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International Development Law Organization(NGO)

the rule of law is about safeguarding rights. The rule of law protects not only procedural rights through legal supremacy, certainty and due process, but also important substantive rights through an independent and impartial judiciary and laws consistent with international human rights standards. In many countries of the world, the rule of law operationalizes human rights through constitutional and legal protections, institutions for effective implementation and accountability, judicial and administrative remedies, and the legal empowerment of people to access justice and claim their rights.

International Development LawLaw Positive command of sovereign or divine. One can be ruled either by a Statute, a Statue, or a Statement. Legislation is the rule-making process by a political or religious organisation. Physics governs natural law. Logical thinking is a sign of a healthy brain function. Dharma is eternal for Sanatanis. Organization



IDLO Mission

IDLO enables governments, empowers people and strengthens institutions to realize justice, peace and sustainable development. We contribute to creating stable and inclusive societies where every person can live free from fear and want, in dignity and under the rule of law.

IDLO Vision of the Rule of Law

Our vision and mission are founded on the notion of the rule of law as embodying substantive justice and good governance as well as procedural fairness.

The rule of law is about rules, institutions and norms, the overall purpose of which is to regulate relations between state and individuals and among members of society, constrain the arbitrary exercise of power and ensure a just process.

The rule of law is also about equal protection. Affirming legal equality and impartial justice, the rule of law is concerned with the integrity of institutions and good governance.

Most importantly, the rule of law is about safeguarding rights. The rule of law protects not only procedural rights through legal supremacy, certainty and due process, but also important substantive rights through an independent and impartial judiciary and laws consistent with international human rights standards. In many countries of the world, the rule of law operationalizes human rights through constitutional and legal protections, institutions for effective implementation and accountability, judicial and administrative remedies, and the legal empowerment of people to access justice and claimA Claim A claim is “factually unsustainable” where it could be said with confidence before trial that the factual basis for the claim is entirely without substance, which can be the case if it were clear beyond question that the facts pleaded are contradicted by all the documents or other material on which it is based. their rights.

The rule of law is relevant to all three dimensions of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental. By ensuring stable and transparent legal regimes, the rule of law promotes economic development. By ensuring equal opportunity and equitable access to basic services, it promotes social development. By strengthening the legal framework to protect the environment and set regulatory frameworks for natural resource management that provide fair and sustainable development outcomes, it advances the environmental dimension of development.

Strategy 2020

IDLO’s Strategic Plan 2017 – 2020

IDLO Values

People focused

The ultimate beneficiaries of our work are justice seekers – the people who claim justice and seek the protection of the rule of law, although our immediate beneficiaries are often state institutions, government officials and civil society groups. We will strive to empower people and build their trust and confidence in the rule of law.

Justice oriented

We subscribe to a vision of the rule of law that encompasses substantive justice as well as procedural fairness, and is consistent with international human rights norms and standards. We will promote and uphold our understanding of the rule of law without being prescriptive or peremptory and with sensitivity to local context.

Gender sensitive

We are committed to promoting gender equality through non-discriminatory gender-responsive laws and institutions, enhancing women’s access to justice and increasing their legal empowerment to achieve sustainable development. We will ensure that all our programs, projects and activities are gender-informed and benefit from gender-analysis.

Local ownership

We recognize that reforms are most likely to be sustainable when they are owned by those whom they intend to benefit. While anchoring our work in international standards and values, we will align our assistance with local priorities, seek local support and ownership from a wide range of societal stakeholders, and work closely with local partners to meet local needs based on locally defined parameters.

Context specific

IDLO will take account of the distinct nature of each situation in which we work and invest in understanding the context, including the political and social structures, any gender imbalances and human rights issues. We will seek to identify the best entry points for programmatic intervention and for policy advocacy, taking into account the political dynamics and keeping in mind the needs of the end-users of justice, especially women, the poor, marginalized and vulnerable groups.

Legal pluralism

Although the values and standards of the rule of law are universal and must be universally respected, we accept the plurality of legal systems. We believe that it requires us to engage with all formal legal systems and where relevant also with informal or customary and community-based justice.


IDLO are committed to promote empowering solutions through capacity development and partnership-building. We foster the ability of institutions, individuals and the sector itself to deliver timely, good quality justice with an efficient use of resources. We help justice seekers to learn about their rights, asserting and using them to improve their own well-being. In so doing, we acknowledge the importance of inclusive participatory approaches.

Transparency & accountability

IDLO recognize the importance of being held accountableAccountable The legal and political obligation of an independent institution to properly explain and justify its decisions to the citizens and their elected representatives, thereby making it responsible for fulfilling its objectives. The Supreme Court of India is not accountable to the Indian citizens and, more formally, to the Parliament. for our results and the use of our resources. We will work to enhance transparency and accountability to our program partners, beneficiaries, funding partners and governing bodies. We are committed to continue reporting according to the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI).

Human rights based

IDLO are committed to achieve our goals through a human rights-based approach. We will follow international human rights standards and ensure that our operations are directed at promoting and protecting human rights. We will anchor our development interventions in a system of rights and corresponding obligations established by international law, to promote sustainability, empower people to participate in policy formulation and hold accountable those who have a duty to act.

SOURCE: IDLO – Produced for Educational Purpose