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Your knowledge your health



  • 50 health facts identified by WHO Health Report 1998 - In 1997, of a global total of 52.2 million deaths, 17.3 million were due to infectious and parasitic diseases; 15.3 million were due to circulatory diseases; 6.2 million were due to cancerCancer Cancer is a term for a disease in which abnormal cells divide without control. Cancer cells can invade nearby tissues and can spread through the bloodstream and lymphatic system to other parts of the body. Dictionary of Cancer. Cancer Types: Primary Bone Cancer, Cancer in Children and Adolescents, Head and Neck Cancers, Inflammatory Breast Cancer, Paget Disease of the Breast. There exists a possible connection between acrylamide, artificial sweeteners, fluoridated water, and Oral Contraceptives. Vitamin D and antioxidants may protect cells from the damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals.  ; 2.9 million were due to respiratory diseases, mainly chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; and 3.6 million were due to perinatal conditions.
  • 80% of people infected by Zika virus have no symptoms - Zika was identified in humans in 1952 Zika virus is a mosquito-borne flavivirus that was...
  • Anatomy of an Illness -Norman Cousins - In his Anatomy of on Illness, Cousins identifies the natural recuperative mechanisms of the body with the processes that Waiter B. Cannon called homeostatic responses--namely, the natural processes that enable the organism to return to the "normal" state in which it was before being disturbed by a noxious influence. In reality, vis medicatrix naturae is much more complex, more powerful and more interesting than Cannon's homeostasis.
  • भारत के वैज्ञानिकों ने रक्त प्रवाह को सहज और डीवीटी निवारण हेतु उपकरण विकसित किया है - शरीर की भीतरी धमनियों (डीप वेन थ्रौमबोसिस-डीवीटी) या पैर की नसों में खून के थक्के जमने से जीवन के लिए खतरा पैदा हो सकता है। भारत के वैज्ञानिकों ने एक ऐसा उपकरण विकसित करने में सफलता प्राप्त की है जो रक्त प्रवाह को सहज करने में मददगार हो सकता है, जिससे डीवीटी जैसी समस्याओं से बचा जा सकता है।
  • Biophoton emission - Biophoton emission is the spontaneous emission of ultraweak light emanating from all living systems, including...
  • Cause of disease - He who does not spend several hours everyday in some active exercise, must inevitably suffer from a diminution of bodily strength, defect of appetite, and imperfect digestion, and becomes sooner or later the subject of disease.
  • Curing the pandemic of misinformation on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines through real evidence-based medicine – Part 1 - Although vaccine-induced myocarditis is not often fatal in young adults, MRI scans reveal that, of the ones admitted to hospital, approximately 80% have some degree of myocardial damage. It is like suffering a small heart attack and sustaining some – likely permanent – heart muscle injury. It is uncertain how this will play out in the longer-term, including if, and to what degree, it will increase the risk of poor quality of life or potentially more serious heart rhythm disturbances in the future.
  • Depression and sleeping disorder among 1 of 4 woman in USA aged 20 to 30 years - Depression in women is common, and 1 woman in 4 is likely to have an episode of major depression at some point in her life. Sleep disturbances, which are significantly associated with depression, are increasingly recognized as a determinant of women’s health and well-being. Although studies have examined the association between depression and sleep disorders, little research has explored this association among young women. Our study investigated the relationship between sleep problems and depression among women aged 20 to 30.
  • Flu and Influenza immunisation in UK-29,000 citizens died in 1989/90 - Influenza is a highly infectious viral infection which occurs mainly in Winter. It is usually of sudden onset with fever, chills, painful muscles, headache, backache and cough. Influenza for most people is an unpleasant but self-limiting illness, the main symptoms lasting up to about a week. Treatment is symptomatic and those affected are advised to stay at home, rest and drink plenty of fluids.
  • Guidelines on implementation of WHO certification scheme on quality of pharmaceutical products for international commerce - A comprehensive system of quality assurance must be founded on a reliable system of licensing and independent analysis of the finished product, as well as upon assurance obtained through independent inspection that all manufacturing operations are carried out in conformity with accepted norms, referred to as "good manufacturing practices" (GMP)
  • Health of Houses-Florence Nightengale 1860 - With regard to the health of houses where there is a sick person, it often happens that the sick room is made a ventilating shaft for the rest of the house. For while the house is kept as close, unaired, and dirty as usual, the window of the sick room is kept a little open always, and the door occasionally.
  • Hospital Charges for Operative Procedures All India Institute of Medical Sciences - Revised Rates of Hospital Charges for Operative Procedures All IndiaIndia Bharat Varsha (Jambu Dvipa) is the name of this land mass. The people of this land are Sanatan Dharmin and they always defeated invaders. Indra (10000 yrs) was the oldest deified King of this land. Manu's jurisprudence enlitened this land. Vedas have been the civilizational literature of this land. Guiding principles of this land are : सत्यं वद । धर्मं चर । स्वाध्यायान्मा प्रमदः । Read more Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi, India
  • India opted for Yoga-Naturopathy for Psychosocial Rehab of Covid-19 Patients - As per reports, the accompanying psychologic distress in covid 19 patients are often ignored and not managed. There have also been reports of anxiety and acute depression leading to suicides in Covid care hospitals. Many of the patients, according to inputs coming in from different countries, have had to contend with isolation anxiety and distress due to fear of worsening of symptoms. Complications like respiratory distress, hypoxia, fatigue and insomnia and other symptoms have also been observed.
  • Infants born vaginally are healthier than through C-section study revealed - A huge study of babies’ stool samples under “baby biome” project has found key differences...
  • International classification Disease-ICD 10 - The first international classification edition, known as the International List of Causes of Death, was adopted by the International Statistical Institute in 1893. ICD is the foundation for the identification of health trends and statistics globally, and the international standard for reporting diseases and health conditions. It is the diagnostic classification standard for all clinical and research purposes.
  • Medical Tests which a doctor can order you for routine checkup - MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCEJurisprudence It is a branch of philosophy, that discusses the legality of LawLaw Positive command of sovereign or divine. One can be ruled either by a Statute, a Statue, or a Statement. Legislation is the rule-making process by a political or religious organisation. Physics governs natural law. Logical thinking is a sign of a healthy brain function. Dharma is eternal for Sanatanis.. Oppenheimer...
  • Nitric Oxide and health benefit - Nitric oxide has been found to be produced by virtually every cellCell The smallest unit that can live on its own and that makes up all living organisms and the tissues of the body. A cell has three main parts: the cell membrane, the nucleus, and the cytoplasm. The cell membrane surrounds the cell and controls the substances that go into and out of the cell. The nucleus is a structure inside the cell that contains the nucleolus and most of the cell’s DNA. It is also where most RNA is made. The cytoplasm is the fluid inside the cell. It contains other tiny cell parts that have specific functions, including the Golgi complex, the mitochondria, and the endoplasmic reticulum. The cytoplasm is where most chemical reactions take place and where most proteins are made. The human body has more than 30 trillion cells. type in the body and plays an important role in controlling the normal function of cells as well as in regulating larger scale processes such as the nervous and immune systems.
  • Pharm. D. Regulations 2008 - Only such students who produce certificate from the Head of the Institution in which he or she has undergone the Pharm.D. or as the case may be, the Pharm.D. (Post Baccalaureate) course, in proof of his or her having regularly and satisfactorily undergone the course of study by attending not less than 80% of the classes held both in theory and in practical separately in each subject shall be eligible for appearing at examination.
  • Testimony of Pierre Kory, MD-“Focus on Early Treatment of COVID-19”- Dec 8, 2020 - In the last 3-4 months, emerging publications provide conclusive data on the profound efficacy of the anti-parasite, anti-viral drugDrug Any substance (other than food) that is used to prevent, diagnose, treat, or relieve symptoms of a disease or abnormal condition. Drugs can also affect how the brain and the rest of the bodywork and cause changes in mood, awareness, thoughts, feelings, or behavior. Some types of drugs, such as opioids, may be abused or lead to addiction. Apart from management Allopathic drugs never cure any disease., anti-inflammatory agentAgent An agent is a person employed to do any act for another or to represent another in dealings with third persons. The person for whom such act is done, or who is so represented, is called the principal. Indian Contract Act called ivermectin in all stages of the disease. Our protocol was created only recently, after we identified these data. Nearly all studies are demonstrating the therapeutic potency and safety of ivermectin in preventing transmission and progression of illness in nearly all who take the drug.
  • The Health Protection (Coronavirus) Regulations 2020 - “infected area” means any area (including a country) which the Secretary of State has declared, by notice published on, as an area where there is known or thought to be sustained human-to-human transmission of Coronavirus, or from which there is a high risk of importation of infection or contamination (with Coronavirus) via travel from that area to the UK
  • The man who saved thousands of people from HIV - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. sed diam voluptua.
  • Vitamin D supplement does not lower blood pressure and risk of hypertension - The increased blood pressure or risk of hypertension is partly explained by individuals’ baseline vitamin D status, the sample size, the intervention dose, and the follow-up duration. Meanwhile, considering that pre-existing conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and kidney disease may influence the physiologic mechanism of vitamin D on blood pressure, considerable variability may exist between individual patients and the general population.
  • What I Learned from Three Thousand Doctors - Anatomy of an Illness -Norman Cousins Previous 6. What I Learned from Three Thousand Doctors...
  • What is medicine - MedicineMedicine Refers to the practices and procedures used for the prevention, treatment, or relief of...