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Hospital Infection Control Guidelines: ICMR 2017

The main objective of these guidelines is to prevent the health care workers and the environment from the transmission of infections.

The main objective of these guidelines is to prevent the health care workers and the environment from the transmission of infections

Introduction management

The emergence of life-threatening infections such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and re-emerging infectious diseases like plague and tuberculosis have highlighted the need for efficient infection control programmes in all health care settings and capacity building for health care workers so they can implement them. An infection control programme is considered efficient which, when used appropriately, restricts the spread of infection among patients and staff in the hospital. Good infection control programme also considerably reduces patients’ morbidity and mortality, length of hospital stay and cost associated with hospital stay. This is achieved by the prevention and management of infections through the application of research based knowledge to practices.

Components of infection control programme:

1. Basic measure for infection control – Standard and additional precaution

2. Education and training of health care workers

3. Protection of health care workers

4. Identification of hazards and minimizing risks

5. Aseptic techniques

6. Use of single use device, reprocessing of instruments and equipment

7. Antibiotic usage, management of blood/body fluid exposure, handling of blood/blood products and hospital waste management.

8. Surveillance

9. Outbreak investigationInvestigation Purpose of all investigation is to reveal the unvarnished truth. The constitutional courts are duty bound to ensure that the truth is revealed.

10. Incident monitoring

2a. Objectives

The main objective of these guidelines is to prevent the health care workers and the environment from the transmission of infections. The specific objectives of these guidelines are to provide directions and information in relation to:

  1. Facilities, equipment, and procedures necessary to implement standard and additional (transmission-based) precautions for control of infections
  2. Cleaning, disinfecting and reprocessing of reusable equipment
  3. Waste management
  4. Protection of health care workers from transmissible infections
  5. Prevention of HAI in patients
  6. Infection control practices in special situations

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Hospital Infection Control Guidelines