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 National Military Command, Field and Combat Manuals 

War crimes
Field Manual (1956) Field Manual 27-10, The Law of Land Warfare, US Department of the Army, 18 July 1956, as modified by Change No. 1, 15 July 1976. Rules of Engagement for the Vietnam War (1971)

National Military Manuals


LawLaw Positive command of sovereign or divine. One can be ruled either by a Statute, a Statue, or a Statement. Legislation is the rule-making process by a political or religious organisation. Physics governs natural law. Logical thinking is a sign of a healthy brain function. Dharma is eternal for Sanatanis. of WarWar Whenever Christians wage a war, it is a Just war (City of God). Jesus asked his followers to purchase swords (Luke 22: 35-36). Those who legitimately hold authority also have the right to use arms to repel aggressors against the civil community entrusted to their responsibility (Catechism 2265). Without Jihad there is no Islam. In Mahabharata, Krishna tried to stop the War imposed by Kurus. Lord Rama killed Ravan in the war to restore his wife. Deva and Asura battles are not available in Vedas. Manual (1969)
Leyes de Guerra, RC-46-1, Público, II Edición 1969, Ejército Argentino, Edición original aprobado por el Comandante en Jefe del Ejército, 9 May 1967.
Regulation for the Treatment of POWs (1985)
Reglamento para el Tratamiento de los Prisioneros de Guerra de la Armada, Publicación R.A.-6-006, Armada Argentina, Dirección General del Personal Naval, 1ra. Edición, 1985.
Navy Regulations (1986)
Reglamento General del Servicio Naval, Tomo 1, Del Servicio en General, Publicación R.G-1-003, Armada Argentina, Estado Mayor General de la Armada, 3ra. Edición, 1986.
Law of War Manual (1989)
Leyes de Guerra, PC-08-01, Público, Edición 1989, Estado Mayor Conjunto de las Fuerzas Armadas, aprobado por Resolución No. 489/89 del Ministerio de Defensa, 23 April 1990.


Law on the Manual of Internal Service (1996)
Law on the adoption of the Manual of Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the RepublicRepublic Res publica. Having a head of the state. Pope is the head of the Vatican City state. The people execute their power through an Elected (direct/indirect) President. Political parties sponsored their presidential candidates. Indian president is a constitutional puppet under the ruling Cabinet. In the case of the appointment of  Indian judges, presidential power is a vanishing point. of Armenia, adopted by Parliament on 3 December 1996.


Defence Force Manual (1994)
Manual on Law of Armed Conflict, Australian Defence Force Publication, Operations Series, ADFP 37 – Interim Edition, 1994.
Commanders’ Guide (1994)
Law of Armed Conflict, Commanders’ Guide, Australian Defence Force Publication, Operations Series, ADFP 37 Supplement 1 – Interim Edition, 7 March 1994.
Defence Training Manual (1994)
Law of Armed Conflict Training, DI(G) OPS 33-1, 24 January 1994.
Air Force Manual (1994)
Operations Law for RAAF Commanders, Royal Australian Air Force, DI (AF) AAP 1003, 1st Edition, 1994.
Defense Instructions (General) (2005)
Defence Instructions (General) PERS 33-4, Recruitment and employment of members under 18 years in the Australian Defence Force, Department of Defence, Canberra, 4 July 2005.
LOAC Manual (2006)
The Manual of the Law of Armed Conflict, Australian Defence Doctrine Publication 06.4, Australian Defence Headquarters, 11 May 2006.
Defence Instructions (General) (2008)
Defence Instructions (General) PERS 33-4, Management and administration of Australian Defence Force members under 18 years of age, Department of Defence, Canberra, 22 April 2008.


Manual on Prisoners of War (1963)
Instruction Relative au Traitement et à l’Administration des Prisonniers de Guerre, Règlement A 78, Ministère de la Défense Nationale, Administration Générale du Personnel, Direction des Statuts Administratifs, 1963.
Field Regulations (1964)
Règlement sur le Service en Campagne, Règlement IF 47, Ministère de la Défense Nationale, Etat-Major Général, Force Terrestre, Direction Supérieure de la Tactique, Direction Générale du Planning, Entraînement et Organisation, 1964.
Regulations on Armoured Infantry Squads (1972)
Le Peloton d’Infanterie Blindée, Règlement G 176, Ministère de la Défense Nationale, Etat-Major Général, Force Terrestre, Direction de l’Infanterie, des Paras-Commandos et de la Police Militaire, 1972.
Regulations on Tank Squadrons (1982)
L’Escadron de Chars, Règlement G 287, Ministère de la Défense Nationale, Etat-Major Général, Force Terrestre, Ecole des Troupes Blindées, 1982.
Law of War Manual (1983)
Droit Pénal et Disciplinaire Militaire et Droit de la Guerre, Deuxième Partie, Droit de la Guerre, Ecole Royale Militaire, par J. Maes, Chargé de cours, Avocat-général près la Cour Militaire, D/1983/1187/029, 1983.
Regulations on Anti-tank Squads (1986)
Règlement sur le Peloton Antichar Striker, Règlement G 294, Ministère de la Défense Nationale, Etat-Major Général, Force Terrestre, Ecole des Troupes Blindées, 1986.
Disciplinary Regulations (1991)
Règlement de Discipline pour l’Armée, Etat-Major Général, Division Personnel, 18 November 1991.
Regulations on Light Infantrymen (1991)
Le Peloton de Voltigeurs, Règlement G 293, Ministère de la Défense Nationale, Etat-Major Général, Force Terrestre, Ecole des Troupes Blindées, 1991.
Regulations on the Tactical Use of Large Units (1994)
L’Emploi Tactique des Grandes Unités, Règlement G 119, Ministère de la Défense Nationale, Etat-Major Général, Force Terrestre, Sections Operations et Entraînement, 1994 (édition provisoire).
Teaching Manual for Officers (1994)
Droit de la Guerre, Manuel d’Instruction pour Officiers, Etat-Major Général, Division Opérations, 1994.
LOAC Teaching Directive (1996)
Directive sur l’enseignement du droit des conflits armés et des règles d’engagement au sein des Forces Armées belges, Ordre Général J/185, Forces Armées, Etat-Major Général, Division Opérations, 8 February 1996.
Specific Procedure on the Prisoners of War Information Bureau (2007)
Structure et fonctionnement du Bureau de Renseignements sur les prisonniers de guerre, Procédure spécifique, Ministère de la Défense, 2007.
Teaching Manual for Soldiers (undated)
Droit de la Guerre, Dossier d’Instruction pour Soldat, à l’attention des officiers instructeurs, JS3, Etat-Major Général, Forces Armées belges.


Military Manual (1995)
Le Droit de la Guerre, III fascicules, Forces Armées du Bénin, Ministère de la Défense nationale, 1995.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Note: The Military Manual (1988) of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (see below) was adopted in its entirety by Article 12 of the Law on the Application of the Constitution of the Republika Srpska. According to the Report on the Practice of the Republika Srpska, it was applied in the context of the conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Report on the Practice of Republika Srpska, 1997, Chapter 1.1.
Military Instructions (1992)
Instructions on the Implementation of the International Law of War in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Official Gazette of ABiH, No. 2/92, 5 December 1992.
Instructions to the MuslimMuslim A community gathered around Muhammad (d. 632 CE) and confessed that Muhammad was the last of Prophets and he received Quran through Zibreel Farista from Allah. Hadith of Sahih Bukhari faithfully recorded the commands of Muhammad. He acknowledged the contribution of Jesus to the Abrahamic Religion. Fighter (1993)
Instructions to the Muslim Fighter, booklet, ABiH 3rd Corps, 1993, cited in ICTY, Hadžihasanović and Others Case, Amended Indictment, 11 January 2002, § 24.


Military Strategic Planning System (2005)
Sistemática de Planejamento Estratégico Militar (Military Strategic Planning System), Ministério da Defesa, Secretaria de Política, Estratégia e Assuntos Internacionais, MD51-M-01, Ordinance No. 998/SPEAI/MD of 24 August 2005, published in Diário Oficial da União, No. 167, Section 2, p. 4, 30 August 2005.
Operations Manual for the Evacuation of Non-Combatants (2007)
Manual de Operações de Evacuação de Não-Combatentes (Operations Manual for the Evacuation of Non-Combatants), Ministério da Defesa, Estado-Maior de Defesa, MD33-M-08, Ordinance No. 1351/EMD/MD of 11 October 2007, published in Diário Oficial da União, No. 198, 15 October 2007.

Burkina Faso

Disciplinary Regulations (1994)
Règlement de discipline générale dans les Forces Armées, Décret No. 94-159/IPRES/DEF, Ministère de la Défense, 1994.

Regulations on International Humanitarian Law (2007)
Règlement n° 98 sur le droit international humanitaire, Ministère de la Défense Nationale et des Anciens Combattants, Projet “Moralisation” (BDI/B-05), August 2007.


Disciplinary Regulations (1975)
Règlement de discipline dans les Forces Armées, Décret No. 75/700, 6 November 1975.
Instructor’s Manual (1992)
Droit international humanitaire et droit de la guerre, Manuel de l’instructeur en vigueur dans les Forces Armées, Présidence de la République, Ministère de la Défense, Etat-major des Armées, Troisième Division, Edition 1992.
Instructor’s Manual (2006)
Droit des conflits armés et droit international humanitaire, Manuel de l’instructeur en vigueur dans les forces de défense, Présidence de la République, Ministère de la Défense, Etat-major des Armées, Edition 2006.
Disciplinary Regulations (2007)
Règlement de discipline générale dans les forces de défense, Décret N° 2007/199, Président de la République, 7 July 2007.


Unit Guide (1990)
Unit Guide for the Geneva Conventions, Canadian Forces Publication C 318(4), 1990.
Rules of Engagement for Operation DeliveranceSalvation σωτηρίας (σωτηρᾱ), Moksha in Sanskrit, Moksha can not be achieved without performing Dharma, acquiring Artha ( money and meaning in life), enjoying Kama (fulfilling desires according to Dharma). αἴτιος σωτηρίας (Philo) - Delivery from molestation. Σωτηρίας- Safety money. paying the cost to the Father God for worldly safety and delivery from slavery.  (1992)
Canadian Joint Force Somalia: Rules of Engagement Operation Deliverance, completed on 11 December 1992, reprinted in James M. Simpson, Law Applicable to Canadian Forces in Somalia 1992/93. A study prepared for the Commission of Inquiry into the Deployment of Canadian Forces to Somalia, Minister of Public Works and Government Services, Ottawa, 1997, Appendix, pp. 73–80.
LOAC Manual (1999)
The Law of Armed Conflict at the Operational and Tactical Level, Office of the Judge Advocate General, 1999.
Code of Conduct (2001)
Code of Conduct for CF Personnel, Office of the Judge Advocate General, 4 June 2001.
LOAC Manual (2001)
The Law of Armed Conflict at the Operational and Tactical Levels, Office of the Judge Advocate General, 13 August 2001.
Prisoner of War Handling and Detainees Manual (2004)
Prisoner of War Handling, Detainees, Interrogation and Tactical Questioning in International Operations, B-GJ-005-110/FP-020, National Defence Headquarters, 1 August 2004.
Code of Conduct After Capture Manual (2004)
The Code of Conduct After Capture for the Canadian Forces, B-GJ-005-110/FP-010, National Defence Headquarters, 28 October 2004.
Code of Conduct (2005)
Code of Conduct for CF Personnel, Office of the Judge Advocate General, 2005.
Use of Force Manual (2008)
Use of Force for CF Operations, Canadian Forces Joint Publication, Chief of the Defence Staff, B-GJ-005-501/FP-001, August 2008.
Central African Republic
Instructor’s Manual (1999)
Le Droit de la Guerre, Ministère de la Défense, Forces Armées Centrafricaines, République Centrafricaine, 1999.
Le Droit de la Guerre, Fascicule No. 1: Formation élémentaire toutes armés (FETA), formation commune de base (FCB), certificat d’aptitude technique No. 1 (Chef d’équipe)
Le Droit de la Guerre, Fascicule No. 2: Formation pour l’obtention du certificat technique No. 2 (Chef de Groupe), du certificat Inter-Armé (CIA), du certificat d’aptitude de Chef de Patrouille (CACP)
Le Droit de la Guerre, Fascicule No. 3: Formation pour l’obtention du Brevet d’Armes No. 1, du Brevet d’Armes No. 2 et le stage d’Officier de Police Judiciaire (OPJ)
Disciplinary Regulations (2009)
Décret 09.411 portant règlement de discipline générale dans les Armées, Ministre de la Défense Nationale, des Anciens Combattants, des Victimes de Guerre, du Désarmement et de la Restructuration de l’Armée, 10 December 2009.


Instructor’s Manual (2006)
Droit international humanitaire, Manuel de l’instructeur en vigueur dans les forces armées et de sécurité, Ministère de la Défense, Présidence de la République, Etat-major des Armées, Edition 2006.


PLA Rules of Discipline (1947)
Order on Re-promulgation of the Three Main Rules of Discipline and the Eight Points for Attention by the Headquarters of the PLA, 10 October 1947, in Selected Works of Mao Zedong, Vol. 4, The People’s Press, p. 1241.


Circular on Fundamental Rules of IHL (1992)
Transcripción Normas Fundamentales del Derecho Humanitario Aplicables en los Conflictos Armados, Circular No. 033/DIPL-SERPO-526, Policía Nacional, Dirección General, Santafé de Bogotá, 14 May 1992.
Human Rights Teaching Plan (1992)
Plan de Instrucción General sobre Derechos Humanos, Comando General Fuerzas Militares, 1992.
Directive on IHL (1993)
Normas de Derecho Internacional Humanitario, Directiva Permanente No. 017, Ministerio de Defensa Nacional, 17 August 1993.
Basic Military Manual (1995)
Derecho Internacional Humanitario – Manual Básico para las Personerías y las Fuerzas Armadas de Colombia, Ministerio de Defensa Nacional, 1995.
Instructors’ Manual (1999)
Derechos Humanos & Derecho Internacional Humanitario – Manual de Instrucción de la Guía de Conducta para el Soldado e Infante de Marina, Ministerio de Defensa Nacional, Oficina de Derechos Humanos, Fuerzas Militares de Colombia, Santafé de Bogotá, 1999.
Soldiers’ Manual (1999)
Derechos Humanos & Derecho Internacional Humanitario – Guía de Conducta para el Soldado e Infante de Marina, Ministerio de Defensa Nacional, Oficina de Derechos Humanos, Fuerzas Militares de Colombia, Santafé de Bogotá, 1999.


Disciplinary Regulations (1986)
Décret No. 86/057 du 14 janvier 1986 portant Règlement du Service dans l’Armée Populaire Nationale, 1986.

Côte d’Ivoire

Teaching Manual (2007)
Droit de la guerre, Manuel d’instruction, Ministère de la Défense, Forces Armées Nationales, November 2007.
Livre I: Instruction de base
Livre II: Instruction du gradé et du cadre, Manuel de l’instructeur
Livre III, Tome 1: Instruction de l’élève officier d’active de 1ère année, Manuel de l’élève
Livre III, Tome 2: Instruction de l’élève officier d’active de 2ème année, Manuel de l’instructeur
Livre IV: Instruction du chef de section et du commandant de compagnie, Manuel de l’élève
Livre V: Instruction de l’officier d’état-major


LOAC Compendium (1991)
Compendium “Law of Armed Conflicts”, Republic of Croatia, Ministry of Defence, 1991.
Commanders’ Manual (1992)
Basic Rules of the Law of Armed Conflicts – Commanders’ Manual, Republic of Croatia, Ministry of Defence, 1992.
Soldiers’ Manual (1992)
Rules of Conduct for Soldiers, Republic of Croatia, Ministry of Defence, 1992.
Instructions on Basic Rules of IHL (1993)
Instructions “Basic Rules of International Humanitarian Law Applicable in Armed Conflicts”, Republic of Croatia, Ministry of Defence, 1993.


Regulation of the Internal Order of the Revolutionary Armed Forces (2002)
Reglamento de Orden Interior de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias, 2002, Ministerio de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias, aprobado por Orden No. 349 del Ministro de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias, Havana, 30 September 2002.


Directive on the Ban on Torture (2008)
Forbud Mod Tortur og Anden Grusom, Umenneskelig Eller Nedværdigende Behandling Eller Straf, FKODIR OP.005-0, Forsvarskommandoen (Ban on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, FKODIR 005-01, Defence Command of Denmark), September 2008, available at (last accessed 30 January 2014).


Disciplinary Regulations (1982)
Décret no. 82-028/PR/DEF du 5 mai 1982 portant règlement de la discipline générale dans les Forces armées.
Manual on International Humanitarian Law (2004)
Manuel sur le droit international humanitaire et les droits de l’homme applicables au travail du policier, Ministère de l’Intérieur, Direction Générale de la Police, 2004.
Dominican Republic
Military Manual (1980)
La Conducta en Combate según las Leyes de la Guerra, Escuela Superior de las FF. AA. “General de Brigada Pablo Duarte”, Secretaría de Estado de las Fuerzas Armadas, May 1980.


Naval Manual (1989)
Aspectos Importantes del Derecho Internacional Marítimo que Deben Tener Presente los Comandantes de los Buques, Academia de Guerra Naval, 1989.

El Salvador

Human Rights Charter of the Armed Forces (undated)
Derechos Humanos. Decálogo de la Fuerza Armada de El Salvador, Ministerio de la Defensa Nacional, Departamento de Derecho Humanitario.
Soldiers’ Manual (undated)
Manual del Combatiente.


Standing Rules of Engagement (2007)
Standing Rules of Engagement, National Defense Force, Addis Ababa, 2007.


Disciplinary Regulations as amended (1975)
Règlement de Discipline Générale dans les Armées, Decree No. 75-675 of 28 July 1975, replacing Decree No. 66-749, completed by Decree of 11 October 1978, implemented by Instruction No. 52000/DEF/C/5 of 10 December 1979, and modified by Decree of 12 July 1982, Ministère de la Défense, Etat-Major de l’Armée de Terre, Bureau Emploi.
LOAC Summary Note (1992)
Fiche de Synthèse sur les Règles Applicables dans les Conflits Armés, Note No. 432/DEF/EMA/OL.2/NP, Général de Corps d’Armée Voinot (pour l’Amiral Lanxade, Chef d’Etat-major des Armées), 1992.
LOAC Teaching Note (2000)
Fiche didactique relative au droit des conflits armés, Directive of the Ministry of Defence, 4 January 2000, annexed to the Directive No. 147 of the Ministry of Defence of 4 January 2000.

LOAC Manual (2001)
Manuel de droit des conflits armés, Ministère de la Défense, Direction des Affaires Juridiques, Sous-Direction du droit international humanitaire et du droit européen, Bureau du droit des conflits armés, 2001.


Soldiers’ Manual (1991)
Taschenkarte, Humanitäres Völkerrecht in bewaffneten Konflikten – Grundsätze, Bearbeitet nach ZDv 15/2, Humanitäres Völkerrecht in bewaffneten Konflikten – Handbuch, Zentrum Innere Führung, June 1991.
Military Manual (1992)
Humanitarian Law in Armed Conflicts – Manual, DSK VV207320067, edited by The Federal Ministry of Defence of the Federal Republic of Germany, VR II 3, August 1992, English translation of ZDv 15/2, Humanitäres Völkerrecht in bewaffneten Konflikten – Handbuch, August 1992. This manual was superseded by Law of Armed Conflict – Manual, Joint Service Regulation (ZDv) 15/2, DSK AV230100262, Federal Ministry of Defence, Berlin, 1 May 2013, English version of ZDv 15/2, Humanitäres Völkerrecht in bewaffneten Konflikten – Handbuch, 1 May 2013.
IHL Manual (1996)
ZDv 15/1, Humanitäres Völkerrecht in bewaffneten Konflikten – Grundsätze, DSK VV230120023, Bundesministerium der Verteidigung, June 1996.
Soldiers’ Manual (2006)
Druckschrift Einsatz Nr. 03, Humanitäres Völkerrecht in bewaffneten Konflikten – Grundsätze, Erarbeitet nach ZDv 15/2, Humanitäres Völkerrecht in bewaffneten Konflikten – Handbuch, DSK SF009320187, Bundesministerium der Verteidigung, R II 3, August 2006.


Internal Service Code of the Hellenic Territorial ArmyArmy The Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran shall be an Islamic army, which is an ideological and peoples army and which shall recruit competent individuals faithful to the objectives of the Islamic Revolution and ready to make sacrifices for attaining the same. (Art-144) (1984)
Hellenic Territorial Army Regulation of Internal Service Code, Presidential Decree 130/1984 (Military Regulation 20-1), as amended.
Hellenic Navy Regulations (1993)
Hellenic Navy Regulations (Part A), Presidential Decree 210/1993, as amended.
International Law Manual of the Hellenic Navy (1995)
International Law Manual, Hellenic Navy General Staff, Directorate A2, Division IV, 1995.


Soldier’s Manual (2010)
Soldier’s Manual, Ministry of National Defence, 2010.
Code of Conduct (2011)
Code de Conduite des Forces de Défense (Code of Conduct of the Defence Forces), 2011, Ministère de la Défense Nationale, approved by Presidential Decree No. D 289/PRG/SGG/2011, 28 November 2011.
Disciplinary Regulations (2012)
Règlement de Service dans les Forces Armées, Volume 1: Règlement de Discipline Générale (Service Regulations in the Armed Forces, Volume 1: General Discipline Regulations), 2012 edition, Ministère de la Défense Nationale, approved by Presidential Decree No. D 293/PRG/SGG/2012, 6 December 2012.
Code of Conduct (2014)
Code de Conduite des Forces de Défense (Code of Conduct of the Defence Forces), 2014 edition, Ministère de la Défense Nationale, 28 November 2011.


Military Manual (1992)
A Hadijog, Jegyzet a Katonai, Föiskolák Hallgatói Részére, Magyar Honvédség Szolnoki Repülötiszti Föiskola, 1992.

IndiaIndia Bharat Varsha (Jambu Dvipa) is the name of this land mass. The people of this land are Sanatan Dharmin and they always defeated invaders. Indra (10000 yrs) was the oldest deified King of this land. Manu's jurisprudence enlitened this land. Vedas have been the civilizational literature of this land. Guiding principles of this land are : सत्यं वद । धर्मं चर । स्वाध्यायान्मा प्रमदः । Read more

Manual of Military Law (1983)
Manual of Military Law, Three Volumes, Ministry of Defence, Government of India, 1983.
Police Manual (1986)
Police Manual for Handling Civil Disturbances, Home Ministry, Government of Maharashtra, Bombay, 1986.
Army Training Note (1995)
Army Training Note, Chief of Staff, Army Training Command, Ministry of Defence, Government of India, 1995.


Field Manual (1979)
Field Manual concerning the Treatment of Prisoners of War, Department of Defence, 1979.
Military Manual (1982)
The Basics of International Humanitarian Law, Legal Division of the Indonesian Armed Forces.
Air Force Manual (1990)
The Basics of International Humanitarian Law in Air Warfare, Indonesian Air Force, 1990.
Directive on Human Rights in Irian Jaya and Maluku (1995)
Directive concerning Human Rights, issued by the Commander of the Regional Military Command of Irian Jaya and Maluku, 1995.
Directive on Human Rights in Trikora (1995)
Directive concerning the Respect of Human Rights in Military Operations, issued by the Commander of the Regional Military Command of Trikora, No. Skep/96/XII/1995, 1 November 1995.


Basic LOAC Guide (2005)
Basic Guide to the Law of Armed Conflict, TP/TRG/01-2005, Director of Defence Forces Training, Department of Defence, July 2005.


Law of War Booklet (1986)
Conduct in the Battlefield in Accordance with the Law of War, Israel Defence Forces, 1986.
Manual on the Laws of War (1998)
Laws of War in the Battlefield, Manual, Military Advocate General Headquarters, Military School, 1998.
Manual on the Rules of Warfare (2006)
Rules of Warfare on the Battlefield, Military Advocate-General’s Corps Command, IDF School of Military Law, Second Edition, 2006.


IHL in Armed Conflicts Manual (1988)
Diritto umanitario nei conflitti armati, Academia Militare, 1988.
LOAC Elementary Rules Manual (1991)
Regole elementari di diritto di guerra, SMD-G-012, Stato Maggiore della Difesa, I Reparto, Ufficio Addestramento e Regolamenti, Rome, 1991.
IHL Manual (1991)
Manuale di diritto umanitario, Introduzione e Volume I, Usi e convenzioni di Guerra, SMD-G-014, Stato Maggiore della Difesa, I Reparto, Ufficio Addestramento e Regolamenti, Rome, 1991.
PeacePeace εἰρήνη Operations Manual (1994)
Manuale interforze per le operazioni di pace, Stato Maggiore della Difesa, 1994.
Combatant’s Manual (1998)
Manuale del Combattente, SME 1000/A/2, Stato Maggiore Esercito/Reparto Impiego delle Forze, Ufficio Dottrina, Addestramento e Regolamenti, 1998.


Code of Conduct for Self-Defense Forces’ Criminal Investigations (1959)
Code of Conduct for Self-Defense Forces’ Criminal Investigations, SDF Instructions No. 72, 21 December 1959.
Self-Defence Force Notification (1965)
Notification on the Treatment of an Emblem of the Red Cross and ID Cards for Medical Staff, Land Self-Defence Force Notification No. 92-11, 1 October 1965.


LOAC Manual (1997)
Law of Armed Conflict, Military Basic Course (ORS), 4 Précis, The School of Military Police.


Military Laws (1962–1980)
Military Laws, 1962–1980.
Statute of the Police Force (1968)
Statute of the Police Force, Law No. 23, Ministry of Interior, 1968.


Law of War Manual (1999)
Law of War, D. Akmatov and B. Markei, ed. Izdatelskii, Republic of Kyrgyzstan, 1999.
Military Manual (1999)
Law of Armed Conflicts – Manual for the Education of Officers of the Armed Forces, Ministry of Defence, Republic of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, 1999.


Army Regulations (1971)
Règlement Général de l’Armée, No. 1/400, Ministère de la Défense, Commandement de l’Armée, 14 January 1971.
Field Manual (1996)
Manuel de Service du Terrain dans l’Armée Libanaise, Arrêt No. 3188/A.A./Q, Département de l’Armée pour la Planification, Direction des Etudes Générales, 23 October 1996.
Teaching Manual (1997)
Manuel de l’Instruction Nationale dans l’Armée Libanaise, 1997.


Military Manual (1994)
Le Droit des Conflits Armés, Ministère des Forces Armées, August 1994.


Army Regulations (1979)
Règlement du Service dans l’Armée, 1ère Partie: Discipline Générale, Ministère de la Défense Nationale, 1979.


Army and Air Force Manual (2009)
Manual de Derecho Internacional Humanitario para el Ejército y la Fuerza Área Mexicanos, Ministry of National Defence, June 2009, available at (last accessed 14 March 2013).
IHL Guidelines (2009)
Cartilla de Derecho Internacional Humanitario, Ministry of National Defence, 2009, available at (last accessed 12 March 2013).


Disciplinary Regulations (1974)
Règlement de Discipline Général dans les Forces Armées Royales, Dahir No. 1-74-383 du 15 rejeb 1394, 5 August 1974.


IHL and IHRL Integration Order (2008)
IHL and IHRL Integration Order for the Nepalese Army, Chief of the Army Staff, Army Headquarters Kathmandu, File Ref. 14644/9/A/064/65/22/874, 22 February 2008.


Military Manual (1993)
Toepassing Humanitair Oorlogsrecht, Voorschrift No. 27-412/1, Koninklijke Landmacht, Ministerie van Defensie, 1993.
Aide-Mémoire for IFOR Commanders (1995)
Aide-Mémoire voor IFOR Commandanten, First Edition, 21 December 1995.
IFOR Instructions (1995)
IFOR Instructiekaart, geweldsinstructie, First Edition, 18 December 1995.
Military Handbook (1995)
Handboek Militair, Ministerie van Defensie, 1995.
Military Manual (2005)
Humanitair Oorlogsrecht: Handleiding, Voorschrift No. 27-412, Koninklijke Landmacht, Militair Juridische Dienst, 2005.

New Zealand

Military Manual (1992)
Interim Law of Armed Conflict Manual, DM 112, New Zealand Defence Force, Headquarters, Directorate of Legal Services, Wellington, November 1992.


Military Manual (1996)
Manual de Comportamiento y Proceder de las Unidades Militares y de los Miembros del Ejército de Nicaragua en Tiempo de Paz, Conflictos Armados, Situaciones Irregulares o Desastres Naturales, Ejército de Nicaragua, Estado Mayor General, Asesoría Jurídica del Nicaragua, 1996.


Note: According to the Report on the Practice of Nigeria, in areas not covered by domestic legislation and manuals, resort is made to the UK Military Manual, which is applied as Nigerian law either “as an unrepealed statute of general application or because the content of the rules have become crystallized as part of common lawCommon law The legal system that originated in England and is now in use in the United States. It is based on court decisions rather than statutes passed by the legislature. or international customary law of war”. Report on the Practice of Nigeria, 1997, Introduction, p. 2.
Operational Code of Conduct (1967)
Operational Code of Conduct for Nigerian Armed Forces, Federal Military Government of Nigeria, July 1967.
Military Manual (1994)
International Humanitarian Law (IHL), Directorate of Legal Services, Nigerian Army, 1994.
Manual on the Laws of War (undated)
The Laws of War, by Lt. Col. L. Ode PSC, Nigerian Army, Lagos.
Soldiers’ Code of Conduct (undated)
Code of Conduct for Combatants, “The Soldier’s Rules”, Nigerian Army.


Medical Services Directive (2009)
Directive on Compliance with Certain International Law Obligations concerning the Medical Services, Chief of Defence, Defence Staff Norway, 1 May 2009.


Manual of Pakistan Military Law (1987)
Manual of Pakistan Military Law, Vol. 1, Ministry of Defence, Government of Pakistan, 1987.


Human Rights Charter of the Security Forces (1991)
Derechos Humanos: Decálogo de las Fuerzas del Orden, Comando Conjunto de las Fuerzas Armadas, Ministerio de Defensa, Ejército Peruano, 1991.
Human Rights Charter of the Armed Forces (1994)
Derechos Humanos: Principios, Normas y Procedimientos, MFA 09-1, Comando Conjunto de las Fuerzas Armadas, Ministerio de Defensa, Ejército Peruano, Lima, Peru, May 1994.
IHL Manual (2004)
Manual de Derecho Internacional Humanitario para las Fuerzas Armadas, Resolución Ministerial Nº 1394-2004-DE/CCFFAA/CDIH-FFAA, Lima, 1 December 2004, published in Diario Oficial El Peruano, 8 December 2004, p. 281904.
IHL and Human Rights Manual (2010)
Manual de Derecho Internacional Humanitario y Derechos Humanos para las Fuerzas Armadas, Resolución Ministerial No 049-2010/DE/VPD, Lima, 21 May 2010, available at (last accessed 2 January 2013).


Note: According to a naval officer interviewed for the Report on the Practice of the Philippines, in the absence of an updated military manual, the Armed Forces of the Philippines follow the laws of war as applied by the United States of America, Report on the Practice of the Philippines, 1997, Chapter 2.9, Footnote 28.
Military Directive to Commanders (1988)
Protection and Rehabilitation of Innocent Civilians Affected by AFP Counterinsurgency Operations, Directive to Commanders of Major Services and Area Commands, Office of the Chief of Staff, General Headquarters of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, Ministry of National Defense, 15 July 1988.
Handbook on Discipline (1989)
Handbook on Discipline, Armed Forces of the Philippines, 1989.
Military Instructions (1989)
Safety of Innocent Civilians and Treatment of the Wounded and Dead, Directive to Commanders of Major Services and Area Commands, Office of the Chief of Staff, General Headquarters of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, Ministry of National Defence, 6 September 1989.
Rules for Combatants (1989)
Rules for Combatants, in Handbook on Discipline, Annex C(II), General Headquarters, Armed Forces of the Philippines, Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo, Quezon City, 1989.
Soldier’s Rules (1989)
Soldier’s Rules, in Handbook on Discipline, Annex C(I), General Headquarters, Armed Forces of the Philippines, Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo, Quezon City, 1989.
Code of Ethics (1991)
Armed Forces of the Philippines Code of Ethics, 1991.
Joint Circular on Adherence to IHL and Human Rights (1991)
Implementation Guidelines for Presidential Memorandum Order No. 393, dated 9 September 1991, Directing the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the Philippines National Police to Reaffirm their Adherence to the Principles of Humanitarian Law and Human Rights in the Conduct of Security/Police Operations, Joint Circular Number 2-91, Department of National Defense, Department of Interior and Local Government, 1991.
Police Rules of Engagement (1993)
National Police Rules of Engagement, 1993.
Manual on Ethical Doctrine (1995)
Manual on Ethical Doctrine, PNPM-0-0-8-95 (DHRDD), Directorate for Human Resource and Doctrine Development, National Headquarters, Philippine National Police, Revised, August 1995 Edition.
Air Power Manual (2000)
Air Power Manual, Philippine Air Force, Headquarters, Office of Special Studies, May 2000.
AFP Standing Rules of Engagement (2005)
Armed Forces of the Philippines Standing Rules of Engagement (AFP SROE), General Headquarters, Armed Forces of the Philippines, Office of the Chief of Staff, Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo, Quezon City, 1 December 2005.
Philippine Army Soldier’s Handbook on Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law (2006)
Philippine Army Soldier’s Handbook on Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law, A Practical Guide for Internal Security Operations, 2006.


Code of Honour of the Professional Soldier (2008)
Obwieszczenie Ministra Obrony Narodowej z dnia 3 marca 2008 r. w sprawie ogłoszenia “Kodeksu Honorowego Żołnierza Zawodowego Wojska Polskiego” (The Code of Honour of the Professional Soldier of the Polish Armed Forces, adopted by the Assembly of Trustees of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland, 17 October 2006, promulgated by the Minister of National Defence on 3 March 2008), published in the Official Gazette of the Ministry of National Defence, No. 5, Item 55, 26 March 2008.
Prisoner of War Handling Procedures (2009)
Norma Obronna NO-02-A020:2000, Procedury postępowania z jeńcami wojennymi (Prisoner of War Handling Procedures, Defence Standard NO-02-A020:2000), enacted by decision No. 134/MON related to the Approval and Enforcement of Regulatory Instruments in Respect of State Defence and Security, 21 April 2009, published in the Official Gazette of the Ministry of National Defence, No. 8, Item 99, April 2009.
Procedures Governing the Interment of Soldiers Killed in Action (2009)
Norma Obronna NO-02-A053:2004, Działania wojenne Procedury pochówku poległych i zmarłych (Procedures Governing the Interment of Soldiers Killed in Action, Defence Standard NO-020-A053:2004), enacted by decision No. 134/MON related to the Approval and Enforcement of Regulatory Instruments in Respect of State Defence and Security, 21 April 2009, published in the Official Gazette of the Ministry of National Defence, No. 8, Item 99, April 2009.

Republic of Korea

Military Regulation 187 (1991)
Military Regulation 187, 1 January 1991.
Military Operations Law of War Compliance Regulation (1993)
Military Operations Law of War Compliance Regulation, Regulation No. 525-8, 1 November 1993, Statute 525-8 of United NationsUNO The main bodies of the United Nations are the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, the International Court of Justice, and the UN Secretariat. All were established under the UN Charter when the Organization was founded in 1945. It has 193 members. Command/Combined Force Command (UNC/CFC), Statute of Observing Laws of War of 15 December 1988.
Regulation for Compliance with the Laws of War (1994)
Regulation for Compliance with the Laws of War, promulgated as Army Regulation 187, 1 April 1994.
Military Law Manual (1996)
Military Law Manual, 1996.
Operational Law Manual (1996)
Operational Law Manual, 1996.


Soldiers’ Manual (1991)
Manualul Soldatului, Ghid de comportare în luptă, Asociaţia Română de Drept Umanitar (ARDU), 1991.
Russian Federation
Military Manual (1990)
Instructions on the Application of the Rules of International Humanitarian Law by the Armed Forces of the USSR, Appendix to Order of the USSR Defence Minister No. 75, 1990.
Regulations on the Application of IHL (2001)
Regulations on the Application of International Humanitarian Law by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Nastavlenie po mezhdunarodnomu gumanitarnomu pravu dlya Vooruzhennyh Sil Rossiiskoi Federatsii), Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, Moscow, 8 August 2001.
Combat Manual (2005)
Combat Manual on the Preparation and Conducting of Combined-Arms Battles (Boevoi ustav po podgotovke i vedeniu obshevoiskovogo boya), Part 3, Platoon, Subdivision, Tank, endorsed by Order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces No. 19, 24 February 2005.
Disciplinary Regulations (2007)
Disciplinary Regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Disciplinarniy ustav vooruzhennikh sil Rossiskoi Federacii), approved by Decree No. 1495 of the President of the Russian Federation, 10 November 2007.
Internal Service Regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (2007)
Internal Service Regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Ustav vnutrennei sluzhbi vooruzhennikh sil Rossiskoi Federacii), approved by Decree No. 1495 of the President of the Russian Federation, 10 November 2007.


Military Instructions (1987)
Cours d’organisation destiné aux commandants de compagnie, Ecole Supérieure Militaire, Kigali, 4ème édition, 1987.
Disciplinary Regulations (undated)
Règlement de Discipline Militaire – Amategeko ya Disciplini Y’Ingabo Z’Igihugu – Military Disciplinary Regulations.


Disciplinary Regulations (1990)
Règlement de Discipline dans les Forces Armées, Décret 90-1159, 12 October 1990.
IHL Manual (1999)
Le DIH adapté au contexte des opérations de maintien de l’ordre, République du Sénégal, Ministère des Forces Armées, Haut Commandement de la Gendarmerie et Direction de la Justice Militaire, Cabinet, 1999.

Sierra Leone

Instructor Manual (2007)
The Law of Armed Conflict. Instructor Manual for the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces (RSLAF), Armed Forces Education Centre, September 2007.
South AfricaAfrica Eastern Africa Burundi Comoros Djibouti Eritrea Ethiopia Kenya Madagascar Malawi Mauritius Mayotte Mozambique Réunion Rwanda Seychelles Somalia South Sudan Tanzania Uganda Zambia Zimbabwe Middle Africa Angola Cameroon Central African Republic Chad Congo Democratic Republic of the Congo Equatorial Guinea Gabon São Tomé e Príncipe Northern Africa Algeria Egypt Libya Morocco Sudan Tunisia Western Sahara Southern Africa Botswana Eswatini Lesotho Namibia South Africa Western Africa Benin Burkina Faso Cape Verde Islands Côte d’Ivoire Gambia Ghana Guinea Guinea-Bissau Liberia Mali Mauritania Niger Nigeria Saint Helena Senegal Sierra Leone Togo
LOAC Manual (1996)
Presentation on the South African Approach to International Humanitarian Law, Appendix A, Chapter 4: International Humanitarian Law (The Law of Armed Conflict), National Defence Force, 1996.
Medical Services Military Manual (undated)
Medical Services Military Manual – Humanitarian Law, South African Medical Service Academy in Voortrekkerhoogte, s.d.
Revised Civic Education Manual (2004)
Revised Civic Education Manual, South African National Defence Force, 2004.
LOAC Teaching Manual (2008)
Advanced Law of Armed Conflict Teaching Manual, School of Military Justice, 1 April 2008, as amended to 25 October 2013, Learning Unit 1.
Advanced Law of Armed Conflict Teaching Manual, School of Military Justice, 1 April 2008, as amended to 25 October 2013, Learning Unit 2.
Advanced Law of Armed Conflict Teaching Manual, School of Military Justice, 1 April 2008, as amended to 25 October 2013, Learning Unit 3.
Advanced Law of Armed Conflict Teaching Manual, School of Military Justice1 April 2008, as amended to 25 October 2013, Learning Unit 4.
Advanced Law of Armed Conflict Teaching Manual, School of Military Justice, 1 April 2008, as amended to 25 October 2013, Learning Unit 5.


Field Regulations (1882)
El Reglamento para el Servicio de Campaña, 4 January 1882.
Order 60/1992 on Military Instruction for High-Ranking Officers (1992)
Orden 60/1992 sobre Planes de Estudio para la Enseñanza Militar de Formación de Grado Superior de los Cuerpos Generales de los Ejércitos e Infantería de Marina, Ministry of Defence, 30 July 1992, Boletín Oficial de Defensa, No. 160, 17 August 1992, p. 7.789.
Order 63/1993 on Military Instruction for Other Officers (1993)
Orden 63/1993 sobre Planes de Estudio de la Enseñanza Militar de Formación de los Cuerpos Comunes de las Fuerzas Armadas, Escala Superior y Media, Ministry of Defence, 31 May 1993, Boletín Oficial de Defensa, No. 110, 8 June 1993, p. 3.786.
LOAC Manual (1996)
Orientaciones. El Derecho de los Conflictos Armados, Publicación OR7-004, 2 Tomos, aprobado por el Estado Mayor del Ejército, División de Operaciones, 18 March 1996.
LOAC Manual (2007)
Orientaciones. El Derecho de los Conflictos Armados, Tomo 1, Publicación OR7–004 (Edición Segunda), Mando de Adiestramiento y Doctrina, Dirección de Doctrina, Orgánica y Materiales, 2 November 2007.


Military Manual (1976)
Folkrätten – Internationella regler i krig, Blhang Svensk soldat, 1976.
IHL Manual (1991)
International Humanitarian Law in Armed Conflict, with reference to the Swedish Total Defence System, Swedish Ministry of Defence, January 1991.


Military Manual (1984)
Lois et coutumes de la guerre, Manuel 51.7/III dfi, Armée suisse, 1984;
abrogated by The Ten Basic Rules of the Law of Armed Conflict, Aide-memoire 51.007/IIIe, Swiss Army, issued based on Article 10 of the Ordinance for Organisation of the Federal Department for Defence, Civil Protection and Sports dated 7 March 2003, entry into force on 1 July 2005.
Teaching Manual (1986)
Droit des gens en temps de guerre, Programme d’instruction fondé sur le Manuel 51.7/III “Lois et coutumes de la guerre”, Cours de base pour recrues de toutes les armes 97.2f, Armée suisse, 1986.
Basic Military Manual (1987)
Lois et coutumes de la guerre (Extrait et commentaire), Règlement 51.7/II f, Armée Suisse, 1987;
abrogated by Bases légales du comportement à l’engagement (BCE), Règlement 51.007/IVf, Swiss Army, issued based on Article 10 of the Ordinance on the Organization of the Federal Department for Defence, Civil Protection and Sports of 7 March 2003, entry into force on 1 July 2005.
Aide-Memoire on the Ten Basic Rules of the Law of Armed Conflict (2005)
The Ten Basic Rules of the Law of Armed Conflict, Aide-memoire 51.007/IIIe, Swiss Army, issued based on Article 10 of the Ordinance for Organization of the Federal Department for Defence, Civil Protection and Sports dated 7 March 2003, entry into force on 1 July 2005.
Regulation on Legal Bases for Conduct during an Engagement (2005)
Bases légales du comportement à l’engagement (BCE), Règlement 51.007/IVf, Swiss Army, issued based on Article 10 of the Ordinance on the Organization of the Federal Department for Defence, Civil Protection and Sports of 7 March 2003, entry into force on 1 July 2005.
For the German language version, see: Rechtliche Grundlagen für das Verhalten im Einsatz, Reglement 51.007/IVd, Swiss Army, entry into force on 1 July 2005.
Regulation on Ten Basic Rules for the Protection of Cultural Property (2013)
Ten Basic Rules for the Protection of Cultural Property, Regulation 51.007.05e, issued on the basis of Article 10 of the Ordinance on the Organization of the Federal Department for Defence, Civil Protection and Sports of 7 March 2003 (date of signature), signed on 21 March 2013, entry into force on 1 July 2013.


Order on Law of Armed Conflict Curriculum (1997)
Order No. 566 on the Inclusion of the Subject “Law of Armed Conflict” in the Curriculum of the Republican Specialised Boarding School No. 1 in Dushanbe, 1 October 1997.
Order No. 148 on Law of Armed Conflict Courses (1997)
Order No. 148 on the Implementation of the “Law of Armed Conflict” Courses at the Military Chairs of Civilian Institutions of Higher Education, at the S. Safarov Tajik Higher Military College and at the Military Schools of the Republic of Tajikistan, Ministry of Defence, 8 August 1997.
Order No. 554 on Law of Armed Conflict Courses (1997)
Order No. 554 on the Implementation of the “Law of Armed Conflict” Courses at the Military Chairs of Civilian Institutions of Higher Education of the Republic of Tajikistan, 24 September 1997.
Manual of Internal Service of the Armed Forces (2001)
Manual of Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Tajikistan, endorsed by the Decree of the Madjilsi Namoyandagon of Madjlisi Oli [Parliament] of the Republic of Tajikistan no. 273 of 4 April 2001 and promulgated by the Order of the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Tajikistan no. 3 of 2 May 2001.


Military Manual (1996)
Le Droit de la Guerre, III fascicules, Etat-major Général des Forces Armées Togolaises, Ministère de la Défense nationale, 1996.


Code of Conduct (1986)
Code of Conduct for the National Resistance Army (NRA), Legal Notice No. 1 of 1986 (Amendment), 23 August 1986.
Operational Code of Conduct (1986)
Operational Code of Conduct for the National Resistance Army (NRA), Legal Notice No. 1 of 1986 (Amendment), 23 August 1986.
LOAC Dissemination Directive (2006)
Chief of Defence Forces Directive: Dissemination of the Law of Armed Conflict, Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF), Chief of Defence Forces, 5 May 2006.


Manual on the Application of IHL Rules (2004)
Manual on the Application of the Rules of International Humanitarian Law in the Armed Forces of the Ukraine, Manual Order 400, Ministry of Defence, Kiev, 11 September 2004.

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Military Manual (1958)
The Law of War on Land being Part III of the Manual of Military Law, The War Office, HMSO, 1958.
LOAC Pamphlet (1981)
The Law of Armed Conflict, D/DAT/13/35/66, Army Code 71130 (Revised 1981), Ministry of Defence, prepared under the Direction of The Chief of the General Staff, 1981.
LOAC Manual (2004)
The Manual of the Law of Armed Conflict, Ministry of Defence, 1 July 2004.
as amended by Amendment 2, Ministry of Defence, July 2007;
as amended by Amendment 3, Ministry of Defence, September 2010.;

United States of America

Field Manual (1956)
Field Manual 27-10, The Law of Land Warfare, US Department of the Army, 18 July 1956, as modified by Change No. 1, 15 July 1976.
Rules of Engagement for the Vietnam War (1971)
Rules of Engagement for the Employment of Firepower in the Republic of Viet-Nam, US Military Assistance Command Viet-Nam, Directive No. 525-13, May 1971, unclassified contents reprinted in Eleanor C. McDowell, Digest of United States Practice in International Law, 1975, US Department of State Publication 8865, Washington, D.C., 1976, pp. 814–815.
Air Force Pamphlet (1976)
Air Force Pamphlet 110-31, International Law – The Conduct of Armed Conflict and Air Operations, US Department of the Air Force, 1976.
Code of Conduct (1979)
Code of the US Fighting Force, American Forces Information Service, Department of Defence, 1979.
Air Force Commander’s Handbook (1980)
Air Force Pamphlet 110-34, Commander’s Handbook on the Law of Armed Conflict, Judge Advocate General, US Department of the Air Force, 25 July 1980.
Soldier’s Manual (1984)
Your Conduct in Combat under the Law of War, Publication No. FM 27-2, Headquarters Department of the Army, Washington, November 1984.
Instructor’s Guide (1985)
Instructor’s Guide – The Law of War, Headquarters Department of the Army, Washington, April 1985.
Health Service Manual (1991)
Field Manual 8–10, Health Service Support in a Theatre of Operations, Department of the Army Headquarters, 1 March 1991.
Rules of Engagement for Operation Desert Storm (1991)
Desert Storm – Rules of Engagement, Pocket Card, US Central Command, January 1991, reprinted in Operational Law Handbook, International and Operational Law Department, The Judge Advocate General’s School, United States Army, Charlottesville, Virginia, 1995, pp. 8-7 and 8-8.
Operational Law Handbook (1993)
Operational Law Handbook, JA 422, Center for Law and Military Operations and International Law Division, The Judge Advocate General’s School, United States Army, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903-1781, 1993.
Naval Handbook (1995)
The Commander’s Handbook on the Law of Naval Operations, NWP 1-14M/MCWP 5-2.1/COMDTPUB P5800.7, issued by the Department of the Navy, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations and Headquarters, US Marine Corps, and Department of Transportation, US Coast Guard, October 1995 (formerly NWP 9 (Rev. A)/FMFM 1-10, October 1989).
Annotated Supplement to the Naval Handbook (1997)
Annotated Supplement to the Commander’s Handbook on the Law of Naval Operations, prepared by the Oceans Law and Policy Department, Center for Naval Warfare Studies, Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island, November 1997.
Manual for Military Commissions (2007)
Manual for Military Commissions, published in implementation of the Military Commissions Act of 2006, 10 U.S.C. §§ 948a, et seq., 18 January 2007.
Naval Handbook (2007)
The Commander’s Handbook on the Law of Naval Operations, NWP 1-14M/MCWP 5-12.1/COMDTPUB P5800.7, issued by the Department of the Navy, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations and Headquarters, US Marine Corps, and Department of Homeland Security, US Coast Guard, July 2007.
Manual on Detainee Operations (2008)
Detainee Operations, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joint Publication 3-63, 30 May 2008.
Manual for Military Commissions (2010)
Manual for Military Commissions, published in implementation of Chapter 47A of Title 10, United States Code, as amended by the Military Commissions Act of 2009, 10 U.S.C, §§ 948a, et seq., 27 April 2010.


Disciplinary Regulations (1980)
Reglamento General de Servicios No. 21 (1a y 2a Parte), Reglamento de Disciplina y Servicio Interno, 4ta. Edición, Publicación del Centro Militar, Vol. 61, Suplemento No. 58, April 1980.


Internal Service Manual (1996)
Manual of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan, adopted by Presidential Decree No. UP-1571, 9 October 1996.

Yugoslavia, Socialist Federal Republic of

Military Manual (1988)
Propisi o Primeri Pravila Medjunarodnog Ratnog Prava u Oruzanim Snagama SFRJ, PrU-2, Savezni Sekretarijat za Narodnu Odbranu (Pravna Uprava), 1988.


Code of Conduct for Combatants (1993)
Code of Conduct for Combatants, Joint publication of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces and the International Committee of the Red Cross Regional Delegation in Harare, 1993.