
महाबाहो (mahAbAho) = O mighty-armed
महाभूतानी (mahAbhUtAnI) = the great elements
महायोगेश्वरः (mahAyogeshvaraH) = the most powerful mystic
महारथः (mahArathaH) = one who can fight alone against thousands
महारथः (mahArathaH) = great fighter.
महारथाः (mahArathAH) = great chariot fighters.
महारथाः (mahArathAH) = the great generals
महाशङ्खं (mahAshaN^khaM) = the terrific conchshell
महाशनः (mahAshanaH) = all-devouring
महिमानं (mahimAnaM) = glories
महीं (mahIM) = the world
महीकृते (mahIkR^ite) = for the sake of the earth
महीपते (mahIpate) = O King.
महीक्षितां (mahIkShitAM) = chiefs of the world
महेश्वरं (maheshvaraM) = the Supreme Lord
महेश्वरं (maheshvaraM) = the supreme proprietor.
महेश्वरं (maheshvaraM) = the supreme master
महेश्वरः (maheshvaraH) = the Supreme Lord
महेश्वासाः (maheshvAsAH) = mighty bowmen
मा स्म (mA sma) = do not
मा (mA) = do not
मा (mA) = never
मा (mA) = let it not be
मां (mAM) = about Me
मां (mAM) = in Me
मां (mAM) = unto Me.
मां (mAM) = unto Me
मां (mAM) = unto me
मां (mAM) = upon Me
मां (mAM) = on Me
मां (mAM) = of Me
मां (mAM) = Me (KRiShNa)
मां (mAM) = Me (Lord KRiShNa)
मां (mAM) = Me
मां (mAM) = to Me (the Supreme Lord)
मां (mAM) = to Me
मां (mAM) = toward Me
मां (mAM) = me
माता (mAtA) = mother
मातुलाः (mAtulAH) = maternal uncles
मातुलान् (mAtulAn) = maternal uncles
मात्रास्पर्शः (mAtrAsparshaH) = sensory perception
माधव (mAdhava) = O KRiShNa, husband of the goddess of fortune.
माधवः (mAdhavaH) = KRiShNa (the husband of the goddess of fortune)
मान (mAna) = in honor
मान (mAna) = honor
मान (mAna) = false prestige
मानवः (mAnavaH) = a man.
मानवः (mAnavaH) = a man
मानवाः (mAnavAH) = human beings
मानसं (mAnasaM) = of the mind
मानसः (mAnasaH) = and mind
मानसः (mAnasaH) = within the mind.
मानसः (mAnasaH) = who has such a mind
मानसाः (mAnasAH) = from the mind
मानुषं (mAnuShaM) = human
मानुषीं (mAnuShIM) = in a human form
मानुषे (mAnuShe) = in human society
मामकं (mAmakaM) = from Me.
मामकाः (mAmakAH) = my party (sons)
मामिकां (mAmikAM) = My
मायया (mAyayA) = under the spell of material energy.
मायया (mAyayA) = by the illusory energy
माया (mAyA) = energy
मायामेतां (mAyAmetAM) = this illusory energy
मारुतः (mArutaH) = wind.
मार्गशीर्षः (mArgashIrShaH) = the month of November-December
मार्दवं (mArdavaM) = gentleness
माल्य (mAlya) = garlands
मासानां (mAsAnAM) = of months
माहात्म्यं (mAhAtmyaM) = glories
मित्र (mitra) = of friends
मित्र (mitra) = benefactors with affection
मित्रद्रोहे (mitradrohe) = in quarreling with friends
मित्रे (mitre) = to a friend
मिथ्याचारः (mithyAchAraH) = pretender
मिथ्यैषः (mithyaiShaH) = this is all false
मिश्रं (mishraM) = mixed
मुक्तं (muktaM) = liberated
मुक्तः (muktaH) = being liberated
मुक्तः (muktaH) = liberated
मुक्तः (muktaH) = freed
मुक्तसङ्गः (muktasaN^gaH) = liberated from all material association
मुक्तसङ्गः (muktasaN^gaH) = liberated from association
मुक्तस्य (muktasya) = of the liberated
मुक्त्वा (muktvA) = quitting
मुखं (mukhaM) = mouth
मुखं (mukhaM) = faces
मुखानि (mukhAni) = faces
मुखे (mukhe) = through the mouth
मुख्यं (mukhyaM) = the chief
मुच्यन्ते (muchyante) = get relief
मुच्यन्ते (muchyante) = become free
मुनयः (munayaH) = the sages
मुनिः (muniH) = a thinker
मुनिः (muniH) = a sage
मुनिः (muniH) = the transcendentalist
मुनीनां (munInAM) = of the sages
मुनेः (muneH) = of the sage
मुनेः (muneH) = sage.
मुमुक्षुभिः (mumukShubhiH) = who attained liberation
मुहुर्मुहुः (muhurmuhuH) = repeatedly.
मुह्यति (muhyati) = is deluded.
मुह्यति (muhyati) = is bewildered
मुह्यन्ति (muhyanti) = are bewildered
मूढ (mUDha) = foolish
मूढः (mUDhaH) = foolish
मूढयोनिषु (mUDhayoniShu) = in animal species
मूढाः (mUDhAH) = the foolish
मूढाः (mUDhAH) = foolish men
मूर्तयः (mUrtayaH) = forms
मूर्ध्नि (mUrdhni) = on the head
मूलं (mUlaM) = rooted
मूलानि (mUlAni) = roots
मृगाणां (mR^igANAM) = of animals
मृगेन्द्रः (mR^igendraH) = the lion
मृतं (mR^itaM) = dead
मृतस्य (mR^itasya) = of the dead
मृत्यु (mR^ityu) = of death
मृत्यु (mR^ityu) = death
मृत्युं (mR^ityuM) = the path of death
मृत्युः (mR^ityuH) = death
मे (me) = unto Me
मे (me) = unto me.
मे (me) = unto me
मे (me) = of Mine
मे (me) = Mine
मे (me) = My.
मे (me) = My
मे (me) = to Me.
मे (me) = to Me
मे (me) = by Me
मे (me) = mine
मे (me) = my
मे (me) = for me
मे (me) = from Me
मेधा (medhA) = intelligence
मेधावी (medhAvI) = intelligent
मेरुः (meruH) = Meru
मैत्रः (maitraH) = friendly
मोघं (moghaM) = uselessly
मोघकर्माणः (moghakarmANaH) = baffled in fruitive activities
मोघज्ञानाः (moghaj~nAnAH) = baffled in knowledge
मोघाशाः (moghAshAH) = baffled in their hopes
मोदिष्ये (modiShye) = I shall rejoice
मोह (moha) = of illusion
मोह (moha) = of illusions
मोह (moha) = delusion
मोहं (mohaM) = illusion
मोहं (mohaM) = to illusion
मोहः (mohaH) = and illusion
मोहः (mohaH) = illusion
मोहनं (mohanaM) = illusory
मोहनं (mohanaM) = the delusion
मोहयसि (mohayasi) = You are bewildering
मोहात् (mohAt) = by illusion
मोहितं (mohitaM) = deluded
मोहिताः (mohitAH) = are bewildered
मोहिनीं (mohinIM) = bewildering
मोहेन (mohena) = by the illusion
मोहौ (mohau) = and illusion
मोक्ष (mokSha) = for liberation
मोक्षं (mokShaM) = the liberation
मोक्षं (mokShaM) = liberation
मोक्षकाङ्क्षिभिः (mokShakAN^kShibhiH) = by those who
actually desire liberation.
मोक्षयिष्यामि (mokShayiShyAmi) = will deliver
मोक्षाय (mokShAya) = for the purpose of liberation
मोक्ष्यसे (mokShyase) = you will be released
मोक्ष्यसे (mokShyase) = you will be liberated
मोक्ष्यसे (mokShyase) = you will become free
मौनं (maunaM) = gravity
मौनं (maunaM) = silence
मौनि (mauni) = silent
म्रियते (mriyate) = dies
यं यं (yaM yaM) = whatever
यं (yaM) = unto whom
यं (yaM) = what
यं (yaM) = which
यं (yaM) = one to whom
यं (yaM) = that which
यः सः (yaH saH) = that which
यः (yaH) = a person who
यः (yaH) = anyone who
यः (yaH) = anyone
यः (yaH) = which
यः (yaH) = whoever
यः (yaH) = who
यः (yaH) = one who
यः (yaH) = he who
यजन्तः (yajantaH) = sacrificing
यजन्ति (yajanti) = they worship
यजन्ते (yajante) = worship
यजन्ते (yajante) = they worship by sacrifices
यजन्ते (yajante) = they perform sacrifice
यजिनः (yajinaH) = devotees
यजुः (yajuH) = the Yajur Veda
यत् (yat) = as
यत् (yat) = in which
यत् (yat) = if
यत् (yat) = with which
यत् (yat) = whatever
यत् (yat) = what
यत् (yat) = whichever
यत् (yat) = which
यत् (yat) = where
यत् (yat) = that which
यत् (yat) = that
यत् (yat) = because.
यत् (yat) = because
यत् (yat) = having what
यत् (yat) = having which
यत (yata) = controlled
यत (yata) = having controlled
यतः (yataH) = from which
यतः (yataH) = from whom
यतचित्त (yatachitta) = controlling the mind
यतचित्तस्य (yatachittasya) = whose mind is controlled
यतचित्तात्मा (yatachittAtmA) = always careful in mind
यतचेतसां (yatachetasAM) = who have full control over the mind
यततः (yatataH) = while endeavoring
यतता (yatatA) = while endeavoring
यततां (yatatAM) = of those so endeavoring
यतति (yatati) = endeavors
यतते (yatate) = he endeavors
यतन्तः (yatantaH) = endeavoring
यतन्तः (yatantaH) = fully endeavoring
यतन्ति (yatanti) = endeavor
यतमानः (yatamAnaH) = endeavoring
यतयः (yatayaH) = enlightened persons
यतयः (yatayaH) = great sages
यतस्यतः (yatasyataH) = wherever
यतात्म (yatAtma) = self-controlled
यतात्मनाः (yatAtmanAH) = engaged in self-realization
यतात्मवान् (yatAtmavAn) = self-situated.
यतीनां (yatInAM) = of the saintly persons
यत्र (yatra) = at which
यत्र (yatra) = in which
यत्र (yatra) = in that state of affairs where
यत्र (yatra) = wherein
यत्र (yatra) = where
यथा (yathA) = as it is
यथा (yathA) = as much as
यथा (yathA) = as.
यथा (yathA) = as
यथा (yathA) = just as
यथा (yathA) = how
यथाभागं (yathAbhAgaM) = as differently arranged
यथावत् (yathAvat) = as they are
यदा यदा (yadA yadA) = whenever and wherever
यदा (yadA) = when
यदि (yadi) = if
यदि (yadi) = even if
यदृच्छया (yadR^ichChayA) = by its own accord
यदृच्छा (yadR^ichChA) = out of its own accord
यद्यत् (yadyat) = whatever
यद्वत् (yadvat) = as
यद्वा (yadvA) = whether
यन्त्र (yantra) = on a machine
यमः (yamaH) = the controller of death
यमः (yamaH) = the controller
यया (yayA) = by which
यया (yayA) = by whom
यशः (yashaH) = fame
यष्टव्यं (yaShTavyaM) = must be performed
यस्मात् (yasmAt) = because
यस्मात् (yasmAt) = from whom
यस्मिन् (yasmin) = in which
यस्मिन् (yasmin) = where
यस्य (yasya) = whoever
यस्य (yasya) = whom
यस्य (yasya) = whose
यस्य (yasya) = one whose
यस्य (yasya) = of which
यस्यां (yasyAM) = in which
यक्ष (yakSha) = the Yaksas
यक्षरक्षसां (yakSharakShasAM) = of the Yaksas and Raksasas
यक्षरक्षांसि (yakSharakShA.nsi) = demons
यक्ष्ये (yakShye) = I shall sacrifice
यज्ञ (yaj~na) = of sacrifice
यज्ञ (yaj~na) = of sacrifices
यज्ञं (yaj~naM) = sacrifice
यज्ञं (yaj~naM) = sacrifices
यज्ञः (yaj~naH) = performance of yajna
यज्ञः (yaj~naH) = performance of sacrifice
यज्ञः (yaj~naH) = sacrifice
यज्ञः (yaj~naH) = smrti sacrifice
यज्ञभाविताः (yaj~nabhAvitAH) = being satisfied by the
performance of sacrifices
यज्ञविदः (yaj~navidaH) = conversant with the purpose of
performing sacrifices
यज्ञशिष्ट (yaj~nashiShTa) = of the result of such performance
of yajna
यज्ञशिष्टा (yaj~nashiShTA) = of food taken after performance of yajna
यज्ञक्षपित (yaj~nakShapita) = being cleansed as the resul
of such performances
यज्ञाः (yaj~nAH) = sacrifice
यज्ञाः (yaj~nAH) = sacrifices
यज्ञात् (yaj~nAt) = than the sacrifice
यज्ञात् (yaj~nAt) = from the performance of sacrifice
यज्ञानां (yaj~nAnAM) = of sacrifices
यज्ञानां (yaj~nAnAM) = sacrifices
यज्ञाय (yaj~nAya) = for the sake of Yajna (KRiShNa)
यज्ञार्थात् (yaj~nArthAt) = done only for the sake of Yajna, or Visnu
यज्ञे (yaj~ne) = in sacrifice
यज्ञेन (yaj~nena) = by the sacrifice
यज्ञेन (yaj~nena) = by sacrifice
यज्ञेषु (yaj~neShu) = in the performances of yajna, sacrifice
यज्ञैः (yaj~naiH) = with sacrifices
या (yA) = what
या (yA) = which
या (yA) = that which
यां यां (yAM yAM) = whichever
याजि (yAji) = worshiper
यातयामं (yAtayAmaM) = food cooked three hours before being eaten
याति (yAti) = achieves
याति (yAti) = attains
याति (yAti) = one achieves
याति (yAti) = goes
याति (yAti) = reaches
याति (yAti) = he goes
यात्रा (yAtrA) = maintenance
यादसां (yAdasAM) = of all aquatics
यादृक् (yAdR^ik) = as it is
यान् (yAn) = those who
यान्ति (yAnti) = attain
यान्ति (yAnti) = approach
यान्ति (yAnti) = undergo
यान्ति (yAnti) = enter
यान्ति (yAnti) = go
यान्ति (yAnti) = do approach
याभिः (yAbhiH) = by which
यामिमां (yAmimAM) = all these
यावत् (yAvat) = as long as
यावत् (yAvat) = whatever
यावान् (yAvAn) = all that
यावान् (yAvAn) = as much as yah
यास्यसि (yAsyasi) = you will go
यास्यसि (yAsyasi) = you shall go
युक्त (yukta) = regulated
युक्तः (yuktaH) = in trance
युक्तः (yuktaH) = is in the transcendental position
युक्तः (yuktaH) = well situated in yoga
युक्तः (yuktaH) = engaged in the divine consciousness
युक्तः (yuktaH) = engaged
युक्तः (yuktaH) = endowed
युक्तः (yuktaH) = one who is engaged in devotional service
युक्तः (yuktaH) = competent for self-realization
युक्तः (yuktaH) = the actual yogi
युक्तः (yuktaH) = dovetailed
युक्तचेतसः (yuktachetasaH) = their minds engaged in Me.
युक्ततमः (yuktatamaH) = the greatest yogi
युक्ततमाः (yuktatamAH) = most perfect in yoga
युक्तस्य (yuktasya) = engaged
युक्ताः (yuktAH) = engaged
युक्तात्म (yuktAtma) = having the mind firmly set on
युक्तात्मा (yuktAtmA) = engaged in devotional service
युक्तात्मा (yuktAtmA) = self-connected
युक्ते (yukte) = being yoked
युक्तेन (yuktena) = being engaged in meditation
युक्तैः (yuktaiH) = engaged
युक्त्वा (yuktvA) = being absorbed
युग (yuga) = millenniums
युगपत् (yugapat) = simultaneously
युगे (yuge) = after millennium.
युगे (yuge) = millennium
युज्यते (yujyate) = is used
युज्यते (yujyate) = is engaged
युज्यस्व (yujyasva) = engage (fight)
युज्यस्व (yujyasva) = be so engaged
युञ्जतः (yu~njataH) = constantly engaged
युञ्जन् (yu~njan) = engaging in yoga practice
युञ्जन् (yu~njan) = practicing
युञ्जीत (yu~njIta) = must concentrate in KRiShNa consciousness
युञ्ज्यात् (yu~njyAt) = should execute
युद्धं (yuddhaM) = war
युद्धविशारदाः (yuddhavishAradAH) = experienced in military science.
युद्धात् (yuddhAt) = than fighting
युद्धाय (yuddhAya) = to fight
युद्धाय (yuddhAya) = for the sake of fighting
युद्धे (yuddhe) = in the fight
युद्धे (yuddhe) = in battle
युद्धे (yuddhe) = on this battlefield
युधामन्युः (yudhAmanyuH) = Yudhamanyu
युधि (yudhi) = in the fight
युधिष्ठिरः (yudhiShThiraH) = Yudhisthira
युध्य (yudhya) = fight
युध्यस्व (yudhyasva) = just fight
युध्यस्व (yudhyasva) = fight
युयुत्सवः (yuyutsavaH) = desiring to fight
युयुत्सुं (yuyutsuM) = all in a fighting spirit
युयुधानः (yuyudhAnaH) = Yuyudhana
ये (ye) = all which
ये (ye) = all who
ये (ye) = all those who
ये (ye) = all those
ये (ye) = who
ये (ye) = those who
ये (ye) = those
येन (yena) = by which
येन (yena) = by whom
येनकेनचित् (yenakenachit) = with anything
येषां (yeShAM) = whose
येषां (yeShAM) = of whom
येषां (yeShAM) = of them
येषां (yeShAM) = for whom
योऽयं (yo.ayaM) = this system
योक्तव्यः (yoktavyaH) = must be practiced
योग (yoga) = in devotion
योग (yoga) = eightfold yoga
योग (yoga) = of linking up
योग (yoga) = the yoga
योग (yoga) = the linking process
योग (yoga) = by devotional service in karma-yoga
योग (yoga) = requirements
योगं (yogaM) = action in devotion
योगं (yogaM) = in devotional service
योगं (yogaM) = in meditation
योगं (yogaM) = in yoga
योगं (yogaM) = the eightfold yoga system
योगं (yogaM) = the science of one’s relationship to the Supreme
योगं (yogaM) = devotional service
योगं (yogaM) = mystic power
योगं (yogaM) = mysticism
योगं (yogaM) = yoga practice
योगं (yogaM) = linking with the Supreme
योगं (yogaM) = self-realization
योगः (yogaH) = KRiShNa consciousness
योगः (yogaH) = the science of one’s relationship with the Supreme
योगः (yogaH) = the science of yoga
योगः (yogaH) = practice of yoga
योगः (yogaH) = mysticism
योगः (yogaH) = yoga system
योगः (yogaH) = yoga
योगः (yogaH) = linking with the Supreme
योगः (yogaH) = self-realization
योगधारणां (yogadhAraNAM) = the yogic situation.
योगबलेन (yogabalena) = by the power of mystic yoga
योगभ्रष्टः (yogabhraShTaH) = one who has fallen from
the path of self-realization
योगमाया (yogamAyA) = by internal potency
योगमैश्वरं (yogamaishvaraM) = inconceivable mystic power.
योगमैश्वरं (yogamaishvaraM) = inconceivable mystic power
योगयज्ञाः (yogayaj~nAH) = sacrifice in eightfold mysticism
योगयुक्तः (yogayuktaH) = engaged in KRiShNa consciousness
योगयुक्तः (yogayuktaH) = engaged in devotional service
योगयुक्तः (yogayuktaH) = one engaged in devotional service
योगयुक्तात्मा (yogayuktAtmA) = one who is dovetailed in
KRiShNa consciousness
योगवित्तमाः (yogavittamAH) = the most perfect in knowledge of yoga.
योगसंसिद्धिं (yogasa.nsiddhiM) = the highest perfection in mysticism
योगसंज्ञितं (yogasa.nj~nitaM) = called trance in yoga.
योगसेवया (yogasevayA) = by performance of yoga
योगस्थः (yogasthaH) = equipoised
योगस्य (yogasya) = about yoga
योगात् (yogAt) = from the mystic link
योगाय (yogAya) = for the sake of devotional service
योगारूढः (yogArUDhaH) = elevated in yoga
योगिन् (yogin) = O supreme mystic
योगिनं (yoginaM) = yogi
योगिनः (yoginaH) = of the yogi
योगिनः (yoginaH) = KRiShNa conscious persons
योगिनः (yoginaH) = transcendentalists
योगिनः (yoginaH) = different kinds of mystics
योगिनः (yoginaH) = mystics
योगिनः (yoginaH) = for the devotee.
योगिनां (yoginAM) = of the devotees.
योगिनां (yoginAM) = of yogis
योगिनां (yoginAM) = of learned transcendentalists
योगी (yogI) = a transcendentalist
योगी (yogI) = a mystic transcendentalist
योगी (yogI) = a mystic
योगी (yogI) = one who is in touch with the Supreme Self
योगी (yogI) = one engaged in devotion
योगी (yogI) = the transcendentalist
योगी (yogI) = the devotee of the Lord
योगी (yogI) = the devotee
योगी (yogI) = the mystic transcendentalist
योगी (yogI) = the mystic
योगी (yogI) = the yogi
योगी (yogI) = mystic
योगी (yogI) = such a transcendentalist
योगे (yoge) = in work without fruitive result
योगेन (yogena) = in devotional service
योगेन (yogena) = by the yoga system
योगेन (yogena) = by practice of such bhakti-yoga
योगेन (yogena) = by yoga practice
योगेश्वर (yogeshvara) = O Lord of all mystic power
योगेश्वरः (yogeshvaraH) = the master of mysticism
योगेश्वरात् (yogeshvarAt) = from the master of all mysticism
योगैः (yogaiH) = by devotional service
योगौ (yogau) = work in devotional service
योत्स्यमानान् (yotsyamAnAn) = those who will be fighting
योद्धव्यं (yoddhavyaM) = have to fight
योद्धुकामान् (yoddhukAmAn) = desiring to fight
योधमुख्यैः (yodhamukhyaiH) = chiefs among the warriors
योधवीरान् (yodhavIrAn) = great warriors
योधाः (yodhAH) = the soldiers.
योनयः (yonayaH) = sources of
योनि (yoni) = species of life
योनिं (yoniM) = species
योनिः (yoniH) = source of birth
योनिषु (yoniShu) = into the wombs.
योनीनि (yonIni) = whose source of birth
यौवनं (yauvanaM) = youth
रजः (rajaH) = in passion
रजः (rajaH) = the mode of passion
रजसः (rajasaH) = of the mode of passion
रजसः (rajasaH) = from the mode of passion
रजसि (rajasi) = in passion
रजसि (rajasi) = of the mode of passion
रजोगुण (rajoguNa) = the mode of passion
रण (raNa) = strife
रणात् (raNAt) = from the battlefield
रणे (raNe) = in the fight
रणे (raNe) = on the battlefield
रताः (ratAH) = engaged.
रथ (ratha) = of the chariot
रथं (rathaM) = the chariot
रथोत्तमं (rathottamaM) = the finest chariot.
रमते (ramate) = one enjoys
रमते (ramate) = takes delight
रमन्ति (ramanti) = enjoy transcendental bliss
रविः (raviH) = the sun
रविः (raviH) = sun
रसः (rasaH) = taste
रसः (rasaH) = sense of enjoyment
रसनं (rasanaM) = tongue
रसवर्जं (rasavarjaM) = giving up the taste
रसात्मकः (rasAtmakaH) = supplying the juice.
रस्याः (rasyAH) = juicy
रहसि (rahasi) = in a secluded place
रहस्यं (rahasyaM) = mystery
रक्षांसि (rakShA.nsi) = the demons
रक्ष्य (rakShya) = protection
राग (rAga) = attachment
राग (rAga) = and attachment
रागात्मकं (rAgAtmakaM) = born of desire or lust
रागी (rAgI) = very much attached
राजगुह्यं (rAjaguhyaM) = the king of confidential knowledge
राजन् (rAjan) = O King
राजर्षयः (rAjarShayaH) = the saintly kings
राजर्षयः (rAjarShayaH) = saintly kings
राजविद्या (rAjavidyA) = the king of education
राजसं (rAjasaM) = in terms of passion.
राजसं (rAjasaM) = in the mode of passion.
राजसं (rAjasaM) = in the mode of passion
राजसः (rAjasaH) = in the mode of passion
राजसस्य (rAjasasya) = to one in the mode of passion
राजसाः (rAjasAH) = those who are in the mode of passion
राजसाः (rAjasAH) = those situated in the mode of passion
राजसी (rAjasI) = in the mode of passion.
राजसी (rAjasI) = in the mode of passion
राजा (rAjA) = the king
राज्यं (rAjyaM) = kingdom
राज्यसुखलोभेन (rAjyasukhalobhena) drive by greed for
royal happiness
राज्यस्य (rAjyasya) = for the kingdom
राज्येन (rAjyena) = is the kingdom
रात्रि (rAtri) = of night
रात्रिं (rAtriM) = night
रात्रिः (rAtriH) = night
रात्र्यागमे (rAtryAgame) = at the fall of night
रामः (rAmaH) = Rama
राक्षसीं (rAkShasIM) = demonic
रिपुः (ripuH) = enemy
रुद्ध्वा (ruddhvA) = checking
रुद्र (rudra) = manifestations of Lord Siva
रुद्राणां (rudrANAM) = of all the Rudras
रुद्रान् (rudrAn) = the eleven forms of Rudra
रुधिर (rudhira) = blood
रुक्ष (rukSha) = dry
रूपं (rUpaM) = whose form
रूपं (rUpaM) = the form
रूपं (rUpaM) = form
रूपमैश्वरं (rUpamaishvaraM) = universal form.
रूपस्य (rUpasya) = form
रूपाणि (rUpANi) = forms
रूपेण (rUpeNa) = form
रोमहर्षः (romaharShaH) = standing of hair on end
रोमहर्षणं (romaharShaNaM) = making the hair stand on end.
लघ्वाशी (laghvAshI) = eating a small quantity
लब्धं (labdhaM) = gained
लब्धा (labdhA) = regained
लब्ध्वा (labdhvA) = by attainment
लब्ध्वा (labdhvA) = having achieved
लभते (labhate) = achieves
लभते (labhate) = obtains
लभते (labhate) = gains
लभन्ते (labhante) = achieve
लभन्ते (labhante) = attain.
लभन्ते (labhante) = do achieve
लभस्व (labhasva) = gain
लभे (labhe) = I obtain
लभेत् (labhet) = gains.
लभ्यः (labhyaH) = can be achieved
लवण (lavaNa) = salty
लाघवं (lAghavaM) = decreased in value.
लाभ (lAbha) = with gain
लाभं (lAbhaM) = gain
लाभालाभौ (lAbhAlAbhau) = both profit and loss
लिङ्गैः (liN^gaiH) = symptoms
लिप्यते (lipyate) = is attached
लिप्यते (lipyate) = is affected
लिप्यते (lipyate) = is entangled.
लिम्पन्ति (limpanti) = do affect
लुप्त (lupta) = stopped
लुब्धः (lubdhaH) = greedy
लेलिह्यसे (lelihyase) = You are licking
लोक (loka) = of the universe
लोक (loka) = of the worlds
लोक (loka) = of the planets
लोक (loka) = the planetary systems
लोकं (lokaM) = universe
लोकं (lokaM) = the world
लोकं (lokaM) = planet
लोकः (lokaH) = world
लोकः (lokaH) = people
लोकः (lokaH) = persons
लोकत्रये (lokatraye) = in the three planetary systems
लोकसंग्रहं (lokasa.ngrahaM) = the people in general.
लोकसंग्रहं (lokasa.ngrahaM) = the people in general
लोकस्य (lokasya) = of all the world
लोकस्य (lokasya) = of the people
लोकाः (lokAH) = all the world
लोकाः (lokAH) = all the planets
लोकाः (lokAH) = all people
लोकाः (lokAH) = worlds
लोकाः (lokAH) = the planetary systems
लोकाः (lokAH) = planet
लोकात् (lokAt) = from people
लोकान् (lokAn) = all the planets
लोकान् (lokAn) = all people
लोकान् (lokAn) = world
लोकान् (lokAn) = the planets
लोकान् (lokAn) = people
लोकान् (lokAn) = planets
लोके (loke) = in this world
लोके (loke) = in the world
लोके (loke) = within this world
लोकेषु (lokeShu) = planetary systems
लोभ (lobha) = by greed
लोभः (lobhaH) = greed
लोष्ट (loShTa) = a lump of earth
लोष्ट्र (loShTra) = pebbles
वः (vaH) = unto you
वः (vaH) = you
वः (vaH) = your
वक्तुं (vaktuM) = to say
वक्त्र (vaktra) = mouths
वक्त्र (vaktra) = faces
वक्त्राणि (vaktrANi) = the mouths
वक्त्राणि (vaktrANi) = mouths
वचः (vachaH) = instruction
वचः (vachaH) = words.
वचः (vachaH) = words
वचनं (vachanaM) = word
वचनं (vachanaM) = order
वचनं (vachanaM) = the speech
वज्रं (vajraM) = the thunderbolt
वद (vada) = please tell
वदति (vadati) = speaks of
वदनैः (vadanaiH) = by the mouths
वदन्ति (vadanti) = say
वदसि (vadasi) = You tell
वदिष्यन्ति (vadiShyanti) = will say
वन्तः (vantaH) = subject to
वयं (vayaM) = we
वर (vara) = O best.
वरुणः (varuNaH) = water
वरुणः (varuNaH) = the demigod controlling the water
वर्जिताः (varjitAH) = are devoid of
वर्ण (varNa) = colors
वर्णं (varNaM) = colors
वर्णसङ्कर (varNasaN^kara) = of unwanted children
वर्णसङ्करः (varNasaN^karaH) = unwanted progeny.
वर्तते (vartate) = is there
वर्तते (vartate) = remains.
वर्तते (vartate) = remains
वर्तन्ते (vartante) = are acting
वर्तन्ते (vartante) = are being engaged
वर्तन्ते (vartante) = let them be so engaged
वर्तमानः (vartamAnaH) = being situated
वर्तमानानि (vartamAnAni) = present
वर्ते (varte) = I am engaged
वर्तेत (varteta) = remains
वर्तेयं (varteyaM) = thus engage
वर्त्म (vartma) = path
वर्त्मनि (vartmani) = on the path.
वर्षं (varShaM) = rain
वशं (vashaM) = control
वशात् (vashAt) = under obligation.
वशी (vashI) = one who is controlled
वशे (vashe) = in full subjugation
वश्य (vashya) = controlled
वसवः (vasavaH) = the Vasus
वसुन् (vasun) = the eight Vasus
वसौनां (vasaunAM) = of the Vasus
वहामि (vahAmi) = carry
वह्निः (vahniH) = fire
वक्ष्यामि (vakShyAmi) = I am speaking
वक्ष्यामि (vakShyAmi) = I shall describe
वक्ष्यामि (vakShyAmi) = shall explain
वक्ष्यामि (vakShyAmi) = say
वा (vA) = either
वा (vA) = or
वाक् (vAk) = speech
वाक् (vAk) = fine speech
वाक्यं (vAkyaM) = words
वाक्येन (vAkyena) = words
वाङ्मयं (vAN^mayaM) = of the voice
वाचं (vAchaM) = words
वाच्यं (vAchyaM) = to be spoken
वाणिज्यं (vANijyaM) = trade
वादः (vAdaH) = the natural conclusion
वादान् (vAdAn) = fabricated words
वादिनः (vAdinaH) = the advocates
वापि (vApi) = at all
वापि (vApi) = either
वायुः (vAyuH) = wind
वायुः (vAyuH) = air
वायुः (vAyuH) = the wind
वायुः (vAyuH) = the air
वायोः (vAyoH) = of the wind
वार्ष्णेय (vArShNeya) = O descendant of VRiShNi
वासः (vAsaH) = residence
वासवः (vAsavaH) = the heavenly king
वासांसि (vAsA.nsi) = garments
वासुकिः (vAsukiH) = Vasuki.
वासुदेवः (vAsudevaH) = KRiShNa in Dvaraka
वासुदेवः (vAsudevaH) = the Personality of Godhead, KRiShNa
वासुदेवस्य (vAsudevasya) = of KRiShNa
वासुदेवाः (vAsudevAH) = KRiShNa
विकम्पितुं (vikampituM) = to hesitate
विकर्णः (vikarNaH) = Vikarna
विकर्मणः (vikarmaNaH) = of forbidden work
विकारान् (vikArAn) = transformations
विकारि (vikAri) = changes
विक्रान्तः (vikrAntaH) = mighty
विगत (vigata) = having discarded
विगत (vigata) = freed from
विगतः (vigataH) = is removed
विगतज्वरः (vigatajvaraH) = without being lethargic.
विगतभीः (vigatabhIH) = devoid of fear
विगतस्पृहः (vigataspR^ihaH) = without being interested
विगतस्पृहः (vigataspR^ihaH) = without material desires
विगुणः (viguNaH) = imperfectly performed
विगुणः (viguNaH) = even faulty
विचक्षणः (vichakShaNaH) = the experienced.
विचालयेत् (vichAlayet) = should try to agitate.
विचाल्यते (vichAlyate) = is agitated
विचाल्यते (vichAlyate) = becomes shaken
विचेतसः (vichetasaH) = bewildered
विजयं (vijayaM) = victory
विजयः (vijayaH) = victory
विजानतः (vijAnataH) = who is in complete knowledge.
विजानीताः (vijAnItAH) = are in knowledge
विजानीयं (vijAnIyaM) = shall I understand
विजितात्मा (vijitAtmA) = self-controlled
विजितेन्द्रियः (vijitendriyaH) = sensually controlled
विततः (vitataH) = are spread
वित्तेशः (vitteshaH) = the lord of the treasury of the demigods
विदः (vidaH) = who understand
विदधामि (vidadhAmi) = give
विदाहिनः (vidAhinaH) = burning
विदितात्मनां (viditAtmanAM) = of those who are self-realized.
विदित्वा (viditvA) = knowing it well
विदित्वा (viditvA) = knowing
विदुः (viduH) = understood
विदुः (viduH) = know
विदुः (viduH) = can know
विदुः (viduH) = they know
विद्धि (viddhi) = understand
विद्धि (viddhi) = know it well
विद्धि (viddhi) = know it
विद्धि (viddhi) = know
विद्धि (viddhi) = just try to understand
विद्धि (viddhi) = try to understand
विद्धि (viddhi) = try to know
विद्धि (viddhi) = must be known
विद्धि (viddhi) = you may know
विद्धि (viddhi) = you must know
विद्धि (viddhi) = you should know
विद्मः (vidmaH) = do we know
विद्यते (vidyate) = exist.
विद्यते (vidyate) = exists
विद्यते (vidyate) = takes place.
विद्यते (vidyate) = there is.
विद्यते (vidyate) = there is
विद्या (vidyA) = with education
विद्यात् (vidyAt) = know
विद्यात् (vidyAt) = you must know
विद्यानां (vidyAnAM) = of all education
विद्यामहं (vidyAmahaM) = shall I know
विद्वान् (vidvAn) = a learned person
विद्वान् (vidvAn) = the learned
विधान (vidhAna) = the regulations
विधानोक्तः (vidhAnoktaH) = according to scriptural regulation
विधिदिष्टः (vidhidiShTaH) = according to the direction of scripture
विधिहीनं (vidhihInaM) = without scriptural direction
विधीयते (vidhIyate) = does take place.
विधेयात्मा (vidheyAtmA) = one who follows regulated freedom
विनङ्क्ष्यसि (vinaN^kShyasi) = you will be lost.
विनद्य (vinadya) = vibrating
विनय (vinaya) = and gentleness
विनश्यति (vinashyati) = is annihilated.
विनश्यति (vinashyati) = falls back
विनश्यत्सु (vinashyatsu) = in the destructible
विना (vinA) = without
विनाशं (vinAshaM) = destruction
विनाशः (vinAshaH) = destruction
विनाशाय (vinAshAya) = for the annihilation
विनिग्रहः (vinigrahaH) = control
विनियतं (viniyataM) = particularly disciplined
विनियम्य (viniyamya) = regulating
विनिर्मुक्ताः (vinirmuktAH) = liberated
विनिवर्तन्ते (vinivartante) = are practiced to be refrained from
विनिवृत्त (vinivR^itta) = disassociated
विनिश्चितैः (vinishchitaiH) = certain.
विन्दति (vindati) = achieves
विन्दति (vindati) = attains
विन्दति (vindati) = enjoys.
विन्दति (vindati) = enjoys
विन्दते (vindate) = enjoys
विन्दामि (vindAmi) = I have
विपरिवर्तते (viparivartate) = is working.
विपरीतं (viparItaM) = the opposite
विपरीतान् (viparItAn) = in the wrong direction
विपरीतानि (viparItAni) = just the opposite
विपश्चितः (vipashchitaH) = full of discriminating knowledge
विप्रतिपन्ना (vipratipannA) = without being influenced by the fruitive results
विभक्तं (vibhaktaM) = divided
विभक्तेषु (vibhakteShu) = in the numberless divided
विभागयोः (vibhAgayoH) = differences
विभागशः (vibhAgashaH) = in terms of division
विभावसौ (vibhAvasau) = in the fire
विभुं (vibhuM) = greatest
विभुः (vibhuH) = the Supreme Lord
विभूतयः (vibhUtayaH) = opulences
विभूति (vibhUti) = opulences
विभूतिं (vibhUtiM) = opulence
विभूतिं (vibhUtiM) = opulences
विभूतिनां (vibhUtinAM) = opulences
विभूतिभिः (vibhUtibhiH) = opulences
विभूतेः (vibhUteH) = of opulences
विभ्रमः (vibhramaH) = bewilderment
विभ्रष्टः (vibhraShTaH) = deviated from
विभ्रान्ताः (vibhrAntAH) = perplexed
विमत्सरः (vimatsaraH) = free from envy
विमुक्तः (vimuktaH) = being liberated
विमुक्तः (vimuktaH) = being freed from
विमुक्तः (vimuktaH) = liberated
विमुक्तानां (vimuktAnAM) = of those who are liberated
विमुक्तैः (vimuktaiH) = by one who has become free from
विमुच्य (vimuchya) = being delivered from
विमुञ्चति (vimu~nchati) = one gives up
विमुह्यति (vimuhyati) = one is bewildered
विमूढ (vimUDha) = foolish
विमूढः (vimUDhaH) = bewildered
विमूढभावः (vimUDhabhAvaH) = bewilderment
विमूढाः (vimUDhAH) = foolish persons
विमूढान् (vimUDhAn) = perfectly befooled
विमृश्य (vimR^ishya) = deliberating
विमोहयति (vimohayati) = bewilders
विमोहिताः (vimohitAH) = deluded.
विमोक्षणात् (vimokShaNAt) = giving up
विमोक्षाय (vimokShAya) = meant for liberation
विमोक्ष्यसे (vimokShyase) = you will be liberated.
वियोगं (viyogaM) = extermination
विरहितं (virahitaM) = without
विराटः (virATaH) = Virata (the prince who gave shelter to
the Pandavas while they were in disguise)
विराटः (virATaH) = Virata
विलग्नाः (vilagnAH) = becoming attached
विवर्जितं (vivarjitaM) = devoid of
विवर्जितं (vivarjitaM) = being without
विवर्धनाः (vivardhanAH) = increasing
विवस्वतः (vivasvataH) = of the sun-god
विवस्वते (vivasvate) = unto the sun-god
विवस्वान् (vivasvAn) = Vivasvan (the sun-god’s name)
विविक्त (vivikta) = to solitary
विविक्तसेवी (viviktasevI) = living in a secluded place
विविधः (vividhaH) = various
विविधाः (vividhAH) = various
विविधैः (vividhaiH) = various
विवृद्धं (vivR^iddhaM) = increased
विवृद्धे (vivR^iddhe) = when there is an excess
विवृद्धे (vivR^iddhe) = when developed
विशते (vishate) = he enters
विशन्ति (vishanti) = are entering
विशन्ति (vishanti) = enter
विशन्ति (vishanti) = fall down
विशां (vishAM) = and the vaisyas
विशाल (vishAla) = very great
विशालं (vishAlaM) = vast
विशिष्टाः (vishiShTAH) = especially powerful
विशिष्यते (vishiShyate) = is considered better
विशिष्यते (vishiShyate) = is better.
विशिष्यते (vishiShyate) = is by far the better.
विशिष्यते (vishiShyate) = is special
विशिष्यते (vishiShyate) = is far advanced.
विशुद्धया (vishuddhayA) = fully purified
विशुद्धये (vishuddhaye) = for clarifying.
विशुद्धात्मा (vishuddhAtmA) = a purified soul
विशेषसङ्घान् (visheShasaN^ghAn) = specifically assembled
विश्वं (vishvaM) = universe
विश्वं (vishvaM) = the universe
विश्वं (vishvaM) = the entire universe
विश्वतोमुखं (vishvatomukhaM) = and in the universal form.
विश्वतोमुखं (vishvatomukhaM) = all-pervading.
विश्वतोमुखः (vishvatomukhaH) = Brahma.
विश्वमूर्ते (vishvamUrte) = O universal form.
विश्वरूप (vishvarUpa) = in the form of the universe.
विश्वस्य (vishvasya) = universe
विश्वे (vishve) = the Visvedevas
विश्वेश्वर (vishveshvara) = O Lord of the universe
विषमिव (viShamiva) = like poison
विषमे (viShame) = in this hour of crisis
विषय (viShaya) = of the objects of the senses
विषय (viShaya) = sense objects
विषयाः (viShayAH) = on the subject matter
विषयाः (viShayAH) = objects for sense enjoyment
विषयान् (viShayAn) = objects of sense gratification
विषयान् (viShayAn) = the sense objects
विषयान् (viShayAn) = sense objects
विषादं (viShAdaM) = moroseness
विषादि (viShAdi) = morose
विषीदन् (viShIdan) = while lamenting
विषीदन्तं (viShIdantaM) = unto the lamenting one
विषीदन्तं (viShIdantaM) = lamenting
विष्टभ्य (viShTabhya) = pervading
विष्ठितं (viShThitaM) = situated.
विष्णुः (viShNuH) = the Supreme Lord
विष्णो (viShNo) = O all-pervading Lord.
विष्णो (viShNo) = O Lord Visnu.
विसर्गः (visargaH) = creation
विसृजन् (visR^ijan) = giving up
विसृजामि (visR^ijAmi) = I create
विसृजामि (visR^ijAmi) = create
विसृज्य (visR^ijya) = putting aside
विस्तरः (vistaraH) = the expanse
विस्तरशः (vistarashaH) = at great length
विस्तरशः (vistarashaH) = in detail
विस्तरस्य (vistarasya) = to the extent
विस्तरेण (vistareNa) = in detail
विस्तारं (vistAraM) = the expansion
विस्मयः (vismayaH) = wonder
विस्मयाविष्टः (vismayAviShTaH) = being overwhelmed with wonder
विस्मिताः (vismitAH) = in wonder
विहाय (vihAya) = giving up
विहार (vihAra) = in relaxation
विहारस्य (vihArasya) = recreation
विहितं (vihitaM) = directed
विहिताः (vihitAH) = used
विहितान् (vihitAn) = arranged
विज्ञातुं (vij~nAtuM) = to know
विज्ञान (vij~nAna) = and realized knowledge
विज्ञान (vij~nAna) = and scientific knowledge of the pure soul
विज्ञान (vij~nAna) = realized knowledge
विज्ञानं (vij~nAnaM) = wisdom
विज्ञानं (vij~nAnaM) = numinous knowledge
विज्ञाय (vij~nAya) = after understanding
वीत (vIta) = free from
वीत (vIta) = freed from
वीतरागाः (vItarAgAH) = in the renounced order of life
वीर्यवान् (vIryavAn) = very powerful
वीर्यां (vIryAM) = glories
वीक्षन्ते (vIkShante) = are beholding
वृकोदरः (vR^ikodaraH) = the voracious eater (Bhima).
वृजनं (vR^ijanaM) = the ocean of miseries
वृत्तिस्थाः (vR^ittisthAH) = whose occupation
वृष्णीनां (vR^iShNInAM) = of the descendants of VRiShNi
वेगं (vegaM) = urges
वेगाः (vegAH) = speed
वेत्त (vetta) = the knower
वेत्ति (vetti) = understands
वेत्ति (vetti) = one knows
वेत्ति (vetti) = knows
वेत्ति (vetti) = does know
वेत्थ (vettha) = know
वेद (veda) = know
वेद (veda) = knows
वेद (veda) = do know
वेदयज्ञ (vedayaj~na) = by sacrifice
वेदवादरताः (vedavAdaratAH) = supposed followers of the Vedas
वेदवित् (vedavit) = the knower of the Vedas.
वेदवित् (vedavit) = the knower of the Vedas
वेदविदः (vedavidaH) = persons conversant with the Vedas
वेदाः (vedAH) = Vedic literatures
वेदाः (vedAH) = the Vedic literature
वेदानां (vedAnAM) = of all the Vedas
वेदान्तकृत् (vedAntakR^it) = the compiler of the Vedanta
वेदितव्यं (veditavyaM) = to be understood
वेदितुं (vedituM) = to understand
वेदे (vede) = in the Vedic literature
वेदेषु (vedeShu) = in the study of the Vedas
वेदेषु (vedeShu) = Vedic literatures
वेदेषु (vedeShu) = the Vedas
वेदैः (vedaiH) = by the Vedas
वेदैः (vedaiH) = by study of the Vedas
वेद्यं (vedyaM) = what is to be known
वेद्यं (vedyaM) = the knowable
वेद्यः (vedyaH) = knowable
वेपथुः (vepathuH) = trembling of the body
वेपमानः (vepamAnaH) = trembling
वैनतेयः (vainateyaH) = Garuda
वैराग्यं (vairAgyaM) = detachment
वैराग्यं (vairAgyaM) = renunciation
वैराग्येण (vairAgyeNa) = by detachment
वैरिणं (vairiNaM) = greatest enemy.
वैश्य (vaishya) = of a vaisya
वैश्यः (vaishyaH) = mercantile people
वैश्वानरः (vaishvAnaraH) = My plenary portion as the digesting fire
व्यक्त (vyakta) = manifested
व्यक्तयः (vyaktayaH) = living entities
व्यक्तिं (vyaktiM) = personality
व्यक्तिं (vyaktiM) = revelation
व्यतितरिष्यति (vyatitariShyati) = surpasses
व्यतीतानि (vyatItAni) = have passed
व्यत्त (vyatta) = open
व्यथन्ति (vyathanti) = are disturbed
व्यथयन्ति (vyathayanti) = are distressing
व्यथा (vyathA) = trouble
व्यथिष्ठाः (vyathiShThAH) = be disturbed
व्यदारयत् (vyadArayat) = shattered
व्यपाश्रयः (vyapAshrayaH) = taking shelter of.
व्यपाश्रित्य (vyapAshritya) = particularly taking shelter
व्यपेतभीः (vyapetabhIH) = free from all fear
व्यवसायः (vyavasAyaH) = enterprise or adventure
व्यवसायः (vyavasAyaH) = determination
व्यवसायात्मिका (vyavasAyAtmikA) = resolute in KRiShNa consciousness
व्यवसायात्मिका (vyavasAyAtmikA) = fixed in determination
व्यवसितः (vyavasitaH) = situated in determination
व्यवस्थितान् (vyavasthitAn) = situated
व्यवस्थितिः (vyavasthitiH) = the situation
व्यवस्थितौ (vyavasthitau) = in determining
व्यवस्थितौ (vyavasthitau) = put under regulations
व्यवासिताः (vyavAsitAH) = have decided
व्याधि (vyAdhi) = and disease
व्याप्तं (vyAptaM) = pervaded
व्याप्य (vyApya) = pervading
व्यामिश्रेण (vyAmishreNa) = by equivocal
व्यासः (vyAsaH) = Vyasa, the compiler of all Vedic literature
व्यासः (vyAsaH) = Vyasa
व्यासप्रसादात् (vyAsaprasAdAt) = by the mercy of Vyasadeva
व्याहरन् (vyAharan) = vibrating
व्युदस्य (vyudasya) = laying aside
व्यूढं (vyUDhaM) = arranged in a military phalanx
व्यूढां (vyUDhAM) = arranged
व्रज (vraja) = go
व्रजेत (vrajeta) = walks
व्रताः (vratAH) = avowed.

शंससि (sha.nsasi) = You are praising
शक्नोति (shaknoti) = is able
शक्नोमि (shaknomi) = am I able
शक्नोषि (shaknoShi) = you are able
शक्यं (shakyaM) = is able
शक्यं (shakyaM) = is possible
शक्यः (shakyaH) = it is possible
शक्यः (shakyaH) = can
शक्यः (shakyaH) = possible
शक्यः (shakyaH) = practical
शक्यसे (shakyase) = are able
शङ्करः (shaN^karaH) = Lord Siva
शङ्खं (shaN^khaM) = conchshell
शङ्खाः (shaN^khAH) = conchshells
शङ्खान् (shaN^khAn) = conchshells
शङ्खौ (shaN^khau) = conchshells
शठः (shaThaH) = deceitful
शतशः (shatashaH) = hundreds
शतैः (shataiH) = by hundreds
शत्रुं (shatruM) = the enemy
शत्रुः (shatruH) = enemy
शत्रुत्वे (shatrutve) = because of enmity
शत्रुन् (shatrun) = enemies
शत्रुवत् (shatruvat) = as an enemy.
शत्रौ (shatrau) = to an enemy
शनैः (shanaiH) = gradually
शनैः (shanaiH) = step by step
शन्तिं (shantiM) = perfect peace
शब्दः (shabdaH) = combined sound
शब्दः (shabdaH) = sound vibration
शब्दब्रह्म (shabdabrahma) = ritualistic principles of scriptures
शब्दादिन् (shabdAdin) = such as sound
शब्दादिन् (shabdAdin) = sound vibration, etc.
शमं (shamaM) = mental tranquillity
शमः (shamaH) = cessation of all material activities
शमः (shamaH) = control of the mind
शय्या (shayyA) = in lying down
शरणं (sharaNaM) = refuge
शरणं (sharaNaM) = full surrender
शरणं (sharaNaM) = for surrender
शरणम् गच्छ (sharaNam gachCha) = surrender
शरीर (sharIra) = the body
शरीर (sharIra) = bodily
शरीर (sharIra) = by the body
शरीरं (sharIraM) = the body
शरीरं (sharIraM) = pertaining to the body
शरीरं (sharIraM) = body
शरीरस्थं (sharIrasthaM) = situated in the body
शरीरस्थं (sharIrasthaM) = situated within the body
शरीरस्थः (sharIrasthaH) = dwelling in the body
शरीराणि (sharIrANi) = bodies
शरीरिणः (sharIriNaH) = of the embodied soul
शरीरे (sharIre) = in the universal form
शरीरे (sharIre) = on the body
शरीरे (sharIre) = the body.
शर्म (sharma) = grace
शशाङ्कः (shashAN^kaH) = the moon
शशिसूर्ययोः (shashisUryayoH) = of the moon and the sun
शशी (shashI) = the moon.
शशी (shashI) = the moon
शश्वच्छान्तिं (shashvachChAntiM) = lasting peace
शस्त्र (shastra) = weapons
शस्त्रपाणयः (shastrapANayaH) = those with weapons in hand
शस्त्रभृतां (shastrabhR^itAM) = of the carriers of weapons
शस्त्रसम्पाते (shastrasampAte) = in releasing his arrows
शस्त्राणि (shastrANi) = weapons
शाखं (shAkhaM) = branches
शाखाः (shAkhAH) = branches
शाधि (shAdhi) = just instruct
शान्तः (shAntaH) = peaceful
शान्तरजसं (shAntarajasaM) = his passion pacified
शान्तिं (shAntiM) = peace
शान्तिं (shAntiM) = perfect peace
शान्तिं (shAntiM) = relief from material pangs
शान्तिः (shAntiH) = tranquillity
शान्तिः (shAntiH) = peace
शारीरं (shArIraM) = in keeping body and soul together
शाश्वतं (shAshvataM) = eternal.
शाश्वतं (shAshvataM) = original
शाश्वतं (shAshvataM) = the eternal
शाश्वतः (shAshvataH) = permanent
शाश्वतधर्मगोप्ता (shAshvatadharmagoptA) = maintainer of the
eternal religion
शाश्वतस्य (shAshvatasya) = of the eternal
शाश्वताः (shAshvatAH) = eternal.
शाश्वतीः (shAshvatIH) = many
शाश्वते (shAshvate) = of the Vedas
शास्त्र (shAstra) = of scripture
शास्त्रं (shAstraM) = the scriptures
शास्त्रं (shAstraM) = revealed scripture
शास्त्रविधिं (shAstravidhiM) = the regulations of the scriptures
शास्त्रविधिं (shAstravidhiM) = the regulations of scripture
शिखण्डी (shikhaNDI) = Sikhandi
शिखरिणां (shikhariNAM) = of all mountains
शिरः (shiraH) = head
शिरः (shiraH) = heads
शिरसा (shirasA) = with the head
शिष्यः (shiShyaH) = disciple
शिष्येण (shiShyeNa) = disciple
शीत (shIta) = in cold
शीत (shIta) = winter
शुक्ल (shukla) = light
शुक्लः (shuklaH) = the white fortnight
शुचः (shuchaH) = worry.
शुचः (shuchaH) = worry
शुचिः (shuchiH) = pure
शुचीनां (shuchInAM) = of the pious
शुचौ (shuchau) = in a sanctified
शुद्धये (shuddhaye) = for the purpose of purification.
शुनि (shuni) = in the dog
शुभ (shubha) = of the auspicious
शुभ (shubha) = good
शुभ (shubha) = from auspicious
शुभान् (shubhAn) = the auspicious
शूद्रः (shUdraH) = lower-class men
शूद्रस्य (shUdrasya) = of the shudra
शूद्राणां (shUdrANAM) = of the shudras
शूराः (shUrAH) = heroes
शृणु (shR^iNu) = understand.
शृणु (shR^iNu) = just hear.
शृणु (shR^iNu) = just hear
शृणु (shR^iNu) = try to hear.
शृणु (shR^iNu) = listen.
शृणु (shR^iNu) = hear from Me.
शृणु (shR^iNu) = hear.
शृणु (shR^iNu) = hear
शृणुयात् (shR^iNuyAt) = does hear
शृणोति (shR^iNoti) = hears of
शृण्वतः (shR^iNvataH) = hearing
शृण्वन् (shR^iNvan) = hearing
शैब्यः (shaibyaH) = Saibya
शोक (shoka) = by lamentation
शोक (shoka) = misery
शोकं (shokaM) = lamentation
शोचति (shochati) = laments
शोचितुं (shochituM) = to lament
शोषयति (shoShayati) = dries
शौचं (shauchaM) = cleanliness
शौचं (shauchaM) = purity
शौर्यं (shauryaM) = heroism
श्यालाः (shyAlAH) = brothers-in-law
श्रद्दधानाः (shraddadhAnAH) = with faith
श्रद्धः (shraddhaH) = faith
श्रद्धया (shraddhayA) = inspiration
श्रद्धया (shraddhayA) = with faith
श्रद्धया (shraddhayA) = full faith
श्रद्धयान्विताः (shraddhayAnvitAH) = with faith
श्रद्धा (shraddhA) = the faith
श्रद्धा (shraddhA) = faith
श्रद्धां (shraddhAM) = faith
श्रद्धावन्तः (shraddhAvantaH) = with faith and devotion
श्रद्धावान् (shraddhAvAn) = a faithful man
श्रद्धावान् (shraddhAvAn) = in full faith
श्रद्धावान् (shraddhAvAn) = faithful
श्रिताः (shritAH) = taking shelter of.
श्रीः (shrIH) = opulence or beauty
श्रीः (shrIH) = opulence
श्रीभगवानुवाच (shrIbhagavAnuvAcha) = the Personality
of Godhead said
श्रीभगवानुवाच (shrIbhagavAnuvAcha) = the Supreme Personality
of Godhead said
श्रीभगवानुवाच (shrIbhagavAnuvAcha) = the Supreme Lord said
श्रीभगवानुवाच (shrIbhagavAnuvAcha) = the Lord said
श्रीमत् (shrImat) = beautiful
श्रीमतं (shrImataM) = of the prosperous
श्रुतं (shrutaM) = heard
श्रुतवान् (shrutavAn) = have heard
श्रुतस्य (shrutasya) = all that is already heard
श्रुति (shruti) = of Vedic revelation
श्रुतिपरायणाः (shrutiparAyaNAH) = inclined to the process of hearing.
श्रुतिमत् (shrutimat) = having ears
श्रुतौ (shrutau) = have been heard
श्रुत्वा (shrutvA) = by hearing
श्रुत्वा (shrutvA) = having heard
श्रुत्वा (shrutvA) = hearing
श्रेयः (shreyaH) = all-good
श्रेयः (shreyaH) = it is better
श्रेयः (shreyaH) = is more beneficial
श्रेयः (shreyaH) = good
श्रेयः (shreyaH) = better engagement
श्रेयः (shreyaH) = better
श्रेयः (shreyaH) = benediction
श्रेयः (shreyaH) = real benefit
श्रेयान् (shreyAn) = greater
श्रेयान् (shreyAn) = better
श्रेयान् (shreyAn) = far better
श्रेष्ठः (shreShThaH) = a respectable leader
श्रोतव्यस्य (shrotavyasya) = toward all that is to be heard
श्रोत्रं (shrotraM) = ears
श्रोत्रादीनि (shrotrAdIni) = such as the hearing process
श्वपाके (shvapAke) = in the dog-eater (the outcaste)
श्वशुरान् (shvashurAn) = fathers-in-law
श्वशूराः (shvashUrAH) = fathers-in-law
श्वसन् (shvasan) = breathing
श्वेतैः (shvetaiH) = with white

षण्मासाः (ShaNmAsAH) = the six months
षष्ठाणि (ShaShThANi) = the six

स (sa) = with both
स (sa) = with
स (sa) = that
संगवर्जितः (sa.ngavarjitaH) = freed from the contamination
of fruitive activities and mental speculation
संग्रहः (sa.ngrahaH) = the accumulation.
संग्रहेण (sa.ngraheNa) = in summary
संग्रामं (sa.ngrAmaM) = fighting
संन्यस्त (sa.nnyasta) = one who has renounced
संन्यस्य (sa.nnyasya) = giving up completely
संन्यस्य (sa.nnyasya) = giving up
संन्यास (sa.nnyAsa) = of renunciation
संन्यासं (sa.nnyAsaM) = the renounced order of life
संन्यासं (sa.nnyAsaM) = renunciation
संन्यासः (sa.nnyAsaH) = the renounced order of life
संन्यासः (sa.nnyAsaH) = renunciation of work
संन्यासः (sa.nnyAsaH) = renunciation
संन्यासनात् (sa.nnyAsanAt) = by renunciation
संन्यासस्य (sa.nnyAsasya) = of renunciation
संन्यासी (sa.nnyAsI) = in the renounced order
संन्यासी (sa.nnyAsI) = renouncer
संन्यासीनां (sa.nnyAsInAM) = for the renounced order
संन्यासेन (sa.nnyAsena) = by the renounced order of life
संयत (sa.nyata) = controlled
संयम (sa.nyama) = of restraint
संयमतां (sa.nyamatAM) = of all regulators
संयमी (sa.nyamI) = the self-controlled
संयम्य (sa.nyamya) = keeping under control
संयम्य (sa.nyamya) = controlling
संयम्य (sa.nyamya) = completely subduing
संयाति (sa.nyAti) = goes away
संयाति (sa.nyAti) = verily accepts
संयुक्ताः (sa.nyuktAH) = engaged
संयोगं (sa.nyogaM) = connection
संयोगात् (sa.nyogAt) = by the union between
संयोगात् (sa.nyogAt) = from the combination
संवादं (sa.nvAdaM) = conversation
संवादं (sa.nvAdaM) = discussion
संवादं (sa.nvAdaM) = message
संविग्न (sa.nvigna) = distressed
संवृत्तः (sa.nvR^ittaH) = settled
संशय (sa.nshaya) = of doubts
संशय (sa.nshaya) = doubtful
संशयं (sa.nshayaM) = doubt
संशयं (sa.nshayaM) = doubts
संशयः (sa.nshayaH) = all doubts.
संशयः (sa.nshayaH) = doubt.
संशयस्य (sa.nshayasya) = of the doubt
संशितव्रताः (sa.nshitavratAH) = taken to strict vows.
संशुद्ध (sa.nshuddha) = washed off
संशुद्धिः (sa.nshuddhiH) = purification
संश्रिताः (sa.nshritAH) = having taken shelter of
संसार (sa.nsAra) = in material existence
संसारेषु (sa.nsAreShu) = into the ocean of material existence
संसिद्धः (sa.nsiddhaH) = having achieved perfection
संसिद्धः (sa.nsiddhaH) = he who is mature
संसिद्धिं (sa.nsiddhiM) = in perfection
संसिद्धिं (sa.nsiddhiM) = perfection
संसिद्धौ (sa.nsiddhau) = for perfection
संस्तभ्य (sa.nstabhya) = by steadying
संस्थापनार्थाय (sa.nsthApanArthAya) = to reestablish
संस्पर्शजाः (sa.nsparshajAH) = by contact with the material senses
संस्मृत्य (sa.nsmR^itya) = remembering
संहरते (sa.nharate) = winds up
संज्ञके (sa.nj~nake) = which is called.
संज्ञार्थं (sa.nj~nArthaM) = for information
संज्ञितं (sa.nj~nitaM) = in the matter of
संज्ञितः (sa.nj~nitaH) = is called.
संज्ञैः (sa.nj~naiH) = named
सः (saH) = anyone
सः (saH) = it
सः (saH) = He
सः (saH) = that knowledge
सः (saH) = that person
सः (saH) = that
सः (saH) = thus
सः (saH) = the same
सः (saH) = these
सः (saH) = such
सः (saH) = he is.
सः (saH) = he is
सः (saH) = he.
सः (saH) = he
सक्तं (saktaM) = attached
सक्ताः (saktAH) = attached
सक्ताः (saktAH) = being attached
सखा (sakhA) = friend
सखीन् (sakhIn) = friends
सखैव (sakhaiva) = like a friend
सख्युः (sakhyuH) = with a friend
सगद्गदं (sagadgadaM) = with a faltering voice
सङ्करः (saN^karaH) = such unwanted children
सङ्करस्य (saN^karasya) = of unwanted population
सङ्कल्प (saN^kalpa) = determination
सङ्कल्प (saN^kalpa) = mental speculations
सङ्कल्पः (saN^kalpaH) = desire for self-satisfaction
सङ्ख्ये (saN^khye) = in the battlefield
सङ्ग (saN^ga) = association
सङ्ग (saN^ga) = of association
सङ्गं (saN^gaM) = attachment
सङ्गं (saN^gaM) = association
सङ्गः (saN^gaH) = attachment
सङ्गरहितं (saN^garahitaM) = without attachment
सङ्गविवर्जितः (saN^gavivarjitaH) = free from all association
सङ्गात् (saN^gAt) = from attachment
सङ्गेन (saN^gena) = by association
सङ्घाः (saN^ghAH) = the assemblies
सङ्घातः (saN^ghAtaH) = the aggregate
सङ्घैः (saN^ghaiH) = the groups
सचेताः (sachetAH) = in my consciousness
सच्छब्दः (sachChabdaH) = the sound sat
सज्जते (sajjate) = becomes attached.
सज्जन्ते (sajjante) = they become engaged
सञ्चयान् (sa~nchayAn) = accumulation.
सञ्छिन्न (sa~nChinna) = cut
सञ्जनयन् (sa~njanayan) = increasing
सञ्जय उवाच (sa~njaya uvAcha) = Sanjaya said
सञ्जय (sa~njaya) = O Sanjaya.
सञ्जयति (sa~njayati) = binds
सञ्जायते (sa~njAyate) = comes into being
सञ्जायते (sa~njAyate) = develops
सत् (sat) = eternal
सत् (sat) = cause
सत् (sat) = the word sat
सत् (sat) = the Supreme
सत् (sat) = spirit
सतः (sataH) = of the eternal
सतत (satata) = always
सततं (satataM) = always
सततं (satataM) = constantly
सततं (satataM) = twenty-four hours a day
सततयुक्तानां (satatayuktAnAM) = always engaged
सति (sati) = being
सत्कार (satkAra) = respect
सत्त्व (sattva) = in goodness
सत्त्व (sattva) = existence
सत्त्वं (sattvaM) = in goodness
सत्त्वं (sattvaM) = existence
सत्त्वं (sattvaM) = the mode of goodness
सत्त्वं (sattvaM) = the strength
सत्त्ववतं (sattvavataM) = of the strong
सत्त्वसंशुद्धिः (sattvasa.nshuddhiH) = purification of one’s existence
सत्त्वस्थाः (sattvasthAH) = those situated in the mode of goodness
सत्त्वात् (sattvAt) = from the mode of goodness
सत्त्वानुरूपा (sattvAnurUpA) = according to the existence
सत्त्वे (sattve) = the mode of goodness
सत्यं (satyaM) = truth
सत्यं (satyaM) = truthful
सत्यं (satyaM) = truthfulness
सत्यं (satyaM) = truly
सद्भवे (sadbhave) = in the sense of the nature of the Supreme
सदसत् (sadasat) = in good and bad
सदसत् (sadasat) = to cause and effect
सदा (sadA) = always
सदा (sadA) = constantly
सदृशं (sadR^ishaM) = accordingly
सदृशं (sadR^ishaM) = in comparison
सदृशः (sadR^ishaH) = like
सदृशी (sadR^ishI) = like that
सदोषं (sadoShaM) = with fault
सन् (san) = being so
सनातनं (sanAtanaM) = eternal atmosphere.
सनातनं (sanAtanaM) = original, eternal
सनातनः (sanAtanaH) = eternal
सनातनः (sanAtanaH) = eternally the same.
सनातनाः (sanAtanAH) = eternal
सन्तः (santaH) = the devotees
सन्तरिष्यसि (santariShyasi) = you will cross completely.
सन्तुष्टः (santuShTaH) = perfectly satiated
सन्तुष्टः (santuShTaH) = satisfied
सन्दृश्यन्ते (sandR^ishyante) = are seen
सन्देहः (sandehaH) = all doubts
सन्निभानि (sannibhAni) = as if
सन्नियम्य (sanniyamya) = controlling
सन्निविष्टः (sanniviShTaH) = situated
सपत्नान् (sapatnAn) = enemies.
सप्त (sapta) = seven
सबान्धवान् (sabAndhavAn) = along with friends
सम (sama) = unaltered
सम (sama) = equal
सम (sama) = equally
सम (sama) = equipoised
समं (samaM) = in equanimity
समं (samaM) = equally
समं (samaM) = straight
समः (samaH) = equal
समः (samaH) = equally disposed
समः (samaH) = equipoised
समः (samaH) = peacefulness
समः (samaH) = steady
समग्रं (samagraM) = all
समग्रं (samagraM) = in total
समग्रं (samagraM) = completely
समग्रान् (samagrAn) = all
समचित्तत्वं (samachittatvaM) = equilibrium
समता (samatA) = equilibrium
समतित्य (samatitya) = transcending
समतीतानि (samatItAni) = completely past
समत्वं (samatvaM) = equanimity
समदर्शनः (samadarshanaH) = seeing equally.
समदर्शिनः (samadarshinaH) = who see with equal vision.
समधिगच्छति (samadhigachChati) = attains.
समन्ततः (samantataH) = from all sides.
समन्तात् (samantAt) = everywhere
समन्तात् (samantAt) = from all directions
समन्वितः (samanvitaH) = qualified
समबुद्धयः (samabuddhayaH) = equally disposed
समबुद्धिः (samabuddhiH) = having equal intelligence
समवस्थितं (samavasthitaM) = equally situated
समवेताः (samavetAH) = assembled
समवेतान् (samavetAn) = assembled
समाः (samAH) = equal
समाः (samAH) = years
समागताः (samAgatAH) = assembled
समाचर (samAchara) = do perfectly.
समाचर (samAchara) = perform
समाचरन् (samAcharan) = practicing.
समाधातुं (samAdhAtuM) = to fix
समाधाय (samAdhAya) = fixing
समाधिना (samAdhinA) = by complete absorption.
समाधिस्थस्य (samAdhisthasya) = of one situated in trance
समाधौ (samAdhau) = in transcendental consciousness,
or KRiShNa consciousness
समाधौ (samAdhau) = in the controlled mind
समाप्नोषि (samApnoShi) = You cover
समायुक्तः (samAyuktaH) = keeping in balance
समारम्भाः (samArambhAH) = attempts
समाविष्टः (samAviShTaH) = absorbed
समावृतः (samAvR^itaH) = covered
समावृतः (samAvR^itaH) = surrounded
समासतः (samAsataH) = in summary
समासेन (samAsena) = in summary
समासेन (samAsena) = summarily
समाहर्तुं (samAhartuM) = in destroying
समाहितः (samAhitaH) = approached completely
समितिञ्जयः (samiti~njayaH) = always victorious in battle
समिद्धः (samiddhaH) = blazing
समीक्ष्य (samIkShya) = after seeing
समुत्थेन (samutthena) = arisen from
समुद्धर्ता (samuddhartA) = the deliverer
समुद्भवं (samudbhavaM) = directly manifested
समुद्भवं (samudbhavaM) = produced of
समुद्भवः (samudbhavaH) = born of.
समुद्भवः (samudbhavaH) = born of
समुद्भवान् (samudbhavAn) = produced of
समुद्यमे (samudyame) = in the attempt.
समुद्रं (samudraM) = the ocean
समुपस्थितं (samupasthitaM) = arrived
समुपस्थितं (samupasthitaM) = present
समुपाश्रितः (samupAshritaH) = having taken shelter of
समृद्ध (samR^iddha) = with full
समृद्धं (samR^iddhaM) = flourishing
समृद्धवेगः (samR^iddhavegaH) = with full speed.
समे (same) = in equanimity
समौ (samau) = in suspension
सम्पत् (sampat) = assets
सम्पदं (sampadaM) = assets
सम्पदं (sampadaM) = the qualities
सम्पद्यते (sampadyate) = he attains
सम्पन्ने (sampanne) = fully equipped
सम्पश्यन् (sampashyan) = considering
सम्प्रकीर्तितः (samprakIrtitaH) = is declared.
सम्प्रतिष्ठा (sampratiShThA) = the foundation
सम्प्रवृत्तानि (sampravR^ittAni) = although developed
सम्प्रेक्ष्य (samprekShya) = looking
सम्प्लुतोदके (samplutodake) = in a great reservoir of water
सम्बन्धिनः (sambandhinaH) = relatives
सम्भवं (sambhavaM) = born of.
सम्भवः (sambhavaH) = the possibility
सम्भवः (sambhavaH) = production
सम्भवन्ति (sambhavanti) = they appear
सम्भवाः (sambhavAH) = produced of
सम्भवान् (sambhavAn) = produced of.
सम्भवामि (sambhavAmi) = I do appear
सम्भवामि (sambhavAmi) = I do incarnate
सम्भावितस्य (sambhAvitasya) = for a respectable man
सम्भूतं (sambhUtaM) = arisen kim
सम्मूढ (sammUDha) = bewildered
सम्मूढाः (sammUDhAH) = befooled by material identification
सम्मोहं (sammohaM) = into delusion
सम्मोहः (sammohaH) = the illusion
सम्मोहः (sammohaH) = perfect illusion
सम्मोहात् (sammohAt) = from illusion
सम्यक् (samyak) = complete
सम्यक् (samyak) = completely
सरसां (sarasAM) = of all reservoirs of water
सर्गः (sargaH) = birth and death
सर्गाणां (sargANAM) = of all creations
सर्गे (sarge) = while taking birth
सर्गेऽपि (sarge.api) = even in the creation
सर्पाणां (sarpANAM) = of serpents
सर्व (sarva) = all kinds of
सर्व (sarva) = all respectively
सर्व (sarva) = all
सर्व (sarva) = in all
सर्व (sarva) = of all
सर्व (sarva) = because You are everything
सर्व (sarva) = for all kinds of
सर्वं (sarvaM) = all of the body
सर्वं (sarvaM) = all that be
सर्वं (sarvaM) = all such sinful reactions
सर्वं (sarvaM) = all
सर्वं (sarvaM) = whole
सर्वं (sarvaM) = everything
सर्वः (sarvaH) = all
सर्वः (sarvaH) = everything.
सर्वकर्म (sarvakarma) = of all activities
सर्वकर्माणि (sarvakarmANi) = all kinds of activities
सर्वकर्माणि (sarvakarmANi) = all reactions to material activities
सर्वगतं (sarvagataM) = all-pervading
सर्वगतः (sarvagataH) = all-pervading
सर्वगुह्यतमं (sarvaguhyatamaM) = the most confidential of all
सर्वतः (sarvataH) = in all respects
सर्वतः (sarvataH) = everywhere
सर्वतः (sarvataH) = on all sides
सर्वतः (sarvataH) = from all sides
सर्वत्र (sarvatra) = everywhere
सर्वत्रगं (sarvatragaM) = all-pervading
सर्वत्रगः (sarvatragaH) = blowing everywhere
सर्वथा (sarvathA) = in all ways
सर्वथा (sarvathA) = in all respects
सर्वदेहिनां (sarvadehinAM) = of all embodied beings
सर्वद्वाराणि (sarvadvArANi) = all the doors of the body
सर्वद्वारेषु (sarvadvAreShu) = in all the gates
सर्वधर्मान् (sarvadharmAn) = all varieties of religion
सर्वपापैः (sarvapApaiH) = from all sinful reactions
सर्वभावेन (sarvabhAvena) = in all respects
सर्वभूत (sarvabhUta) = of all living entities
सर्वभूत (sarvabhUta) = to all living entities
सर्वभूत (sarvabhUta) = for all living entities
सर्वभूतस्थं (sarvabhUtasthaM) = situated in all beings
सर्वभूतस्थितं (sarvabhUtasthitaM) = situated in everyone’s heart
सर्वभूतहिते (sarvabhUtahite) = for the welfare of all living entities
सर्वभूतानां (sarvabhUtAnAM) = of all creations
सर्वभूतानां (sarvabhUtAnAM) = of all living entities
सर्वभूतानां (sarvabhUtAnAM) = toward all living entities
सर्वभूतानि (sarvabhUtAni) = all created entities
सर्वभूतानी (sarvabhUtAnI) = all living entities
सर्वभूतेषु (sarvabhUteShu) = among all living entities
सर्वभूतेषु (sarvabhUteShu) = among all living beings
सर्वभूतेषु (sarvabhUteShu) = in all living entities
सर्वभूतेषु (sarvabhUteShu) = to all living entities
सर्वभृत् (sarvabhR^it) = the maintainer of everyone
सर्वयोनिषु (sarvayoniShu) = in all species of life
सर्वलोक (sarvaloka) = of all planets and the demigods thereof
सर्ववित् (sarvavit) = the knower of everything
सर्ववृक्षाणां (sarvavR^ikShANAM) = of all trees
सर्वशः (sarvashaH) = altogether
सर्वशः (sarvashaH) = all around
सर्वशः (sarvashaH) = all kinds of
सर्वशः (sarvashaH) = all
सर्वशः (sarvashaH) = in all respects.
सर्वशः (sarvashaH) = in all respects
सर्वसङ्कल्प (sarvasaN^kalpa) = of all material desires
सर्वस्य (sarvasya) = of all living beings
सर्वस्य (sarvasya) = of all
सर्वस्य (sarvasya) = of everyone
सर्वस्य (sarvasya) = of everything
सर्वस्य (sarvasya) = to everyone
सर्वहरः (sarvaharaH) = all-devouring
सर्वज्ञान (sarvaj~nAna) = in all sorts of knowledge
सर्वाः (sarvAH) = all
सर्वाणि भूतानि (sarvANi bhUtAni) = all created beings
सर्वाणि (sarvANi) = all sorts of
सर्वाणि (sarvANi) = all
सर्वाणि (sarvANi) = of all
सर्वान् (sarvAn) = all kinds of
सर्वान् (sarvAn) = all
सर्वान् (sarvAn) = of all varieties
सर्वारम्भ (sarvArambha) = of all endeavors
सर्वारम्भः (sarvArambhaH) = all ventures
सर्वार्थान् (sarvArthAn) = all things
सर्वे वयं (sarve vayaM) = all of us
सर्वे (sarve) = all of them
सर्वे (sarve) = all sorts of
सर्वे (sarve) = all.
सर्वे (sarve) = all
सर्वेभ्यः (sarvebhyaH) = of all
सर्वेषां (sarveShAM) = all types of
सर्वेषां (sarveShAM) = all
सर्वेषु कालेषु (sarveShu kAleShu) = always
सर्वेषु (sarveShu) = at all
सर्वेषु (sarveShu) = all
सर्वेषु (sarveShu) = in all
सर्वेषु (sarveShu) = everywhere
सर्वेषु (sarveShu) = to all
सर्वैः (sarvaiH) = all
सविकारं (savikAraM) = with interactions
सव्यसाचिन् (savyasAchin) = O Savyasaci.
सशरं (sasharaM) = along with arrows
सह (saha) = along with
सह (saha) = with
सह (saha) = together
सहजं (sahajaM) = born simultaneously
सहदेवः (sahadevaH) = Sahadeva
सहसा (sahasA) = all of a sudden
सहस्र (sahasra) = one thousand
सहस्रकृत्वः (sahasrakR^itvaH) = a thousand times
सहस्रबाहो (sahasrabAho) = O thousand-handed one
सहस्रशः (sahasrashaH) = thousands
सहस्रस्य (sahasrasya) = of many thousands
सहस्रान्तां (sahasrAntAM) = similarly, ending after one thousand
सहस्रेषु (sahasreShu) = out of many thousands
सहितं (sahitaM) = with
सक्षी (sakShI) = witness
सा (sA) = that is
सा (sA) = that
सा (sA) = this
सागरः (sAgaraH) = the ocean.
सागरात् (sAgarAt) = from the ocean
साङ्ख्य (sAN^khya) = analytical study of the material world
साङ्ख्यं (sAN^khyaM) = analytical study
साङ्ख्यानां (sAN^khyAnAM) = of the empiric philosophers
साङ्ख्ये (sAN^khye) = in the Vedanta
साङ्ख्ये (sAN^khye) = in the fight
साङ्ख्ये (sAN^khye) = by analytical study
साङ्ख्येन (sAN^khyena) = of philosophical discussion
साङ्ख्यैः (sAN^khyaiH) = by means of Sankhya philosophy
सात्त्विक (sAttvika) = to one in goodness
सात्त्विकं (sAttvikaM) = in the mode of goodness.
सात्त्विकं (sAttvikaM) = in the mode of goodness
सात्त्विकः (sAttvikaH) = in the mode of goodness.
सात्त्विकः (sAttvikaH) = in the mode of goodness
सात्त्विकाः (sAttvikAH) = in goodness
सात्त्विकाः (sAttvikAH) = those who are in the
mode of goodness
सात्त्विकी (sAttvikI) = in the mode of goodness.
सात्त्विकी (sAttvikI) = in the mode of goodness
सात्यकिः (sAtyakiH) = Satyaki (the same as Yuyudhana,
the charioteer of Lord KRiShNa)
साधर्म्यं (sAdharmyaM) = same nature
साधिभूत (sAdhibhUta) = and the governing principle of
the material manifestation
साधियज्ञं (sAdhiyaj~naM) = and governing all sacrifices
साधुः (sAdhuH) = a saint
साधुभावे (sAdhubhAve) = in the sense of the nature of the devotee
साधुषु (sAdhuShu) = unto the pious
साधूनां (sAdhUnAM) = of the devotees
साध्याः (sAdhyAH) = the Sadhyas
साम (sAma) = the Sama Veda
सामर्थ्यं (sAmarthyaM) = ability
सामवेदः (sAmavedaH) = the Sama Veda
सामासिकस्य (sAmAsikasya) = of compounds
साम्नं (sAmnaM) = of the Sama Veda songs
साम्ये (sAmye) = in equanimity
साम्येन (sAmyena) = generally
साहङ्कारेण (sAhaN^kAreNa) = with ego
साक्षात् (sAkShAt) = directly
सिंहनादं (si.nhanAdaM) = roaring sound, like that of a lion
सिद्ध्यसिद्ध्योः (siddhyasiddhyoH) = in success and failure
सिद्ध (siddha) = and the perfected demigods
सिद्धः (siddhaH) = perfect
सिद्धये (siddhaye) = for the perfection
सिद्धये (siddhaye) = for perfection
सिद्धसङ्घाः (siddhasaN^ghAH) = the perfect human beings.
सिद्धसङ्घाः (siddhasaN^ghAH) = perfect beings
सिद्धानां (siddhAnAM) = of all those who are perfected
सिद्धानां (siddhAnAM) = of those who have
achieved perfection
सिद्धि (siddhi) = in perfection
सिद्धिं (siddhiM) = perfection
सिद्धिं (siddhiM) = success
सिद्धिः (siddhiH) = success
सिद्धौ (siddhau) = in success
सीदन्ति (sIdanti) = are quivering
सुकृतं (sukR^itaM) = pious activities
सुकृतदुष्कृते (sukR^itaduShkR^ite) = good and bad results
सुकृतस्य (sukR^itasya) = pious
सुकृतिनः (sukR^itinaH) = those who are pious
सुख (sukha) = with happiness
सुख (sukha) = of happiness
सुख (sukha) = happiness
सुखं (sukhaM) = and happiness
सुखं (sukhaM) = in happiness
सुखं (sukhaM) = happiness.
सुखं (sukhaM) = happiness
सुखं (sukhaM) = happily
सुखः (sukhaH) = and happiness
सुखदुःख (sukhaduHkha) = happiness and distress
सुखस्य (sukhasya) = of happiness
सुखानि (sukhAni) = all happiness
सुखानि (sukhAni) = happiness thereof
सुखिनः (sukhinaH) = very happy
सुखिनः (sukhinaH) = happy
सुखी (sukhI) = happy
सुखे (sukhe) = in happiness
सुखेन (sukhena) = in transcendental happiness
सुखेषु (sukheShu) = in happiness
सुघोषमणिपुष्पकौ (sughoShamaNipuShpakau) = the conches
named Sughosa and Manipuspaka
सुदुराचारः (sudurAchAraH) = one committing the most
abominable actions
सुदुर्दर्शं (sudurdarshaM) = very difficult to see
सुदुर्लभः (sudurlabhaH) = very rare to see.
सुदुष्करं (suduShkaraM) = difficult.
सुनिश्चितं (sunishchitaM) = definitely.
सुरगणाः (suragaNAH) = the demigods
सुरसङ्घाः (surasaN^ghAH) = groups of demigods
सुराणां (surANAM) = of the demigods
सुरेन्द्र (surendra) = of Indra
सुलभः (sulabhaH) = very easy to achieve
सुविरूढ (suvirUDha) = strongly
सुसुखं (susukhaM) = very happy
सुहृत् (suhR^it) = to well-wishers by nature
सुहृत् (suhR^it) = most intimate friend
सुहृदं (suhR^idaM) = the benefactor
सुहृदः (suhR^idaH) = well-wishers
सूतपुत्रः (sUtaputraH) = Karna
सूत्रे (sUtre) = on a thread
सूयते (sUyate) = manifests
सूर्य (sUrya) = and sun
सूर्य (sUrya) = of suns
सूर्यः (sUryaH) = the sun
सूक्ष्मत्वात् (sUkShmatvAt) = on account of being subtle
सृजति (sR^ijati) = creates
सृजामि (sR^ijAmi) = manifest
सृती (sR^itI) = different paths
सृष्ट्वा (sR^iShTvA) = creating
सृष्ट्वा (sR^iShTvA) = created
सेनयोः (senayoH) = of the armies
सेनानीनां (senAnInAM) = of all commanders
सेवते (sevate) = renders service
सेवया (sevayA) = by the rendering of service
सेवित्वं (sevitvaM) = aspiring
सैन्यस्य (sainyasya) = of the soldiers
सोढुं (soDhuM) = to tolerate
सोढुं (soDhuM) = tolerate.
सोमः (somaH) = the moon
सोमपाः (somapAH) = drinkers of soma juice
सौभद्रः (saubhadraH) = Abhimanyu, the son of Subhadra
सौभद्रः (saubhadraH) = the son of Subhadra
सौमदत्तिः (saumadattiH) = the son of Somadatta
सौम्यं (saumyaM) = very beautiful
सौम्यत्वं (saumyatvaM) = being without duplicity towards others
सौम्यवपुः (saumyavapuH) = the beautiful form
सौक्ष्म्यात् (saukShmyAt) = due to being subtle
स्कन्दः (skandaH) = Kartikeya
स्तब्धः (stabdhaH) = impudent
स्तब्धः (stabdhaH) = obstinate
स्तुतिः (stutiH) = and repute
स्तुतिभिः (stutibhiH) = with prayers
स्तुवन्ति (stuvanti) = are singing hymns
स्तेनः (stenaH) = thief
स्त्रंसते (stra.nsate) = is slipping
स्त्रियः (striyaH) = women
स्त्रीषु (strIShu) = by the womanhood
स्थः (sthaH) = situated
स्थाणुः (sthANuH) = unchangeable
स्थानं (sthAnaM) = abode
स्थानं (sthAnaM) = ground
स्थानं (sthAnaM) = the abode
स्थानं (sthAnaM) = place
स्थानि (sthAni) = situated
स्थाने (sthAne) = rightly
स्थापय (sthApaya) = please keep
स्थापयित्वा (sthApayitvA) = placing
स्थावर (sthAvara) = not moving
स्थावराणां (sthAvarANAM) = of immovable things
स्थास्यति (sthAsyati) = remains
स्थितं (sthitaM) = situated in the body
स्थितं (sthitaM) = situated
स्थितः (sthitaH) = being situated
स्थितः (sthitaH) = situated.
स्थितः (sthitaH) = situated
स्थितधीः (sthitadhIH) = whose mind is steady
स्थितधीः (sthitadhIH) = one fixed in KRiShNa consciousness
स्थितप्रज्ञः (sthitapraj~naH) = transcendentally situated
स्थितप्रज्ञस्य (sthitapraj~nasya) = of one who is situated
in fixed KRiShNa consciousness
स्थिताः (sthitAH) = am situated
स्थिताः (sthitAH) = are situated.
स्थितान् (sthitAn) = standing
स्थितिं (sthitiM) = situation
स्थितिः (sthitiH) = the situation
स्थितिः (sthitiH) = situation
स्थितौ (sthitau) = situated
स्थित्वा (sthitvA) = being situated
स्थिर (sthira) = fixed
स्थिरं (sthiraM) = steadily
स्थिरं (sthiraM) = firm
स्थिरः (sthiraH) = still
स्थिरबुद्धिः (sthirabuddhiH) = self-intelligent
स्थिरां (sthirAM) = stable.
स्थिराः (sthirAH) = enduring
स्थैर्यं (sthairyaM) = steadfastness
स्निग्धाः (snigdhAH) = fatty
स्पर्शनं (sparshanaM) = touch
स्पर्शान् (sparshAn) = sense objects, such as sound
स्पृशन् (spR^ishan) = touching
स्पृहा (spR^ihA) = aspiration
स्पृहा (spR^ihA) = desire
स्मरति (smarati) = remembers
स्मरन् (smaran) = thinking of
स्मरन् (smaran) = remembering
स्मृतं (smR^itaM) = is understood to be.
स्मृतं (smR^itaM) = is considered.
स्मृतः (smR^itaH) = is considered
स्मृता (smR^itA) = is considered
स्मृति (smR^iti) = of memory
स्मृतिः (smR^itiH) = memory
स्मृतिः (smR^itiH) = remembrance
स्मृतिभ्रंशात् (smR^itibhra.nshAt) = after bewilderment
of memory
स्यन्दने (syandane) = chariot
स्यां (syAM) = would be
स्यां (syAM) = shall be
स्यात् (syAt) = is
स्यात् (syAt) = will there be
स्यात् (syAt) = exists
स्यात् (syAt) = one becomes
स्यात् (syAt) = may be
स्यात् (syAt) = might be
स्यात् (syAt) = remains
स्याम (syAma) = will we become
स्युः (syuH) = are
स्रोतसां (srotasAM) = of flowing rivers
स्वं (svaM) = own
स्वकं (svakaM) = His own
स्वकर्म (svakarma) = in his own duty
स्वकर्मणा (svakarmaNA) = by his own duties
स्वचक्षुषा (svachakShuShA) = your own eyes
स्वजनं (svajanaM) = own kinsmen
स्वजनं (svajanaM) = kinsmen
स्वतेजसा (svatejasA) = by Your radiance
स्वधर्मं (svadharmaM) = one’s own religious principles
स्वधर्मं (svadharmaM) = your religious duty
स्वधर्मः (svadharmaH) = one’s own occupation
स्वधर्मः (svadharmaH) = one’s prescribed duties
स्वधर्मे (svadharme) = in one’s prescribed duties
स्वधा (svadhA) = oblation
स्वनुष्ठितात् (svanuShThitAt) = perfectly done
स्वपन् (svapan) = dreaming
स्वप्नं (svapnaM) = dreaming
स्वप्नशीलस्य (svapnashIlasya) = of one who sleeps
स्वप्नावबोधस्य (svapnAvabodhasya) = sleep and wakefulness
स्वभाव (svabhAva) = their own nature
स्वभावः (svabhAvaH) = eternal nature
स्वभावः (svabhAvaH) = characteristics
स्वभावः (svabhAvaH) = the modes of material nature
स्वभावजं (svabhAvajaM) = born of his own nature.
स्वभावजं (svabhAvajaM) = born of his own nature
स्वभावजा (svabhAvajA) = according to his mode of material nature
स्वभावजेन (svabhAvajena) = born of your own nature
स्वभावनियतं (svabhAvaniyataM) = prescribed according
to one’s nature
स्वयं (svayaM) = personally.
स्वयं (svayaM) = personally
स्वयं (svayaM) = himself
स्वया (svayA) = by their own.
स्वर्ग (svarga) = of the heavenly planets
स्वर्गं (svargaM) = the heavenly kingdom
स्वर्गतिं (svargatiM) = passage to heaven
स्वर्गपराः (svargaparAH) = aiming to achieve heavenly planets
स्वर्गलोकं (svargalokaM) = heaven
स्वल्पं (svalpaM) = a little
स्वस्ति (svasti) = all peace
स्वस्थः (svasthaH) = being situated in himself
स्वस्यः (svasyaH) = by his own
स्वां (svAM) = of My personal Self
स्वां (svAM) = of Myself
स्वाध्याय (svAdhyAya) = of Vedic study
स्वाध्याय (svAdhyAya) = sacrifice in the study of the Vedas
स्वाध्यायः (svAdhyAyaH) = study of Vedic literature
स्वे स्वे (sve sve) = each his own
स्वेन (svena) = by your own

ह (ha) = certainly.
हतं (hataM) = killed
हतः (hataH) = being killed
हतः (hataH) = has been killed
हतान् (hatAn) = already killed
हत्वा (hatvA) = killing
हत्वा (hatvA) = by killing
हनिष्ये (haniShye) = I shall kill
हन्त (hanta) = yes
हन्तारं (hantAraM) = the killer
हन्ति (hanti) = kills
हन्तुं (hantuM) = to kill
हन्यते (hanyate) = is killed.
हन्यते (hanyate) = is killed
हन्यमाने (hanyamAne) = being killed
हन्युः (hanyuH) = may kill
हयैः (hayaiH) = horses
हरति (harati) = takes away
हरन्ति (haranti) = throw
हरिः (hariH) = the Supreme Personality of Godhead, KRiShNa
हरेः (hareH) = of Lord KRiShNa
हर्ष (harSha) = from happiness
हर्षं (harShaM) = cheerfulness
हर्षशोकान्वितः (harShashokAnvitaH) = subject to joy and sorrow
हविः (haviH) = butter
हस्तात् (hastAt) = from the hand
हस्तिनि (hastini) = in the elephant
हानिः (hAniH) = destruction
हि (hi) = indeed
हि (hi) = certainly
हि (hi) = surely
हिंसां (hi.nsAM) = and distress to others
हिंसात्मकः (hi.nsAtmakaH) = always envious
हितं (hitaM) = beneficial
हितं (hitaM) = benefit.
हितकाम्यया (hitakAmyayA) = for your benefit.
हिते (hite) = in welfare work
हित्वा (hitvA) = losing
हिनस्ति (hinasti) = degrade
हिमालयः (himAlayaH) = the Himalayan mountains.
हुतं (hutaM) = offering.
हुतं (hutaM) = offered in sacrifice
हुतं (hutaM) = offered
हुताशवक्त्रं (hutAshavaktraM) = fire coming out of Your mouth
हृत (hR^ita) = deprived of
हृत्स्थं (hR^itsthaM) = situated in the heart
हृदय (hR^idaya) = of the heart
हृदयानि (hR^idayAni) = hearts
हृदि (hR^idi) = in the heart
हृद्देशे (hR^iddeshe) = in the location of the heart
हृद्याः (hR^idyAH) = pleasing to the heart
हृषितः (hR^iShitaH) = gladdened
हृषीकेश (hR^iShIkesha) = O master of the senses
हृषीकेशं (hR^iShIkeshaM) = unto KRiShNa, the master
of the senses
हृषीकेशं (hR^iShIkeshaM) = unto Lord KRiShNa
हृषीकेशः (hRiShIkeshaH) = Hrsikesa (KRiShNa, the Lord who directs the senses of the devotees)
हृष्टरोमा (hR^iShTaromA) = with his bodily hairs standing
on end due to his great ecstasy
हृष्यति (hR^iShyati) = takes pleasure
हृष्यामि (hR^iShyAmi) = I am enjoying
हृष्यामि (hR^iShyAmi) = I am taking pleasure
हे कृष्ण (he kR^iShNa) = O KRiShNa
हे यादव (he yAdava) = O Yadava
हे सखे (he sakhe) = O my dear friend
हेतवः (hetavaH) = causes.
हेतुः (hetuH) = cause
हेतुः (hetuH) = the instrument
हेतुना (hetunA) = for the reason
हेतुमद्भिः (hetumadbhiH) = with cause and effect
हेतोः (hetoH) = in exchange
ह्रियते (hriyate) = is attracted
ह्रीः (hrIH) = modesty

क्षणं (kShaNaM) = a moment
क्षत्रिय (kShatriya) = the ksatriyas
क्षत्रियस्य (kShatriyasya) = of the ksatriya
क्षत्रियाः (kShatriyAH) = the members of the royal order
क्षन्तिः (kShantiH) = tolerance
क्षमा (kShamA) = patience.
क्षमा (kShamA) = forgiveness
क्षमी (kShamI) = forgiving
क्षयं (kShayaM) = destruction
क्षयकृत् (kShayakR^it) = the destroyer
क्षयाय (kShayAya) = for destruction
क्षरं (kSharaM) = to the fallible
क्षरः (kSharaH) = constantly changing
क्षरः (kSharaH) = fallible
क्षात्रं (kShAtraM) = of a ksatriya
क्षान्तिः (kShAntiH) = tolerance
क्षामये (kShAmaye) = ask forgiveness
क्षिपामि (kShipAmi) = I put
क्षिप्रं (kShipraM) = very quickly
क्षिप्रं (kShipraM) = very soon
क्षीणकल्मषाः (kShINakalmaShAH) = who are devoid of all sins
क्षीणे (kShINe) = being exhausted
क्षुद्रं (kShudraM) = petty
क्षेत्र (kShetra) = of the body
क्षेत्र (kShetra) = the field of activities (the body)
क्षेत्रं (kShetraM) = this body
क्षेत्रं (kShetraM) = the field of activities (the body)
क्षेत्रं (kShetraM) = the field of activities
क्षेत्रं (kShetraM) = the field
क्षेत्रं (kShetraM) = field of activities
क्षेत्रज्ञ (kShetraj~na) = and the knower of the body
क्षेत्रज्ञं (kShetraj~naM) = the knower of the field
क्षेत्रज्ञः (kShetraj~naH) = the knower of the field
क्षेत्रज्ञयोः (kShetraj~nayoH) = and the knower of the field
क्षेत्रज्ञयोः (kShetraj~nayoH) = of the proprietor of the body
क्षेत्री (kShetrI) = the soul
क्षेत्रेषु (kShetreShu) = in bodily fields
क्षेमं (kShemaM) = protection
क्षेमतरं (kShemataraM) = better

ज्ञातव्यं (j~nAtavyaM) = knowable
ज्ञातुं (j~nAtuM) = to know
ज्ञातेन (j~nAtena) = by knowing
ज्ञात्वा (j~nAtvA) = knowing well
ज्ञात्वा (j~nAtvA) = knowing
ज्ञात्वा (j~nAtvA) = thus knowing
ज्ञान (j~nAna) = in knowledge
ज्ञान (j~nAna) = with knowledge
ज्ञान (j~nAna) = of knowledge
ज्ञान (j~nAna) = of perfect knowledge
ज्ञान (j~nAna) = by acquired knowledge
ज्ञान (j~nAna) = by knowledge
ज्ञानं (j~nAnaM) = into knowledge
ज्ञानं (j~nAnaM) = knowledge of
ज्ञानं (j~nAnaM) = knowledge
ज्ञानं (j~nAnaM) = pure consciousness
ज्ञानं (j~nAnaM) = phenomenal knowledge
ज्ञानः (j~nAnaH) = whose knowledge
ज्ञानगम्यं (j~nAnagamyaM) = to be approached by knowledge
ज्ञानचक्षुषः (j~nAnachakShuShaH) = those who have the eyes of knowledge.
ज्ञानचक्षुषा (j~nAnachakShuShA) = by the vision of knowledge
ज्ञानदीपिते (j~nAnadIpite) = because of the urge for self-realization.
ज्ञानप्लवेन (j~nAnaplavena) = by the boat of transcendental knowledge
ज्ञानयज्ञः (j~nAnayaj~naH) = sacrifice in knowledge
ज्ञानयज्ञाः (j~nAnayaj~nAH) = sacrifice in advancement of transcendental knowledge
ज्ञानयज्ञेन (j~nAnayaj~nena) = by cultivation of knowledge
ज्ञानयोगेन (j~nAnayogena) = by the linking process of knowledge
ज्ञानवतां (j~nAnavatAM) = of the wise
ज्ञानवान् (j~nAnavAn) = one who is in full knowledge
ज्ञानवान् (j~nAnavAn) = learned
ज्ञानस्य (j~nAnasya) = of knowledge
ज्ञानाः (j~nAnAH) = knowledge
ज्ञानाग्निः (j~nAnAgniH) = the fire of knowledge
ज्ञानात् (j~nAnAt) = than knowledge
ज्ञानानां (j~nAnAnAM) = of all knowledge
ज्ञानावस्थित (j~nAnAvasthita) = situated in transcendence
ज्ञानिनः (j~nAninaH) = of the knower
ज्ञानिनः (j~nAninaH) = to the person in knowledge
ज्ञानिनः (j~nAninaH) = the self-realized
ज्ञानिभ्यः (j~nAnibhyaH) = than the wise
ज्ञानी (j~nAnI) = one in full knowledge
ज्ञानी (j~nAnI) = one who is in knowledge
ज्ञानी (j~nAnI) = one who knows things as they are
ज्ञाने (j~nAne) = in knowledge
ज्ञानेन (j~nAnena) = with knowledge
ज्ञानेन (j~nAnena) = by knowledge
ज्ञास्यसि (j~nAsyasi) = you can know
ज्ञेयं (j~neyaM) = to be understood
ज्ञेयं (j~neyaM) = to be known
ज्ञेयं (j~neyaM) = the object of knowledge
ज्ञेयं (j~neyaM) = the objective of knowledge
ज्ञेयं (j~neyaM) = the knowable
ज्ञेयं (j~neyaM) = be known
ज्ञेयः (j~neyaH) = should be known
ज्ञेयोसि (j~neyosi) = You can be known